Hair comments from co-workers that irritate me...ARGGHHH!! (PMS Alert)


Deep Thinker
Hi Ladies,

Is it me or do you hate when people at work (men in particular) say stupid stuff like oh, that looks nice, did you get your hair done? I want to say ummm...... MY HAIR GETS DONE EVERY DAY! Okay, I may be PMSing a bit but it just irritates me!:wallbash:

Also, if my hair was just straight and barely shoulder length one day and the next day it's curled tightly (in a half-wig) and BEYOND shoulder length.... just say it looks nice... don't ask me what I did to my hair because it's obviously not all mine!! :nuts:

One more thing, if you happen to see me fixing my hair in the mirror.... do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT say, oh your hair looks fine, leave it alone. Ummm... that's the reason it looks fine, because I'm fixing it!!! If I wasn't fixing it, I'd be walking around with a piece sticking straight up in the air like Alphalfa and you'd be laughing at me :blush:.

Okay, I just needed to vent. Hopefully you ladies can relate to this PMS rant. Thanks for letting me vent and feel free to add your own gripes :grin:
Okay, I fell you completely! I'm the only black girl in my department and I came to work with micros (why did I do that)? The one thing that got on my nerves was, "Is that all your hair?" Umm yeah, I bought it with my money. I'm not this snobbish so I was very polite. "Can I touch it?" This is always asked no matter what style my hair is in. Because of all the attention I shied away from hairdos for a while. Once I wore my hair wrapped up because I have to put a cap on at work (steril garb) and they were flocking me talking about that is so pretty! I'm like, "my hair isn't combed!":pullhair:
Okay, I fell you completely! I'm the only black girl in my department and I came to work with micros (why did I do that)? The one thing that got on my nerves was, "Is that all your hair?" Umm yeah, I bought it with my money. I'm not this snobbish so I was very polite. "Can I touch it?" This is always asked no matter what style my hair is in. Because of all the attention I shied away from hairdos for a while. Once I wore my hair wrapped up because I have to put a cap on at work (steril garb) and they were flocking me talking about that is so pretty! I'm like, "my hair isn't combed!":pullhair:

LOL... I went through that with micros before too!! Once you take them out people say, oh, you got your hair cut. When in reality your hair is longer than before the micros once you take them out. :wallbash:

Oh and wanting to touch the hair.....AARRRGH again!! :nono:
My coworker who is always questioning me about me hair, touched my phony pony today and realized there was a baggy underneath. I explained to him that my "real" ponytail was moisturized in the baggy under the phony pony and he went on and on about how its no good to do this because the hair needs to breathe! (I guess the ends of my hair is being suffocated! lol)
LOL I've gotten 2 funny comments:

Once I wore a twistout and a co-worker said "Your natural hair is beautiful, you should stop flat-ironing it" :lachen:

Once I got cornrows and a co-worker said "man did it take like 8hrs to get those?" I said no it only took 45min. I think he didn't know the diff. between cornrows and individual micro-braids.
I wore my hair culy (I used Curlformers) to work one day. Big Mistake! This one guy kept saying, oh so you are wearing your hair kinky today everytime he saw me. I was so annoyed. He is usually an extremely nice guy so I let it go but inside I was fuming.
LOL I know exactly how you feel about annoying people at work. The other day my workmate told me I'm not black because I don't have 'black' hair, she then proceeded to tell me my family history and then gave a lecture to the white people about black people's hair and how it doesn't grow.
Hows THAT for annoying.
Hi Ladies,

Is it me or do you hate when people at work (men in particular) say stupid stuff like oh, that looks nice, did you get your hair done? I want to say ummm...... MY HAIR GETS DONE EVERY DAY! Okay, I may be PMSing a bit but it just irritates me!:wallbash:

Also, if my hair was just straight and barely shoulder length one day and the next day it's curled tightly (in a half-wig) and BEYOND shoulder length.... just say it looks nice... don't ask me what I did to my hair because it's obviously not all mine!! :nuts:

One more thing, if you happen to see me fixing my hair in the mirror.... do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT say, oh your hair looks fine, leave it alone. Ummm... that's the reason it looks fine, because I'm fixing it!!! If I wasn't fixing it, I'd be walking around with a piece sticking straight up in the air like Alphalfa and you'd be laughing at me :blush:.

