Hair Challenges Sub-forum?


Well-Known Member
I'm just thinking out loud here...I love threads having to do with challenges but I sometimes forget which ones I joined :drowning: especially after the beginning of the year when the're all being formed. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have all hair challenges in it's own sub-forum since there are so many of them? What do you all think?
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Yes the challenges take up all of the first and second pages. There are not as many discussion threads as a result
I'm just thinking out loud here...I love threads having to do with challenges but I sometimes forget which ones I joined :drowning: especially after the beginning of the year when the're all being formed. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have all hair challenges in it's own sub-forum since there are so many of them? What do you all think?
This is an excellent idea. I wish they would do it in the same way that the nail fanatics forum is separated.
Might be a good idea. I've been keeping up with the ones I've joined in my watched threads list. It's helpful. I'll still have to use my watched threads list though because I'll still forget. Lol
I think that would be a great idea. I do use the watched threads but I think it would be nice if there was a sub-forum for all the challenges.