Hair care for little girls with natural hair-3C


New Member
Ladies, if you can give me any advice in the area, I would really appreciate it. I am at wits end! My daughter is 7 years old and has what I think is 3c type hair. I haven’t put a relaxer in, whenever I speak the word all my friends say “her hair is so soft and curly and she will love it when she is older, don’t do it” They all think because the grade of hair she has, it’s easier to style. Well, when it is wet, it’s beautiful and easy to maintain. Once it is dry, it f course frizzes up and shrinks up. Her long ponytails turn into short pigtails by the time we walk out the door. I can literally put grease and water on her hair and it’s great. The problem is, it won’t grow. It’s thick as I don’t know what but it’s not getting any longer. I have used all the products there are for kids and natural hair and nothing seems to be making a difference. I need suggestions on grease for the scalp, shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, moisterizer/detangler and a good blow dry cream. I hate to blow dry it but that is the only time you can see the length of her hair. I definitely need a good blow dry lotion and can’t find one. Keep in mind, anything I seem to put on it makes it curly and I don’t really want that. I am thinking of getting it trimmed, maybe that would help. I get it braided sometimes but she gets bumps on her scalp because people braid her hair too tight since it is so soft and curly. Please help!
hi evanne,
Do not perm your child's hair, or at least wait until she is old enough to make that desicion. I use to hate getting my hair pressed at that age with the hot comb and blow drier so i could not imagine a relaxer being put in my hair at that young age. I am 22 years old and I am so glad my mom never put a relaxer in my hair. I appreciate my hair more than ever, even though it can be a pain.
It is just about how to take care of it. This is from somebody who is 3c and has the same type of your hair that your child has. My hair is nice when wet but shrinks very short when dry. If you want to show length, because i get frustrated with this also, I would put her hair in bun and let it airdry or sit under a hooded drier. I am no the no poo method, but when i did use shampoo, I used creame of nature for the dry/damaged formula and motions conditioning shampoo. If you use creame of nature have clarifier like baking soda there because it tends to build up. Do a condition wash and put vasoline on the ends while damp but not soaked. I use pantene dmr or relaxed and natural mixed in with extra virgin olive oil. I do not use to many leave ins because my hair is fine and little strands can hang easily. Take it down each day and moisturizes the ends. In about couple days some length should show. My hair is waist length but shrinks to ny neck if i do not stretch it out in anyway. I have thought about a texturizer a couple times but the chemicals are pernament, I change my mind too much. Also trust me unless her hair is breaking off badly, it is growing but because of shrinkage you can not tell. My hair looks the same length from a year and half ago, but when straightened my hair has grown a lot. I am sure your child's is doing the same but you probably just can't see it. I hope this helps. Also for blow drying, i use dudley's cream press. Also make sure you only detangle her hair while wet in the shower. I use k-cutter, and that comb is a miracle. My mom use to comb my hair dry and i saw length, but i also had a lot of breakage. I hope this helped You can send me a pm if you have more questions.
wow...her hair sounds like mine when i was younger...unfortunately my mother used a lot of heat and grease to get mine not to shrink as much...and it seemed like my hair didnt grow at all, but whenever it was pressed or when i got my first relaxer it showed its true length...have you tried buns at night on her hair...that helped to stretch mine too
no i haven'tried buns. when i do her hair in one ponytail, it gets so frizzie. i guess for sleeping it should be fine. i have to get her a satin pillowcase too. it is so think and one ponytail is a little hard to accomplish. i will give it a try though. thanks
i don't know how to send a pm. i assume that is a private email. my work email is [email protected]. you can respond to be there. thanks for all your advice. i use the black pantene line shampoo and conditioner on her hair. sometimes i do a hotoil treatment before i wash it but i only leave it for 10 minutes. as a treatment, i just got hollywood olive oil cholesterol and i mix that with the 10 in 1 that the dominicans use diez en uno, the two seem to detanlge her hair and make it soft. as for leave in, i was using a detangler kid spray like beautiful begginings. i do make the mistake of combing once partly dry, i have to stop that. i have been butting pink oil on in and sectioning in 4 and letting it dry over night. the next day is looks like i don't know what so i always end up hot combiing or blowdrying. i will grease her scalp with the green grease you get from the muslins and that seems to be doing okay. i also spray her braids with Razac hair oil, not sure if that is good but it smells nice and has great ingredients. can i get the extra virgin olive oil at the supermarket? i use the dudleys pressign oil to press her hair but i want to stop doing that. do you think the blowdryer is better than the hot comb for that type of hair? I don't have the same grade of hair as she does, she has her dad's hair. i really don't know how oto take care of it. it has a lot of breakage, should i get it trimmed? everyone tells me it's not necessary since she is a kid. i just don't know what to do anymore.
hi evanne,

i have the same problem with my daughter's hair it's nice and easy to manage when wet,but once it dries up its hard to mananged. she has the same hair type your daughter's have with a little 4a on some parts. i was asking my mom what type of hair creme moisturizer did she use in my hair growing up and she told me BB Oil Moisturizer it also has Castor Oil and Aloe in it. I tell you that's stuff works its good for blowdrying or whatever you want to do. I'm glad I went to Sally's to get that stuff. My husband and everyone else tell me not to relax her hair also it does seem like an easy thing to do, but I really love my daughter's natural hair. It's not to the lenght the back is past her neck and her sides and front is shorter some goes to earlobes and some reaches the top of her ear I'm working on growing it longer. I keep her hair washed, conditioned, deep conditioned, and moisturized and she wear braids or either box braids or twists in her hair. I would normally use scurl also on days i don't oil it. i will normally oil her hair every other day. This product does work. Good Luck!!! if you use it let me know the results!