Okay, I just needed to vent. Hopefully you ladies can relate to this PMS rant. Thanks for letting me vent and feel free to add your own gripes :grin:

I'm so with you on this! Last summer, I did my own braids and kinda left them really long. Well a co-worker got on the elevator with me and stood behind me. All of a sudden I hear her in a sista girl voice (She was a WW) Now girlfriend, you have to tell me. Is all of that your real hair!:blush: I was mortified, because the elevator was filled with men. It was like she wanted to embarrass me. Because I'm sure she knew. I told her half-heartedly that I did add some hair, but it was mine. I paid for it.

In hindsight I should have said: I'll tell you on one condition. You tell me your age and your weight(She was quite overweight) in front of everybody here. And then we'll talk. :wallbash:

I hear ya. Yesterday I mentioned to a fellow AA female coworker that I cowash my hair after every workout.

So she says, you can't do that, not with our hair.
So I say, "Well, I do, and I'm not bald.":look:
She says, "You are washing away the oil your scalp makes"

I basically give her the blank stare. I can't wait until December and I am APL. I am going to let my hair down and when she asks me how I grew it so long, I'll let her know that I washed away my scalp oil.

People always have something to say- ignore 'em!
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LOL..I'm the only black girl in my company (there's 200 of us here). It's a corporate brokerage firm and whenever I change my wig, everyone's like "omg, how do you do all of that with your hair" I straighten it, I'm Beyonce, when it's curly everyone stands around the water cooler and it's the talk of the day! When I have on my lacefronts, they are bazzled..When people talk to me, their trying to look at my scalp and talk..I know my wigs/lacefronts are always on point and look very natural, so they can look all day and still think it's all me
OP it may be PMS but people are indeed annoying. I have this issue too. I can't do ANYTHING different to my hair without a comment. Please, just let me be.
I'm so with you on this! Last summer, I did my own braids and kinda left them really long. Well a co-worker got on the elevator with me and stood behind me. All of a sudden I hear her in a sista girl voice (She was a WW) Now girlfriend, you have to tell me. Is all of that your real hair!:blush: I was mortified, because the elevator was filled with men. It was like she wanted to embarrass me. Because I'm sure she knew. I told her half-heartedly that I did add some hair, but it was mine. I paid for it.

In hindsight I should have said: I'll tell you on one condition. You tell me your age and your weight(She was quite overweight) in front of everybody here. And then we'll talk. :wallbash:

I thought it was me only that had these thoughts. Why do women say these things in front of men. I believe that they do that to embarass you because no one is giving them attention or detract from you if you look good that day. I agree with you I would have been fuming quietly.:hammer:
What you women experienced can be annoying to you, but it's very mild to me. Notice what I experienced. Be glad that this didn't happen to you.

Extensive Weave Check

Back in January 2009, an older employee (64 years old) in another department made a statement about my hair. I normally wear it in a protective style (bun) 95 percent of the time, so she hasn’t seen me wear it down yet—even though a few other employees have. While I was working at the scanning machine, she stopped by and said: “It looks like you have it (the bun) attached to the back of your head.” I told her: “This is my natural hair.” She said: “It looks full. Have you ever thought about wearing it down?” I said: “I have.” Then she went away.

About a month later (February), while I dropped some mail in her office, she said: “Your hair looks so straight.” I said: “It’s straighter, because I just came from the salon last Saturday.” Then she said: “Is that really all your hair?” I said: “Yes, and I just had a major trim--about 4 inches.” She stared at me as if I was lying. So she stood up and stepped behind me. I took down my bun, showed her my trim, and she was shocked! I said: “I like it better because my ends are even, but I didn’t realize my stylist trim that much off . . . because I never look in the mirror when he’s working on my hair. I didn’t realize my hair was falling short from the comb until a few days later." She looked puzzled. Then I said: “I extended my comb out, but the hair was falling short, because it was shorter. I normally don’t look in the mirror when I comb my hair.” Her eyes bucked. Then she said: “It’s so long!” I said: “No it’s not, it used to be down here (mid back & waist length), now it’s at the tip of my bra clasp. See it’s not a weave. The right side was about five inches longer than the left side." Then I proceed to pull my hair in opposite directions to show her that there aren’t any tracks.” She said: “My hair has never been longer than neck length, but I cover it with a wig.”

