Hair Care For Men


New Member
Hello Ladies! I believe this topic has been brought up on this board before, but for some reason, the search engine is not working for me. What hair products would you suggest for a man? I'm asking because my SO uses Infusium...which is good for some, but very drying for his hair, and I think I see a little bald spot developing (from the dryness). And he's always scratching his head. I think he needs something moisturizing. I was thinking of ORS Olive Oil shampoo, but is there anything you all have bought for your guys that have helped their dry scalp/hair conditions? *Side note:Ever since coming on this site, I've turned into a "Madame C.J. Walker", diagnosing problems left and right. You all have made me this way :grin:*
My SO has dry & itchy scalp. He said he's embarassed when he gets his haircut, cuz his scalp is flaky. I let him use my Creme of Nature (green) shampoo which is very gentle and KeraCare Humecto (even though I think it wasn't really needed), he said he forgot that he ever had an itchy scalp. Now he wants to keep my CON & my Humecto :nono:. I think the women products will work for men as well. :yep:
My SO is currently using QP Elastra creme conditioning shampoo and QP Elastra Mango butter. I'm making him use those two because his hair has been really dry lately and the shampoos that he was using were drying his hair out (I'm making him grow his hair out with me to keep me motivated in my transition...:grin:)
Thank you all so much! I think I actually have some of those products in my bathroom, so I may just give them to him. Thanks again!