Hair breaking off in the top of head!! Help

Thanks to all of your lovely advise my hair is growing nicely. I am collarbone length almost shoulder length. But I have this patch of hair in the top/middle of my head that is twice as thick as the rest of my hair and it is breaking off. Do any of you have this problem? And if you do, how do you deal with it? I don't want the rest of my hair to be extra long and then have this hole to Hell in the top/middle of my head. Help!! I know you will. Thanks ;-)
Is that section receiving enough moisture? The crown/back of my head requires more moisture than other sections. I am relaxed and I discovered that if I do not moisturize that area enough, it will break at the demarcation line. So perhaps moisture is the issue? HTH!
there is another thread about this but not enough responses and i don't think anyone had a solution to the problem just talked about babying that area..

i have the same happened after i got a certain hair style for homecoming in high school the pins were digging into my head was so sore.. a couple days later i was due for a relaxer that i never should have got..cause my scalp was still sore..i think it made the problem worse..

the patch of hair has never been the same since..i would just cover it up or blend it in..but my nape has broken off due to over processing and now that whole area looks a mess

so i am looking to grow it out as well..however it's been like that forever even when the rest of my hair is completely sadly i think it might be a permanent condition
Check your combs for any areas that may be snagging your hair. Filing the teeth of combs with a nail file may smooth rough spots. Also, check any accessories your are wearing in your hair.
My hair is a different texture there. Very coarse and dry no matter what I do. I tend to baby that area alot and apply more moisture. Don't over process if you can help it, that only makes it worse.
You are not alone, as someone else said there is a related thread on the issue. My sister and I have this same problem. The crown is the area that seems to grow the fastest, have the tightest ng, dries out the fastest, itches and is prone to breakage if I'm not careful. I am currently following and Ayurvedic hair care reggie. This has helped tremendously. I also think giving up shampoo and babying that area by soaking it in cond. when I dc and massaging it daily with my oils. Since I have been doing this I don't notice it as much, but I can tell if left unattended that area will act up. For me I must give it extra attention. Also doing a protein treatment in that area alone helps.
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You are not alone, as someone else said there is a related thread in the issue. My sister and I have this same problem. The crown is the area that seems to grow the fastest, have the tightest ng, dries out the fastest, itches and is prone to breakage if I'm not careful. I am currently following and Ayurvedic hair care reggie. This has helped tremendously. I also think giving up shampoo and babying that area by soaking it in cond. when I dc and massaging it daily with my oils. Since I have been doing this I don't notice it as much, but I can tell if left unattended that area will act up. For me I must give it extra attention. Also doing a protein treatment in that area alone helps.

i must agree there was a time where this area cooperated it took much work massages and oils..i had gotten lazy once i started wearing wigs i figured since it wouldn't be exposed i didn't have to worry about it..boy was i wrong..

but now i am also back to babying that area..the area seems to hate being relaxed as that i am gonna try bkt..i hope that might help..