Hair Care Commitment: How Long Before You Were Fully "On Board"?

Royal Glory

New Member
Hi Ladies,

Okay, LHCF veterans, take a trip down memory lane for me please.

Remember when you used to abuse your hair or at the very least neglect caring for it the way you should? Remember when you finally had enough and you decided you were going to take better care of your hair, eat better, take supplements, exercise, set hair goals, invest in quality products, etc.?

How long did it take you to fully commit to no-heat styling :eek: or protective styling :ohwell: or baggying :lachen: or going to bed with your head wrapped up? How did your husbands or boyfriends react to this new you and your neverending PJness, books, and looks?

I'm determined...but still adjusting! It's only been two months and I am breaking some really bad habits. God's grace has kept me though. No turning back!
I had some healthy hair habits before I joined the boards, but I didn't have a clue about stretching. When I stretched, it was usually on accident instead of an intentional hair protection move.

I think putting a complete healthy hair regimen in place just takes time. It took at least 8 weeks of me researching products and methods before I even knew what I wanted to try. Then it was another 6-8 weeks of playing around with products and methods to see what worked.

So altogether, I'd say it took about 4 months before I had completely settled into my regimen and a healthy hair way of life. :lol: I didn't have a boyfriend at the time and I lived alone so I had no one to answer to. People at the office I worked in at the time used to look at me crazy because they were used to me having hair that looked "done" all the time but I departed from that and started stretching. I was also wearing buns ALL the time...more so out of simplicity than protective styling though.

I think a lot of the ladies here have struggled with some form of this...rather it was giving up a relaxer that was hindering progress or giving up heat. Many of us have had to move out of a comfort zone of some sort in order to realize new milestones in our haircare journey.

You'll get the hang of it chica. Just stick with it! You've got all of us to support you. :kiss:
I wouldn't call myself a veteran just yet, but I was on board from day 1.

Once I committed to low or minimal heat I NEVER used the blow dryer on high again. I started protective styles the same day I read about them and never looked back. I started C&G as soon as I got the chance and I'm still doing it. I just needed the information. Doing it hasn't really been a problem. Except when it comes to taking my vitamins. I've gotten lazy. :ohwell:
I quit heat cold turkey and really never looked back. Soon after I did the b/c I started with protective styles and have stuck with it consistently. I am not consistent with the baggy method yet and I might not ever be. For some reason, I almost never feel like dealing with that anymore, even though I like the idea of it.

It took me months to find out what was right and wrong for my hair. I went through the PJ phase and went through a lot of trial and error. My level of interest in taking care of my hair has remained pretty high, but within that range it has ebbed and flowed. I think we all go through times when we are fully committed and "in the zone", to times when benign neglect sustains our hair progress. :)

My husband is very supportive and has never complained, even though I used to wear rather ugly scarves to be before I bought satin pillow cases. :)

As DI said, you will find your way. This board is an excellent resource and there is plenty of great support and inspiration here. HHG!
I hopped on board pretty quickly, thought I had learned everything and slacked off. Then realized I didn't know nearly enough and came back. :assimilat:

Like most others it took me awhile to figure out what worked for my hair. I jumped on a lot of bandwagons and wasted a lot of money, but I have a bit more discretion now with experience and try to separate fact from fad. It is VERY easy to get swept up.

I appreciate that I've reached something close to a balance now. My husband is supportive of most everything and even "gave" me the bathroom. He says I need a lot more than he does; as he slowly reaches around 6 bottles of Aussie moist to get to a spare toothbrush. :angeldevi:

The only thing he makes fun of is my vitamins or as he calls them "Hairoids". He even used to joke with customers at the beauty supply and say "Oh yeah, her hair looks like that because of hairoids" and I'd have to go into this long explanation. The customer would just end up looking at me like :nuts:

But I still love him.
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I have only been a member for a few months, and I am just now getting into a solid regimen. I went through the PJ phase (still recovering), and had some bumps in the road early on because I was SO eager. I have always wanted long hair and thought I would never get it because I was "all black and nappy headed". LHCF has taught me better.

This has been a tough transition for me because I ALWAYS kept my hair done. I would visit the salon twice a week sometimes to make sure my do was tight:lol: , so the protective styling gets to be a challenge. Sometimes it takes every ounce of will power for me not to rush to the salon and do some major damage to my hair or to break out the flat iron, but I am learning how to focus on the future. There are a couple of ladies on this board whose albums I stalk because their hair looked like mine does now, and now they have long beautiful hair.

