Hair Care while sick??


New Member
hey ya'll im just wondering if ya'll keep up your regimens even when ur sick or under the weather?

i ask because im starting to feel a little sickness coming on now and i just want to go home and get in the bed and my hair is the last thing on my mind:look:.

unfortunately when im not in my usual happy go lucky mood and im really sick or sumthen, my hair suffers:blush: cus i dont be feeling like doin nothen:nono:.
I don't know why but i usually get sick a majority of time in the morning. Lucky the last two times i was sick (once with flu like symptoms) i just layed around the house for almost a week with my scarf on. It's because i moisturized the night before i got sick. But sometimes it has suffered, health first. Best wishes you feel better soon. I know the feeling, it's so lousy. Take some medicine before it gets worse.
Hair care is a comfort hobby for me, so I usually will do my hair in times of trouble.
I am still getting over a really bad cold and my hair has truly suffered. I have only washed and maybe dc'd once since I have been sick. Once I feel better, I will get back to taking care of my hair.
Oh, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, OP.

I have in times past let my hair totally deteriorate while sick. When I was preggo with DS (pic in siggy) I could not motivate to do NEthing with my hair... it got wayyyy dried out and I suffered some breakage. :nono:

Now I have mastered a technique for feeling :ill: haircare...

I get my jumbo bottle of Suave Humectant condish ($4):love4: and slather it on. Then I put on a plastic cap, and tie my headscarf on over that. After that I lay around and moan and groan and complain on the couch about how terrible I feel for a few hours :lachen:while DH fetches me hot tea with lemon and honey, throat drops, the remote.... etc

When I get a little scrap of energy, I go and take a hot shower :bath2: and rinse out the condish. Apply leave-in & moisturizer. Braid into some big goofy braids if needed (if it wasn't braided when I put the condish in) and chill on the couch with more hot tea while hair dries. Then tie up. It always makes me feel better knowing that my hair is getting the care it needs.
I had a SEVERE cold 2 wks ago and I was rockin a sock bun.. it looked a lil' rough towards the end but who cares? You're under the weather! HTH
Oh yes... I took vows lol "to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, to death do us part..."

I will still co-wash or dc and/or moisturize...Im committed to my hair I feel like why should we both suffer... for me to not follow my daily regimen I'd have to be so sick that I can't move...

Im addicted but it makes me happy :)
When I feel myself getting sick, I cowash, put my hair is some big braids, put a scarf on and keep it moving, b/c once it's full blown, I could care less about my hair.
i just put some moisturizer in it while im in the bathroom jus to shut up those guilty feelins. wear a baggie under a scarf.
hey ya'll im just wondering if ya'll keep up your regimens even when ur sick or under the weather?

i ask because im starting to feel a little sickness coming on now and i just want to go home and get in the bed and my hair is the last thing on my mind:look:.

unfortunately when im not in my usual happy go lucky mood and im really sick or sumthen, my hair suffers:blush: cus i dont be feeling like doin nothen:nono:.

I think you have the right idea. Leave your hair alone while you're sick. That's the last thing that should be on your mind if you're not feeling well. :)