Hair care regimen


On Cloud 9
Hello ladies...I'm new to the group. My name is Tasha but you can call me Puddles. I just put a brand new relaxer in my hair on Monday. I see a lot of beautiful hair here. I was wondering what hair regimen do you all use?
From shampooing to styling. And how often do you think I should wash my hair? I work out 4 times a week.
My hair is just past my shoulders and I would love for it to be much healthier and longer.
I am doing the egg challenge and I would like some input as to how to take care of my hair from the outside. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Welcome Puddles! I run 4-5 times a week. I wash on the weekends and during the week after I run(and sweat A LOT) I just rinse and condition my hair. I don't do much styling to it unless it is the weekend. Then I just wash, condition and wear it. I let it dry on its own. No Heat! I use to roller set but it takes hours for it to dry. I have a toddler now and no time to wait!
Welcome to the forum puddles
Cool sig by the way. The best thing that I ever started doing since I joined lhcf are daily conditioner washes. Maybe you could give them a try...especially since you workout. They will help your new growth to stay smooth....and also help you to stretch out your relaxers (if you relax).
Hello puddles,

I like your signature and avatar SO MUCH!

Here's a brief description of my routine, but I'm planning to experiment with Breakthru shampoo and Elucence conditioner next wash. My hair is fine and 4a with a tight coil like a spring from a writing pen.

Diet and supplements:
These are important for increasing growth rate.
1. I take a teaspoon of MSM powder with juice at breakfast and dinner.
2. I have a 32 oz Nalgene bottle at work and another at home, and I sip water all day.
3. I make a high protein tuna salad (with eggs and kidney beans) each week and I snack on this for lunch and dinner. I try to keep nuts (pecans and almunds) and peanut butter around so that my snacks have protein too.

Hair care:
weeks 1 & 2: My stylist applies the relaxer for 17 minutes and combs the coils straight with a fine toothed comb. He rollersets the hair and then does a blow out on low heat. I hate the round brush! I get a "dusting" trim maybe every 4 months. After a salon touchup with Affirm lye mild or regular, I wear the rollerset straight style either down or up in a clip for 1-2 weeks. I do nothing with my hair besides a little combing. *lazy*

weeks 3-8 or 10: Then, until the next touchup, I wear the same braided vaselined bun M-F (Surging daily), and the ringlets down on the weekend. My fine hair falls very flat when rollerset straight, but it makes cute ringlets when I airdry it loose because my stylist only applied the relaxer for 17 minutes and the coil was tight. That protective bun keeps the ends in great shape.

I wash, deep condition for an hour with a heating bonnet, comb, and re-bun once every 1-2 weeks, depending on if I wore the ringlets that weekend or not. My hair is in 4-6 braided sections during the washing and conditioning to prevent tangles.
1. L'Anza Strait Line shampoo and conditioner straighten new growth such that my bun is not too bulky.
2. CON ultra-moisturizing => perfect ringlets all weekend
3. Aubrey Organics GPB is great for protein treatments. I combine it with the LSL conditioner when I'm deep conditioning.
4. I put Surge in an applicator bottle (pointy tip) and inject it daily down onto my scalp without taking the bun down.
5. Vaseline for the week-long vaselined braided bun
6. Pantene detangle light spray conditioner for the comb out
I work out 4-5 times a week and still only wash my hair once a week. When I am done working out I take my hair down out of the bun to let my scalp dry so it wont be all icky and sweaty. <font color="purple"> </font>
Thanks everyone for your replies. I assume a conditioner wash is a rinse and the condition. I'm new to all of this.


MeganW and Erica78 thanks for the comps on my sig and avatar.
MeganW I like your routine....and your hair is so pretty. Where do you apply the vaseline when you do your buns? My hair isn't thick or long enough for a bun.

A question for anyone.
My bun looks like a golf ball. (LOL) any suggestions? And how do you dry your hair when you do it yourself? I hope I'm not asking too many questions.

Thanks again for the welcomes
Puddles said:
Where do you apply the vaseline when you do your buns?...My bun looks like a golf ball. (LOL) any suggestions? And how do you dry your hair when you do it yourself?

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I put the vaseline on the last 4-6 inches of hair after I've detangled and combed it thoroughly and before I braid and bun it. My bun isn't very smooth or shiny though. It's usually soggy or moist from daily Surge applications to my scalp.

Some LHCF members attach synthetic buns over their own hair to hold in moisture better. This is done by long- and shorter-haired members alike. There are lots of threads describing how to.

By the time I have finished combing through it all, my hair is mostly dry. I'm rather slow. I don't blowdry unless I am wearing the ringlets down. Even then, I blowdry until the hair is just damp, not entirely dry. I don't comb while I blowdry cuz I don't want to frizz the ringlets.
Welcome to the board! There are so many great tips that I have used from this board, primarily daily conditioner washing and stretching out my relaxer to three months. Try not to become a product junkie like me; once you find out what works for you, stick to it. I have my regime on my hair site