Hair bloggers beware!


New Member
Don't know how many members here are bloggers, thought I would post just in case:

FTC: Bloggers must disclose payments for reviews

The Federal Trade Commission will require bloggers to clearly disclose any freebies or payments they get from companies for reviewing their products.
It is the first time since 1980 that the commission has revised its guidelines on endorsements and testimonials, and the first time the rules have covered bloggers.
But the commission stopped short Monday of specifying how bloggers must disclose any conflicts of interest.
The FTC said its commissioners voted 4-0 to approve the final guidelines, which had been expected. Penalties include up to $11,000 in fines per violation.
The rules take effect Dec. 1
Wow...this should be a sticky! IF true....

I agree!

But I do not get why they are doing this? The actress/singer does not have to say how much she made for that Féria L'Oréal thingy commercial, or how for mentioning it in an interview...
I agree!

But I do not get why they are doing this? The actress/singer does not have to say how much she made for that Féria L'Oréal thingy commercial, or how for mentioning it in an interview...

I actually get this. Everyone knows Beyonce isn't endorsing CoverGirl for free. But blogging has a built in assumption that it is grassroots. People would not normally assume that something grassroots is a paid advertisement so the FTC is simply trying to make sure that is clear to readers.
^^ Well we all know Beyonce is getting paid by Loreal. But if Miss Hairblogger starts says Instant Grow" is the best thing since the pressing comb we should know if she got paid to say or if she really believes it.

All that means is adding a disclaimer at the bottom of the blog that says sometimes companies give u stuff and you review it. They didn't mandate HOW the blogger must disclose the information.
I think this is an excellent idea. I have seen too many instances of bloggers glorifying products and they were actually paid to review them (and didn't disclose that fact). That lessens a person's credibility IMO and is one of the reasons I don't put much stock in blogger reviews.
Wow! I am glad that they are going to do this. I was reading a thread about a popular blogger and someone suggested that the writer might have gotten products for free. I had never really thought about it before that but I know that there are those who write for profit and there is a reason why blogs always are trying to get more readers and awards. Now whenever I see blog reviews or giveaways I always wonder.
I actually get this. Everyone knows Beyonce isn't endorsing CoverGirl for free. But blogging has a built in assumption that it is grassroots. People would not normally assume that something grassroots is a paid advertisement so the FTC is simply trying to make sure that is clear to readers.

hmm yeah it simply makes sense

I dont follow blogs that much (I check them out randomly) so I dont know about how much they push some products on their readers

If its really that deep, then I agree with it : a disclaimer would be great :yep:
I am all for disclaimers that is the reason everyone is out there on the internet look for the best and brightest when it comes to hair products.

I naturally assume that someone is telling me the product is good because there is NO disclaimer.

Keep it real and let me know right up front. :yep:

This keeps the consumer informed and safe from shady practices. I wonder how they would handle this when you are on a site like this. We have folks from ALL over giving recommendations, how would we know when one of those recommendations was a paid sponsor?

Mscocoface stepping up to the mic:

To all who have ever decided to try a product based on my recommendations or reviews I can assure you I have NEVER been paid in money, services or received free products or tools for any of the products/tools I have mentioned on this site.

Folks have thrown in samples for things when I have purchased other products but they were few and far between and the sizes were so small that with my hair (please refer to fokti) I would have to purchase the product in order for me to determine if I liked it or not.

Mscocoface stepping away from the mic. :)

Note to self: Put a disclaimer on my fotki. Don't want the IRS coming after me for ANNNYYYYYYTHING!!!
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What about people who honestly just blog about things they try without getting paid? I was paid $-3 for my review of trader joe nourish spa condish lol