As for my hubby, he thinks it is a little wierd that I focus on my hair so much and he has asked how long I am going to keep my hair "like that" (meaning the bun). That gets a little hard, but I can't wait until he sees my progress. Does anyone in here have an extra dose of patience I could use???
Truly commited? Honestly 4 years. I have truely been lurking here since 2002. Since there was a poster name Jade21 that gave the BEST vitamin advice. I often wonder where she is now, I hope in good health. (all the OLD heads will know who I am talking about).

The hardest part for me was understanding that you gotta be all in, in all aspects. My boyfriend loves it and compliments me all the time about how far I am come in terms of overall health. He is constantly pushing me to stay consistent and that if I focus on doing things to increase overall hair health, then I will eventually get the length I want. He is helping me put together my first album this weekend and promises to take me out to eat every time we put up progress photos. He is really supportive in all I do. If there is any product I want to try he always lets me get it. Sometimes I think he wants it more than me. He looks at all the hair pics you all post and talks about how beautiful and thick it looks.
Truly commited? Honestly 4 years. I have truely been lurking here since 2002. Since there was a poster name Jade21 that gave the BEST vitamin advice. I often wonder where she is now, I hope in good health. (all the OLD heads will know who I am talking about).

The hardest part for me was understanding that you gotta be all in, in all aspects. My boyfriend loves it and compliments me all the time about how far I am come in terms of overall health. He is constantly pushing me to stay consistent and that if I focus on doing things to increase overall hair health, then I will eventually get the length I want. He is helping me put together my first album this weekend and promises to take me out to eat every time we put up progress photos. He is really supportive in all I do. If there is any product I want to try he always lets me get it. Sometimes I think he wants it more than me. He looks at all the hair pics you all post and talks about how beautiful and thick it looks.
Divine Inspiration said:
I had some healthy hair habits before I joined the boards, but I didn't have a clue about stretching. When I stretched, it was usually on accident instead of an intentional hair protection move.

I think putting a complete healthy hair regimen in place just takes time. It took at least 8 weeks of me researching products and methods before I even knew what I wanted to try. Then it was another 6-8 weeks of playing around with products and methods to see what worked.

So altogether, I'd say it took about 4 months before I had completely settled into my regimen and a healthy hair way of life. :lol: I didn't have a boyfriend at the time and I lived alone so I had no one to answer to. People at the office I worked in at the time used to look at me crazy because they were used to me having hair that looked "done" all the time but I departed from that and started stretching. I was also wearing buns ALL the time...more so out of simplicity than protective styling though.

I think a lot of the ladies here have struggled with some form of this...rather it was giving up a relaxer that was hindering progress or giving up heat. Many of us have had to move out of a comfort zone of some sort in order to realize new milestones in our haircare journey.

You'll get the hang of it chica. Just stick with it! You've got all of us to support you. :kiss:
Thanks for the encouragement. You are indeed an inspiration! Your progress photos are wonderful.
Thanks Cichelle!

I've been sleeping on the satin pillow cases for a few years now, even though I wasn't doing anything else protective back then.

I recently read somewhere that it is good to use both in case you "wrestle out of your scarf or bonnet" during the night. I teased my husband and said they are an easy sacrifice for longer, healthier hair! He grinned.

BTW, your lil sumo is really cute!
I found this site in the summer of 2005. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw all the beautiful heads. Then I read about baggying, deep conditioning, stretching relaxers, taking vitamins, MTG and I was like HECK NAW...I ain't doing all of that! Anywho, after my 3rd "trim" by my stylist, I got really tired of being shoulder length.

So, I guess you could say it was my New Year's resolution this year. I fully committed in February. I stopped lurking and joined. Now I wear buns, deep condition, take 8 vitamins a day, surge ever night and co-wash. I'm about 2 inches from APL with NO split ends.
I was very determined and I fully committed right away. I through away all heating appliances (they were old anyway) so there wouldn't be any temptation to fall back to old patterns. I didn't tell anyone what I was planning to do, I kept that to myself. My bf seemed to like my buns and other updos, which I had never worn before in my life.
I know. I didn't go to the salon but a couple times a year for trims, but my hair has always been soft and flowy and people touched it all the time. My only alternate style has been the french roll.

I am working on variations on that theme now.

What your hubby said is cute. Mine just "glances" upward toward my hair and says nothing when I have done something "different".

