Hair changes in your 40's


Well-Known Member
I feel my hair grows slower now and I wonder if it's because I'm in my 40's. My hair had a major trim back in August and I am shooting for full bra strap length... Others please share your experiences. Thanks
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levette - feels like a million years ago since I was 40 :grin:, You are at peri-menopausal stage and yes you will experience many changes in your body including your hair and skin. If your diet is not A+, you may want to start taking supplements rich in calcium and vitamin C. African American women at menopausal stage are high risk for osteoporosis. Collagen supplements are highly recommended now to replace some of the collagen lost. Menopause is a roller-coaster of a ride - so the better you prepare yourself the easier the ride. You may also want to research the benefits of soy (tofu is an excellent source) intake for menopausal women.
The one thing that I have noticed that my hair and skin are drier now. I have to stay on top of drinking water all day long. My new growth is coarser and become really dry, I now co-wash weekly. I also do hot oil treatments on my co-wash days and a oil rinse whenever I wash with shampoo. My grey hairs are coming in with a vengeance and they are very wiry but keeping my hair moisturized really helps.
I'm 44 but haven't noticed a change in growth, it still grows pretty fast, but it is gradually getting thinner as I get older. Both my parents have thinning hair so I was expecting this :ohwell:
I'm 48 and my hair still grow fast like it did when I was younger. I don't see any differences right now thank God.
I've noticed some thinning around the edges which is hormonal...I think. Thanks to the castor oil I've added to my regimen it's filling in beautifully.

But that I think about it the phytoestrogen cream I started using might have something to do with it too.
this is interesting i know many women in their 40's or older that have fast growth and thick hair.

as a side note soy has far more harmful effects than benefits if its not sprouted or fermented leave it alone and eat it in very small amounts, soy can be very acidic and mucus forming. tofu is highly processed and better soy alternatives include things like natto, tempeh, & miso. now is the time to be doing weight bearing exercises to maintain your bone health....osteoporosis is a new issue with black women as we eat horribly excessive salt, sugar, sodas and refined flours are taxing to the entire body and makes the bones leech vital nutrients like calcium, boron, etc. our bone density is usually higher than our white and asian counterparts but we are abusing our bodies much more these days and taking in more gmo foods.
My hair is thinner now. It's ok when my hair is curly because it is easier to handle than the thick head if hair I used to deal with. But when it is straight, it is so fine and fly away. Being pregnant has made my hair grow and appear thicker. I'm not looking forward to postpartum shedding and then peri menopause.
The one thing that I have noticed that my hair and skin are drier now. I have to stay on top of drinking water all day long. My new growth is coarser and become really dry, I now co-wash weekly. I also do hot oil treatments on my co-wash days and a oil rinse whenever I wash with shampoo. My grey hairs are coming in with a vengeance and they are very wiry but keeping my hair moisturized really helps.

My grey is coming in and I try to use a color rinse to conceal it
Dern those greys! I use indigo and no one can tell now. Not even me.

As far as dryness, I've noticed more all over with skin, hair even my eyes. I have to keep up the water and lots of it. Sometimes just water isnt enough so I add electrolyte water or diluted gatorade to keep hydration up if I've really neglected myself.

Always been a slow grower so nothing new there. Though it's gotten much better with my new regimen. an herbal prenatal vit 2-3x a week from whole foods. Keeping up the blood flow to the scalp by way of mild excersize and scalp massages. Even a heating cap used sparingly may help get the blood flowing.
DarkJoy which indigo do u use? I've never used henna but I'm starting to see gray hairs pop up and I want to color them. It's a few sprinkled through out the front areas of my hair. How long does it last before it washes out? Is it like a rinse? A lot of mixing involved ?

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Brittster--I do the 2 step with henna first the follow with the indigo. Henna for at least 4 hours then the indigo for another 1.5. It's pretty much all day. My greys are stubborn and they were gone after the third application. Of course the roots reappear and I do it again a few weeks later. It's been a lifesaver for adding thickness. Indigo thickens better than henna imho.

You can get a kit at For my short hair it was good for 2 applications.
DarkJoy - have you decided to oil pull? I really think the oil helps keep my skin soft and supple. Somedays I can feel a hint of oil on my skin. :yep:
I'm 48 and my hair still grow fast like it did when I was younger. I don't see any differences right now thank God.

Same here. Since leaving relaxers alone 4 years ago, I have more hair than ever. Both my parents are 80 yrs old and still have very thick hair. Genetics are going to play a larger role in growth and thickness than regimen, IMO.

