Hair changes while preggers....what did you experience?


Active Member
What changes did you experience in your hair while you were pregnant? Did the texture change? Did you experience shedding or dryness? A growth spurt? After you gave birth, did you experience different changes in your hair? Please share your experiences...
I can't really tell. I wear my hair in a phony pony or some other protective style. I also have been trimming the relaxed ends off every couple of weeks, so I can't tell that it's growing.

I am shedding less hair, which I hear is from increased circulation and taking prenatals.

I really don't know. My hair is dry, but that's because I stopped deep conditioning for awhile (dumb, Ik now)
Dance4days said:
What changes did you experience in your hair while you were pregnant? Did the texture change? Did you experience shedding or dryness? A growth spurt? After you gave birth, did you experience different changes in your hair? Please share your experiences...

With my both my children my hair texture changed and became thicker during pregnancy. I didn't like the texture as it was almost resistant to everything. My hair was also dry, but that might have been due to me not taking prenatals at the time (prenatals made me sick).

After pregos, my normal hair texture returned and I experienced shedding for a while, not more than 6 months though from what I remember. My growth spurt came after the shedding because I was able to start back taking vits.

I'm sure your asking because you are expecting right? :look:
When I was pregnant I had a growth spurt. I think the combo of exercising during the pregnancy, prenatal vits and iron pills contributed to the spurt.
My hair is thick but during pregnancy it's thicker and this time I'm noticing that I'm getting these deep waves, which I happen to like. I'm also texlaxed which I started before getting pregnant (and didn't really notice the waves then) but I think that it has something to do with it to.
My hair grew soo much! It wasnt due to vitamins, because I couldnt keep them down. My hair shedded a whole bunch afterwards, though..but I kept most of the link. I think it was definitely the increased circulations of my scalp during pregnancy that got my hair growing. It was so thick and it's a mess, and that's because I started cutting it and coloring and other stupid stuff:mad:
I loved my hair at it's best when I was pregnant.. My strands were THICK and the length shot out hair was past shoulder...then a year shed:(
I love my pregnancy hair, its thick, grows fast, and it grows out straighter. I dont relax while pregnant but I dont need to because as I said my hair grows out straighter. After my last pregnancy I started shedding about 1 1/2 to 2 years after I had the baby.
last year when i was preg with my daughter my hair grew a bunch i have the pics in my fotki

now im preg with a boy and my hair is not really growing as fast but it is really getting thick
My hair grew so fast, I had people tell me, that baby ain't doing nothing but growing your hair, I was still a teenager then, I also didn't experience that post shedding either.
With my first pregnancy, I shedded a lot for about 4 or 5 months. I am preggers again and my hair seems really thick. I'm natural now and I wonder what is it going to be like this time around after this baby.
I've noticed the change in texture of my hair during this pregnancy. With my twins, I didn't get to experience that growth spurt because they thought 40 weeks was too long to wait to be born and decided to come at 26 weeks! :yawn:
I am pregnant with my first child and I have not noticed any significant changes with my hair. I actually think it is a little drier than it was before.
My hair got very thick, dry and tangly during my pregnancy. I had to give myself a couple of good trims because combing out the tangles caused a good amount of breakage. I had my daughter two weeks ago and I haven't noticed any postpartum hair changes yet.
I kept my hair braided while I was preg w/my daughter and I wasn't into haircare as I am now. If I have another baby I'll definitely pay closer attention.