Hair/Braids confused??


New Member
OK, I had a perm on 2/1/04. I've been taking care of my hair (conditionning and all that jazz). My new growth are untamable, so I decided to get cornrows this weekend. I think I'll keep them on for a month. I was planing to get a touch up then, but I just found out that I will traveling at the end of April. I will be going to Benin for work. It's really cheap to get hair braided there, should I take out my cornrows, deep conditionned and get my hair braided again in Benin. I will get small braids that would probably last until July- is this ok/healthy for my hair to strecth out the relaxer for 5 months???
Bumping for chanou...

I thought there was a thread about stretching relaxers, but I can't seem to find it....
i definitely don't see a problem with taking the cornrows down and getting it braided again in Benin. how long do you plan on keeping those braids in?

when i wore braids alot, i didn't retouch the entire time, which was 10 months. you shouldn't have a problem as long as you keep your hair really moisturized.
Stretching out relaxer challenge

Check out this thread. In the sixth post on the page, diamondlady said that she was trying to wait 4 months for her next one, and the doctor actually praised her for relaxing only 3 to 4 times a year! I do not think that you will damage your hair by waiting five months.

I know I will get new growth with the braids. I'm worried about the relaxed part of my hair. Will keeping the braids in for so long make them dry and brittle?? It's been so gruesome to have my hair healthy and strong. I don't want to undo what I've done with the braids.
again, how long do you plan to keep the braids in?

you shouldn't have a problem as long as you keep the braids moisturized, just like you do without braids. moisture is the key to retaining length.
adrienne0914 said:
again, how long do you plan to keep the braids in?

you shouldn't have a problem as long as you keep the braids moisturized, just like you do without braids. moisture is the key to retaining length.

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ITA with Adrienne (and she should know!) Get yourself some braid spray or curl activator,spray your braids everyday and your relaxed hair will be fine.