Hair Bun

I can't do a bun to save my life with my hair but I assume if gel is needed then you can use it for a sleeker look. And if your bunning all the time a protein based gel can break the hair for some who are protein sensitive. And if your bunning every day, you should put minimum gel on the edges and tie down with a scarf, because the scarf is what makes it more sleeker and you don't want to put globs of gel on your hair, and for a natural gel try aloe Vera gel
For the most part I don't use gels when I bun my hair except on wash day when anything goes.

How long is your hair? Can you bun w/o gel if you'd like? I prefer a medium to soft hold gel myself...
I can't do a bun to save my life with my hair but I assume if gel is needed then you can use it for a sleeker look. And if your bunning all the time a protein based gel can break the hair for some who are protein sensitive. And if your bunning every day, you should put minimum gel on the edges and tie down with a scarf, because the scarf is what makes it more sleeker and you don't want to put globs of gel on your hair, and for a natural gel try aloe Vera gel

The problem I am having is when I bun my hair i do it at night (I am not that good at it yet) I wrap my hair but in the morning my hair isn't smooth. I have not used gel as of yet because I know in the pass gel has cause damage to my hair.
For the most part I don't use gels when I bun my hair except on wash day when anything goes.

How long is your hair? Can you bun w/o gel if you'd like? I prefer a medium to soft hold gel myself...

My hair is a little longer then shoulder length. I hear from so many people that one of the best ways to have your hair grow is to bun it. I would like to master wearing my hair in a bun, I just seem to be having some issues. So I am reaching out to my hair sisters that have been doing it for a long time who can give me some pointers.
greenandchic - Your hair is beautiful, If I can get my hair close to that I would be happy.

Thanks! I normally don't have my buns that neat. Its generally more chunky and fuzzy, more like the "fuzz" in this pic:


This was done after smoothing my hair with my hands (not using brushes these days) a million times and using Curls Passion Fruit Curl Control Paste (same consistency as Lets Jam! without the mineral oil) and tying it down with a satin scarf.


when my hair was natural, gel was my friend. since i am relaxed, i don't need gel. and i would use gels that were alcohol and protein free. i would also not try to restyle my hair until it wash time.
shortdub78 - so would you say that if your hair needed a little touch up because the bun/ ponytail was a little messy would you then just take the holder out put a little more gel on top of your hair smooth it out and put the holder back in? This way your are not coming through your hair (so there is less breakage) but you are able to wear the bun a couple more days?
Second vote for the curls passion fruit control paste. I relax and this stuff is light but STAYS! Works very well for me and I bun all the time. Good stuff and you can get it at Sally's.
shortdub78 - so would you say that if your hair needed a little touch up because the bun/ ponytail was a little messy would you then just take the holder out put a little more gel on top of your hair smooth it out and put the holder back in? This way your are not coming through your hair (so there is less breakage) but you are able to wear the bun a couple more days?

yep! i wouldn't go through the whole process again.
Thanks! I normally don't have my buns that neat. Its generally more chunky and fuzzy, more like the "fuzz" in this pic:

This was done after smoothing my hair with my hands (not using brushes these days) a million times and using Curls Passion Fruit Curl Control Paste (same consistency as Lets Jam! without the mineral oil) and tying it down with a satin scarf.

I have that control paste, it has a great hold? Nice and smooth, I forgot I had it, got to whip that out again
I am learning how to bun my hair, I wanted to know do you use Gel to bun your hair and if so does that break your hair?

I cowash and wet bun everyday when I slick my hair back (if I wear it in a top knot I use ORS Pudding).

When I wear it slicked back my bangs aren't long enough to go into the bun yet so I need gel to hold it down. I use Eco-Gel Olive Oil or Argan Oil formula because it's alcohol free.

I grew my hair to tailbone length a few years ago wearing daily buns. Just make sure you are gentle with your hair, don't tug and pull to much and let the gel do the smoothing instead of your comb. :yep:
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I have that control paste, it has a great hold? Nice and smooth, I forgot I had it, got to whip that out again

Its a pretty smooth hold. If I need to redo my hair, I have to spritz a little water in it to liven it up. Its a solid hold, jut not hard like a gel.
Dove56 - That is really good to hear. I just purchased Eco-Gel Olive Oil today will be the first time using it. When I use to have dreads and it was time to get them done I use to use the clear eco and slick the top down. Since I have taking my dreads out (it took 2 mnts) I also stop using heat, I am learning to take better care of my hair. So I am very thankful for your input.
Dove56 - That is really good to hear. I just purchased Eco-Gel Olive Oil today will be the first time using it. When I use to have dreads and it was time to get them done I use to use the clear eco and slick the top down. Since I have taking my dreads out (it took 2 mnts) I also stop using heat, I am learning to take better care of my hair. So I am very thankful for your input.

No problem. :) My hair is really thriving with my trusty little bun lol.
Has anyone had any success using aloe vera gel for smoothing down buns?

shortdub78 What brands of gels did you use

fantasia ic gel (green)

ecostyler (green)

Qhemet Biologics Honey Bush Tea gel.

ecostyler has the strongest hold.

i have never used aloe vera gel, but a lot of others use and as well as flaxseed gel that they make on their own.
Hi @Sunshinelove32,

I don't use gel I find just about all of them too drying for my hair. I usually make my buns "fresh" each day. I found the easiest way for me to create a smoother bun was to do a bun that didn't require me to pull all of my hair back at once like a "Degas Ballerina Bun", I included a link to a tutorial below. Finally, I had to accept that my hair was only going to be but so sleek, it's highly textured. I usually do looser buns to play up the textured nature of my hair rather than fighting to make it look sleek. Good luck, and happy growing. :yep:

There are a couple of pics of my take on the Degas Ballerina Bun in a post from last year. You'll see that I don't even try for sleek.
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Does anyone use Grease to do their bun (grease and water) I have heard good and bad things about grease. I am a bit confused about it.
I like to use pomade or gel; Aussie Instant Freeze is my staple since I'm protein sensitive and also flaxseed gel.

For pomade I like the ORS Edge Control and also the Curls Control Paste is really good, but be careful of with the Curls if your hair reacts to glycerin in certain weather (like mine does). I put that stuff in and watched my hair get 5x bigger lol, that's probably not a problem for buns though.