Hair & Cigarette smoke


New Member
I went out last night and didn't realise how much my hair stank of fag (what we call cigarettes in England) smoke, until i took my headscarf off this morning and the whole smell just wafted out. I was too tired to wash it then as I was feeling very lethargic (still am) but I masked the smell with oil sheen.

Is it better for me to wash it again (I washed it yesterday) or just wait another 2 days. I usually wash my hair when i come in, but I was so tired I never had the energy.

What do you ladies do with your hair after spending the evening out in a smoke filled environment?
To be quite honest, LondonDiva, I always go out with the knowledge that I will come back with my hair smelling of fag smoke. I don't wash my hair before going out unless I really have to becasue I know I will want to wash it when I get back home.

There have also been cases that I washed my hair before going out and washed it again upon returning home only because I loved washed my hair.

So I guess to answer your question, I wash it because I can't take the smell. I'm not sure if it comes out after a while.
Hi LondonDiva,

I would wash it. All of that smoke lingering on your hair can't be good for it. My thought is, if it's not good for my lungs, it's definately not good for my hair! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I usually would wash my hair, I hate that stinky cigarette smell getting in my pillows!

But, in the future, you can also buy one of those hair deodorizing sprays that neutralize smells. This will "buy you" a couple more days so you don't have to wash immediately, but you don't want to use them often as they contain alcohol. I bought one a few years ago (I seldom use it so I'll probably have this stuff FOREVER), by L'Oreal(?). I think Salon Selectives or a similar brand makes one now.
Daviine, It was just one of those things that dawned on me today because I went out for dinner which wasn't smokey and then we went back to my friends house for a drink up. I was drinking so my hair wasn't particularly paying attention in my state. I washed it cause I wanted to try a roller set with my braids that have no extensions and look cute for the evening. I never usually wash it before I go out (like yourself) but I was in the mood for hair experimentation last night.

Thanks for the replies. I'm gonna go and wash it now. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Funny you should mention the cigarette smoke thing. It seems as if my hair feels drier than usual after I am around smoke. I just conditioner wash - it seems to help get rid of the smell and moisten my hair. If I am going somewhere where there will be a lot of cigarette smoke, I usually wait until I return home to wash.