HAIR Care: Old school versus New school..share your stories!


New Member
Ladies..most of us can agree that we take care of our hair differently than our mothers/auties/grandmothers. Some of can even say our ideas about hair are also different.
For almost a year I have been doing my mom's hair,doing her relaxers and wash and sets..well anyway, this is our latest hair convo.

Mom: Rosebud ( my notorious nickname:drunk:) I need you to relax my hair.
Me: must have newgrowth.
Mom: Not really, my hair has turned back :ohwell:
Me: whatcha mean "turned back" can't "turn back chemically altered hair"
Mom: well it sure is nappy...:rolleyes:
Me: must be newgrowth.

As I'm relaxing her hair I realized she put a hella lot of spritz in her
I wanted to put more conditioner in her hair..because it was dry.Also I needed to take the tangles out with my fingers

Me: I'm going to put more conditioner..because your hair is dry..and you have a lot of tangles
Mom: where is the scissors:perplexed
Me: whatcha mean..where's the scissors?
Mom: just cut the tangles out!!
Me: (thinking she thought I said split ends I repeated the word TANGLES)
Mom: yeahhhhhh tangles
Me: sure..give me the scissors..I guess I will just cut All your hair get out the tangles!:rolleyes:
so just imagine her way of thinking when she was doing your hair! lol! my mother is kinda clueless about good haircare practices too!