Thanks "sis"
GoGoChik said:
I found this site in the summer of 2005. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw all the beautiful heads. Then I read about baggying, deep conditioning, stretching relaxers, taking vitamins, MTG and I was like HECK NAW...I ain't doing all of that! Anywho, after my 3rd "trim" by my stylist, I got really tired of being shoulder length.

So, I guess you could say it was my New Year's resolution this year. I fully committed in February. I stopped lurking and joined. Now I wear buns, deep condition, take 8 vitamins a day, surge ever night and co-wash. I'm about 2 inches from APL with NO split ends.
I know! I'm still learning and I feel a little like that too. I was already on "mega doses" of vitamins, so I just added Vitamin Shoppes Hair Elements to the mix.

BTW, what is surge? I've seen that is few posts, and was wondering about it.

Wow, GoGoChick. Your progress is great.
Isis said:
I was very determined and I fully committed right away. I through away all heating appliances (they were old anyway) so there wouldn't be any temptation to fall back to old patterns. I didn't tell anyone what I was planning to do, I kept that to myself. My bf seemed to like my buns and other updos, which I had never worn before in my life.
That is great, Isis. What courage throwing away your appliances!

It has paid off for you!
gymfreak336 said:
Truly commited? Honestly 4 years. I have truely been lurking here since 2002. Since there was a poster name Jade21 that gave the BEST vitamin advice. I often wonder where she is now, I hope in good health. (all the OLD heads will know who I am talking about).

The hardest part for me was understanding that you gotta be all in, in all aspects. My boyfriend loves it and compliments me all the time about how far I am come in terms of overall health. He is constantly pushing me to stay consistent and that if I focus on doing things to increase overall hair health, then I will eventually get the length I want. He is helping me put together my first album this weekend and promises to take me out to eat every time we put up progress photos. He is really supportive in all I do. If there is any product I want to try he always lets me get it. Sometimes I think he wants it more than me. He looks at all the hair pics you all post and talks about how beautiful and thick it looks.
That is wonderful that he is so supportive. It helps to have that. I hope to make some progress in length soon so that my husband (and I) can see that it is not in vain. But, I believe I will.

BTW, I want to try the Ellin Lavar Line too. Let me know if you do before I do.

I started in 2002. My hair was in such bad shape. I was a slave to extensions for years and would never let my hair rest.
My front sides of my hair were completely gone! I use to apply my relaxer all over my hair right after I came out of braids that were in for almost 7 months. I also had a huge bald spot in the middle of my head.

I thank god for the forum and Robin from Without it I would have been lost.

My husband use to hate it. He thought that I was crazy and too much into.

Now he sees how much my hair has grown. He doesnt want me too flat iron it or anything because he doesnt want it to get damaged.

Dont worry you'll get through this stage.
carmella25 said:
I started in 2002. My hair was in such bad shape. I was a slave to extensions for years and would never let my hair rest.
My front sides of my hair were completely gone! I use to apply my relaxer all over my hair right after I came out of braids that were in for almost 7 months. I also had a huge bald spot in the middle of my head.

I thank god for the forum and Robin from Without it I would have been lost.

My husband use to hate it. He thought that I was crazy and too much into.

Now he sees how much my hair has grown. He doesnt want me too flat iron it or anything because he doesnt want it to get damaged.

Dont worry you'll get through this stage.
Thank you sooooo much!

I visited the other day. You're right, it offer some good information too. I saw it mentioned in a thread. Maybe it was yours.
Royal Glory said:
That is wonderful that he is so supportive. It helps to have that. I hope to make some progress in length soon so that my husband (and I) can see that it is not in vain. But, I believe I will.

BTW, I want to try the Ellin Lavar Line too. Let me know if you do before I do.


He acutally just asked me if I asked any more questions today. I might need to marry him!!! I am ordering some ellin stuff within the next two weeks. I will pm you when I do
Royal Glory said:
Hi Ladies,

Okay, LHCF veterans, take a trip down memory lane for me please.

Remember when you used to abuse your hair or at the very least neglect caring for it the way you should? Remember when you finally had enough and you decided you were going to take better care of your hair, eat better, take supplements, exercise, set hair goals, invest in quality products, etc.?

How long did it take you to fully commit to no-heat styling :eek: or protective styling :ohwell: or baggying :lachen: or going to bed with your head wrapped up? How did your husbands or boyfriends react to this new you and your neverending PJness, books, and looks?

