Hair Catchers


Active Member
Sorry if this was posted already but the search function doesn't want to work for me.

I need to buy a hair catcher for my tub. We spent the weekend unclogging the drain and I don't want to ever do it again :barf:. I have a flat drain so I don't think the hat version, which I assume is this,

would work for me. I was looking at this version called Stop-A-Clog:

and was hoping someone is already using it and can tell me if it really works before I buy. Both of these are from Bed Bath and Beyond. For something like this I'd rather be go to the store and pick it up than order it on line. Do you ladies have any other suggestions?

I have the second one you pictured and I got it at BB&B. It was actually a two-pack, and it works like a charm for me. I found it hanging in the section where they sell shower curtains, etc. Cheap and effective.
I use a catcher as well. Anky a while back mentioned a thing called the zip it. It removed gink like hair from the drain. It's awesome! I got mines at walgreens. Do a search on it. It saves a lot of time and $$$
I have the second one you pictured and I got it at BB&B. It was actually a two-pack, and it works like a charm for me. I found it hanging in the section where they sell shower curtains, etc. Cheap and effective.
Me too. :up: :up:
Great! Thanks ladies, I will pick it up today.

I use a catcher as well. Anky a while back mentioned a thing called the zip it. It removed gink like hair from the drain. It's awesome! I got mines at walgreens. Do a search on it. It saves a lot of time and $$$
I do remember reading that. I'm trying not to have to go in the drain at all, but I will look it up once the search function decides to work for me.
Thanks again.:yep:
I'm glad I read this post! I've been keeping Drano in business for a long time! I've been pouring Drano down the drain every 3 or 4 days for I don't know how long :rolleyes:...Off to Wal-Mart on my lunch to see if they have anything like this.
I bought one at lunch from WalMart and it looks like the 2nd one and it just says Drain Guard and it was $1.68. My drain is so weird, it's in the side of the tub, not at the front under the faucet like the tub in my DD's bathroom. Oh well, I'll see if it fits. If not, it's not like I'm out of a bunch of $$.
Thanks for this thread!! I need something. I had to pour half of a big bottle of Liquid Plumber down my drain about 2 weeks ago. My sister keeps saying that as my hair gets longer and since it doesn't break that much, just sheds long hairs she feels like she's living with a "white person", lol. Anyway I need something to take care of my drain because it's only getting worse.