Now listen to this: I was oiling my hair in the rest room two days ago--Monday (parted it into four sections), and she walks in and says hello. Then before she goes into the stall, she comes back in front of the mirror and laughs hysterically as if she's a small child having a ball at Disneyland or Magic Mountain : “I can’t believe your hair is this long!” Then she actually yanks it, and then she does a serious, aggressive weave check with both of her hands as if she's turning pages in a book. Maybe she’s looking for “glued-on hair,” since she can’t find tracks. All the time she is still laughing hysterically. I remain calm by saying: “I told you this is not a weave. From time to time, strangers will ask if I’m wearing a weave, but I tell them the truth. This is my natural hair.”

Then she goes on to say: “My hair has never been beyond my neck! It’s very rare to see African American women with hair that length, unless it’s a weave. That has to be genetics.” I said: “There are women with long hair.” Then I catch myself, because I realize now that I can’t tell her any information about my regimen or the hair care boards, because she’s flaky.

She asked me to have lunch with her, (and it’s on her) a total of three times back in December and January. Each time I went to her office, she was no where to be found. No explanations or apologies either.

Would you believe til this day, she’s still asking me to have lunch with her? I give her some lame excuse every time now. Then she says: “I forgot or I had an errand to run, etc.” I told her: “Order the food any day, then let me know when it’s here. I’m too busy to go out for lunch now.” She said: “I’ll get the menu.” I say to myself: “Yeah right!”

Well, I know what a weave check feels like now, so I sympathize with you ladies. Now you see why I refuse to share my hair care regimen with women like this. If they ask for products, I’ll give them the crappy stuff that I no longer use on my hair. If they want healthy hair, let them figure it out for themselves. Sorry for the long rant, but it's slow at the office . . . and I have to try to look busy.
I'm so with you on this! Last summer, I did my own braids and kinda left them really long. Well a co-worker got on the elevator with me and stood behind me. All of a sudden I hear her in a sista girl voice (She was a WW) Now girlfriend, you have to tell me. Is all of that your real hair!:blush: I was mortified, because the elevator was filled with men. It was like she wanted to embarrass me. Because I'm sure she knew. I told her half-heartedly that I did add some hair, but it was mine. I paid for it.

In hindsight I should have said: I'll tell you on one condition. You tell me your age and your weight(She was quite overweight) in front of everybody here. And then we'll talk. :wallbash:

haha! Ok that's my new comback line if someone asks me if its my "real hair".
I find that coworkers who always have to comment about what others are doing in general, are just plain miserable with themselves! Girl, keep doing what your doing because your hair is gonna come out fabulous in the end!:yep:
Hi Ladies,

Is it me or do you hate when people at work (men in particular) say stupid stuff like oh, that looks nice, did you get your hair done? I want to say ummm...... MY HAIR GETS DONE EVERY DAY! Okay, I may be PMSing a bit but it just irritates me!:wallbash:

Also, if my hair was just straight and barely shoulder length one day and the next day it's curled tightly (in a half-wig) and BEYOND shoulder length.... just say it looks nice... don't ask me what I did to my hair because it's obviously not all mine!! :nuts:

One more thing, if you happen to see me fixing my hair in the mirror.... do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT say, oh your hair looks fine, leave it alone. Ummm... that's the reason it looks fine, because I'm fixing it!!! If I wasn't fixing it, I'd be walking around with a piece sticking straight up in the air like Alphalfa and you'd be laughing at me :blush:.

Okay, I just needed to vent. Hopefully you ladies can relate to this PMS rant. Thanks for letting me vent and feel free to add your own gripes :grin:

You are so awesome! This made me:lachen:
I'm so with you on this! Last summer, I did my own braids and kinda left them really long. Well a co-worker got on the elevator with me and stood behind me. All of a sudden I hear her in a sista girl voice (She was a WW) Now girlfriend, you have to tell me. Is all of that your real hair!:blush: I was mortified, because the elevator was filled with men. It was like she wanted to embarrass me. Because I'm sure she knew. I told her half-heartedly that I did add some hair, but it was mine. I paid for it.

In hindsight I should have said: I'll tell you on one condition. You tell me your age and your weight(She was quite overweight) in front of everybody here. And then we'll talk. :wallbash:

That was definitely uncalled for.