Hair color ruining Hair


New Member
Can anyone help me with breakage due to hair color :wallbash: I have done everything I can think of. Does anyone else have this problem. I have gotten to the point that I believe I will have to cut my hair and that is scary. Any suggestions.
My hair is color treated. I DC every week...religiously. Also, start bagging your hair w/ your favorite moisturizer. Try to cowash instead of shampoo, that really helped me...:yep:
ApHOGEE. Two. Step. Treatment. + Smooth Down Butter Treat (Redken) = Hope

I've got their reviews in my fotki for more info.

This saved me from having my hair bleached THEN relaxed in the SAME WEEK.

I know...awful, right?

That's what happens when you leave your head in the hands of professionals. :rolleyes:

Oh, my pre-LHCF days! If only my plushy TWA could see that hair now. It would probably say, "Ew!".:lachen:
i would not do a protein over color, esp. if its bleached. but moisture moisture moisture and co wash and deep con as much a possible
I succesfully colour and texlax (my colour's medium/ light brown/honey highlights using Textures & Tones and Dark N Lovely, I also use Swarchzkopf).


You have to be VERY aware of your moisture protein balance, but you need MORE protein to rebuild your strands.

Also use products for colour treated hair (loreal's decent, tresemme's best)- they help seal your cuticles (these are lifted to deposit the colour so u need to find products that help them lay back flat)
I use a chelating shampoo (diluted once a week) plus DC and I co-wash or rinse daily (alternating btw moisture and protein conditioners).

If my hair shows ANY signs of stress I head for the protein first, depending on the condition I start with the mild aphogee, use my Redken anti-snap and then take things from there.

I would like a PP said start with the hard Aphogee treatment (don't forget the moisture), use a good leave-in and seal. Make sure to up your moisture DC in the next couple of weeks then go back to a balance of moisture and protein. I would recommend you do the hard aphogee every 8-12 weeks depending on your hair, just watch and see what happens...

Good luck there's a thread by Traycee on maintaining double processed hair - I'm at work but if u PM me to remind me I'll send u the link when I get home. Good luck!
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Can anyone help me with breakage due to hair color :wallbash: I have done everything I can think of. Does anyone else have this problem. I have gotten to the point that I believe I will have to cut my hair and that is scary. Any suggestions.

Well how much of your hair is colored. Sometimes hair is beyond repairable, you may have to cut :nono:.

Make sure you exhaust all your options first. I am colored with dark and lovely dye, lighter color and have no issues. What shade did you color? Lighter shades causes the most damage.
I've used cellophanes since '04 but prior to that, I was blonde for about 5 yrs. I agree w/hothair; the moisture/protein balance is extremely important in keeping your hair strong, moist, and healthy. Products made specifically for color treated hair should be your best friends. During that time, I was all over Redken, Bed Head, Shimmer Lights, an good ol' Cholesterol. I also used this protein treatment by Hawaiian Silky but can't remember the name of it.
I had breakage from my highlights like more almost two years ago. What helped me keep the breakage at its minimum is moisture. I deep condition with every shampoo (once a week) and daily moisture my hair. HTH.