I'm determined...but still adjusting! It's only been two months and I am breaking some really bad habits. God's grace has kept me though. No turning back!

I started haircare in Nov. But between Nov and April 06 I got NOWHERE!!! No WHERE! I got tired of every one else's hair getting longer and stronger and mines stayed thin, breaking, and I was forever having hair problems. I contiuned to try and find ways around retaining length while flat ironing AND blowdrying 1-2 times a week. I couldn't fight it anymore. My hair got thinner and thinner.

So I thought "lemme see what these chicks be talking about" and I bunned for one month. I gained a whole inch! Every since then I KNEW I needed to stick with it. So it all it's been about 6 mos. And my hair is getting better and better.

ETA: SO don't care. As long as I am happy. He laughs at me when he see me baggying and be like "boooy, you is serious!" But it's all in good fun. He is very supportive of me and he takes my progress pics (bless his cute little heart) which is cool with me. The baggy crunching noises don't bother him either. lol
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I actually just joined the site this week and boy have I learned a lot. It started off with me doing some research a month ago. Then I purchased Cathy Howse’s 2000 edition book. I learned so much and wanted to know more, which is what lead me to LCHF. I can not believe how ignorant I was when it came to black hair care. Heat was a part of my daily routine. Deep conditioning…what’s that? Sleeping with a scarf, never…and I didn’t even own a hair moisturizer. But all that has changed! I have no problem letting go of all those bad habits because I have witnessed for myself through LCHF what a good hair care regimen can ultimately lead to.
MizaniMami said:
I started haircare in Nov. But between Nov and April 06 I got NOWHERE!!! No WHERE! I got tired of every one else's hair getting longer and stronger and mines stayed thin, breaking, and I was forever having hair problems. I contiuned to try and find ways around retaining length while flat ironing AND blowdrying 1-2 times a week. I couldn't fight it anymore. My hair got thinner and thinner.

So I thought "lemme see what these chicks be talking about" and I bunned for one month. I gained a whole inch! Every since then I KNEW I needed to stick with it. So it all it's been about 6 mos. And my hair is getting better and better.

ETA: SO don't care. As long as I am happy. He laughs at me when he see me baggying and be like "boooy, you is serious!" But it's all in good fun. He is very supportive of me and he takes my progress pics (bless his cute little heart) which is cool with me. The baggy crunching noises don't bother him either. lol

Well as I've told you before, your regime is really working! Your hair looks great. You inspire me.
It didnt take me any time to get on board. I was doing pretty good with my hair before I joined. I have learned so much since being here that I am really on my A game.
MizaniMami said:
I started haircare in Nov. But between Nov and April 06 I got NOWHERE!!! No WHERE! I got tired of every one else's hair getting longer and stronger and mines stayed thin, breaking, and I was forever having hair problems.

So I thought "lemme see what these chicks be talking about" and I bunned for one month. I gained a whole inch! Every since then I KNEW I needed to stick with it. So it all it's been about 6 mos. And my hair is getting better and better.

I'm kinda the same. I found the board in Oct. Joined in Nov. and didn't really get serious about my practices until about March/April. I think I saw more health and thickness first, I'm just now seeing changes in length.
I guess I can say I really didn't get serious til a couple of months ago. And after a year of being on here I shud have more progress than I do. So now it is time to do what I know to do and watch it grow :)
I got on board immediately after lurking, because I didn't want my transition to become a disaster. I immediately stopped using heat and incorporated about 100% more moisture into my routine. I also started conditioner washing and detangling my hair differently.

It's always evolving though, I still learn new things that I can incorporate into my routine. My SO...who cares? ;) Nah, he thinks I spend WAY too much time on my hair. He says it's going to fall out, because I wash it so much. I just tell him "do you, and I'll do me, okay?" He did put together my storage cabinet though, because he'd had it with the 8 bottles of conditioner in the shower. :lol:
Royal Glory said:

Well as I've told you before, your regime is really working! Your hair looks great. You inspire me.

Thank you girl! I am trying!:lol:

Imma put So's quote in my siggy one of these days!
I found this board in December 2005 and immediately joined. At first, it took me a while to get the hang up thangz because there is so much information here..I got my regimen downpacked in June of this year, which basically was bunning and baggying those ends and my growth has taken off from there...I have retained all my growth and my hair is getting longer and longer.:)