Hair Care Suggestions for Traveling Anyone?


New Member
I’ll be doing some traveling soon to a very humid climate and although I want it to look good, I don’t want to be thinking about my hair. I just love wearing braidouts, and when they look good, they stay looking good until my next wash. When they don’t look good, I just wear it up in a wavy bun or french twist. I know I can wear my bun while traveling but I would like to wear my hair down, if possible. I’ll be seeing people I haven’t seen for a very long time. I’ll definitely be taking my satin pillowcase, silk scarves and scrunchies & Good Hair Day pins (for just in case).

Any traveling hair care tips and suggestions you ladies can share?
I spend 3 nights a week in a hotel. It is difficult to keep you hair and skin moisturized with the forced air conditioning or heater. As such, turn on the shower really hot for 15 minutes to get some moisture in the air.
I usually take a phonytail along just in case I happen to get caught in the rain or in the pool and don't want to fuss with blowdrying or having to restyle my updos. Buns are always convenient, but a curly phony can add some pizzaz without all the styling drama.
Thanks Elliot for that tip!
I never thought about the lack of moisture but it's true with hotels. The last time I was in a hotel I didn't know anything about hair care so I paid no attention.
That's a good idea too Melodee! I'm not sure if I have time to find one I like but it's a good travel option.
Um, mini hard plastic rollers for the ends of the braids for braid-outs (if needed). Disposable plastic cap for deep conditioning (even if its for 20 mins, its better than just rinsing it out). Mini bottles--the plastic kind, you know, the little pot, the little spritzer. I mix up a hair spritz in a mini bottle (i.e. distilled water + leave-in) and a mini bottle of whatever oil I like, and keep that in a ziploc bag. I used to travel frequently for work, and I had a miniature version of all my fave products. It doesn't take up too much room, and you aren't frustrated that you are missing something. It just takes a little prep time thats all!
I'm traveling to Miami tomorrow and I'm going to rollerset my hair before I go, which can also be put in an updo as an alternative--and like melodee mentioned I'll be bringing along a "phonytail" (haha) for just in case.
Mini-bottles are lifesavers (well at least luggage savers). I had forgottento metnion that I use them too, filling them with all my hair and beauty products. Sure beats lugging those huge bottles around and having them spill. I also use a heavy Ziplock bag(love the kind with the actual zipper on it). Good tip!
I forgot if you said you were going to a warmer climate, but if you will be sunbathing, try John Frieda's Life Preserver Oil. I used it this past summer while on a cruise and I loved it. I used it to seal in Nexxus Headdress, ponytailed it, and I was good to go. It doesn't feel greasy and it has sunscreen in it (so does Headdress). It also added a nice sheen to my highlights. I also second the recommendations on the little plastic bottles....saved me a lot of space and worry. HTH.
Thanks Lunalight! I'll check it out! I already use Headdress and I didn't realize it has sunscreen in it.