hair breakage in the nape area


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if this has come from me wearing the buns. Well, anyway, it is noticeable and yesterday I trimmed my hair some to make the broken off part not as noticeable. Now, I have switched to wearing french rolls but am a little leary about this method. My next step may be to get micro-braids. It is frustrating as I had reached bra-strap but I am no longer bra-strap with my self-administered trim. I'm starting to believe that wearning buns for a lengthy amount of time is not good for your hair.
I have been wearing buns for over a year and have not experienced thinning at the nape. :nono: My nape is actually growing in longer. :yep: I don't think it's the buns "style" that may have been the problem but I think your actual "method" of creating your bun (the pressure put on that particular area) could have a lot to do with it...maybe. :yep:
Hey Levette, are you a relaxed head? Many of us who relaxed have experienced breakage at the nape partly because of relaxers not being thoroughly rinsed from this area. Someone on the board mentioned that, to give this area a break, she only relaxes her nape every other time she perms. A lot of us started to do that and now notice healthier hair in this area. HTH. :)
Wearing your buns too tight can result in breakage in the nape and surrounding areas. My daughter used to wear her's too tight and ended up bald in the nape area! I bought some ORS Temple Balm and used it day and night in that area. The directions say NOT to use it in the Nape area, but I didn't notice this before. Anyway, her hair grew back fairly quickly. You would never know that she was once bald back there. :)
I am natural and i have experieced breaking at the nape also. For some reason my hair seems to grow slower there. I recently reached armpit length, or so it seemed untill i noticed the nape was a only at collarbone!! (i was wearing protective styles and had not noticed) The weird thing is for the past maybe five years it has been doing this. I believe it is do to wearing ponytails to often which i am told breaks the hair at the nape. What i do is i braid the hair for long periods of time, then i when i take it down i trim evenly, this seems to give my nape area time to thicken. I just started using WGHO so we will see if this speeds up the process. Also slowing down on the ponytail thing. HTH!
Levette, I would not put micros on the breaking nape area, really think that would be too much stress. Maybe give that area a rest, like braids (w/o extensions) or cornrows. The ladies have already given you some great advice. Hopefully some of it will help you get back on track.