I'm in my mid-40s and only have a few gray hairs. I do take a good amount of supplements and I think they slow the graying process.
DarkJoy - no you aren't the lazy one. Lazy is the person ***clears throat*** who would rather have grey hair than do the henna process. :yep:
I admire all of you who do it.
You are so right...henna or dyeing in general is not for the lazy. I didn't realize when I started the henna journey that these gray hair roots were relentless! I can do an all night henna application and two weeks later, gray roots are popping out! Half of the time I am walking around with three colors in my, red, and white. Because henna can dry my hair out, I only touch up my roots every 2 months. I have had to get creative in my hairstyles to cover the gray.

On another note, I started taking Hair Skin and Nail vitamins last year. My hair still grows at an average rate of 1/2 inch per month, but I think my hair improvement is mainly due to regular weekly steams.

DarkJoy - no you aren't the lazy one. Lazy is the person ***clears throat*** who would rather have grey hair than do the henna process. :yep:
I admire all of you who do it.
Hi, everyone,

I started my hair journey Feb of 2009 at shoulder length. I had my normal fullness, which was medium density, fine strands and a 3C/4A curl. That was at age 49 going on 50. Around June of 2010, I had seen a noticeable change in my hair - lower volume but not necessarily less hair. It seemed my hair got finer, grays were coming in like crazy, scalp itching like crazy and experience close-to-scalp breakage as a result of all the scratching. It all seemed to coincide with going through the change. Once all the drama was over, my hair seemed to recover. I no longer have my youthful fullness (although it was never thick), but it seems to have recovered and I still have hair. It is now in better shape and growing nicely. No more fuzzies all over my head, just a bunch of micro-layers
My hair has gotten soooo DRY! I can't seem to keep my natural hair moisturized and my skin breaks out. Oh, and the gray hair is driving me nuts.... I started Co-Washing again and will see if that helps. I know that my diet needs to improve too though.
I'm 44 but haven't noticed a change in growth, it still grows pretty fast, but it is gradually getting thinner as I get older. Both my parents have thinning hair so I was expecting this :ohwell:

This is me exactly. My hair grows as fast as usual, but it's slightly thinner than it was when I was in my teens and my 20s. Thank goodness for that, because that was a whole lot of hair to handle! :grin:

I'm 42.
Hi, everyone,

I started my hair journey Feb of 2009 at shoulder length. I had my normal fullness, which was medium density, fine strands and a 3C/4A curl. That was at age 49 going on 50. Around June of 2010, I had seen a noticeable change in my hair - lower volume but not necessarily less hair. It seemed my hair got finer, grays were coming in like crazy, scalp itching like crazy and experience close-to-scalp breakage as a result of all the scratching. It all seemed to coincide with going through the change. Once all the drama was over, my hair seemed to recover. I no longer have my youthful fullness (although it was never thick), but it seems to have recovered and I still have hair. It is now in better shape and growing nicely. No more fuzzies all over my head, just a bunch of micro-layers

Congratulations on your first post!! :)

Silverstreaks - I love your user name by the way, I should call myself that, since I have silver hairs all over now lol. I told my SO the other day that I'm turning into a unicorn with these silver hairs. He just laughed.
Hi ladies. I am 45 this year and my hair is still growing fast. I shopped my hair to chin length on New Year's Day 2012 and it is now almost to my waist.

I have always had so much volume in my hair that if it is thinning, it isn't noticeable.

I'm happy with my hair overall and what I need to spend more time on is doing facial exercises to keep my face firm. The fine lines under my eyes are more noticeable when I smile now :(
My friend just turned 48 and has the most beautiful head of relaxed hair I've seen especially on a non hair board person. Her hair is the definition of L A I D. Waist length, silky, flowy... and the only thing this chick does is get a wash n set at most every 2 weeks with her roots blown and relax about every 3 -4 months.
Congratulations on your first post!! :) Silverstreaks - I love your user name by the way, I should call myself that, since I have silver hairs all over now lol. I told my SO the other day that I'm turning into a unicorn with these silver hairs. He just laughed.

Thank you FlowerHair. I'd like my hair to reach the floor before I hit 90!


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I think that genetics are really important. My dad has very, very thick lion hair. He is 82 and still has really, really thick hair with not even a receding hair line.

I have one sister that inherited his astonishing thickness and at age 51, she has very, very thick hair still.
I haven't noticed any hair changes for a few reasons: I'm 44 and I've been natural for 2+1/2 years. My hair feels thicker because I spent 30+years with a relaxer. So of course, my natural hair looks fuller. I'm a slow grower. I probably grow .25 inches per month but I never paid attention to my growth rate when I was younger so I can't make a comparison. I'll keep an eye on my hair to see if/when I notice changes.