Hair between medium & long - I need encouragement!


New Member
I'm at a frustrated point with my hair length. It's about 4-6" past my shoulders, but not yet at bra strap. It's about 6" from bra strap and it's driving me crazy.

I've been growing my hair from a Toni Braxton cut, and while it looks great swinging past my shoulders, it's at that weird length that is kinda just "there." Does anybody know what I mean? It's not shoulder-length and it's not definitely long. Six more inches would really do it for me.

My hair grows fast, so I don't know what I'm whining about. I guess it's being at the home stretch that has me anxious to see the end result. In the past, I would get so frustrated at this point and just go back to a shaved, tapered style. I am six months away from being content and probably a year away from my hair goal. I'm thinking about trying 5 mg. of biotin to speed things up.

I could really use some words of encouragement at this point. *sigh*
6"s? Aw, heck, one year from now when you get your 6"s you'll be thinking "Why was I worrying so much?" as you swing your hair over your shoulder
Thanks, Boadicea! By the way, I luv, luv, luv your hair! Seeing pics of long hair motivates me. OK, I won't go in for the big chop then. I'll be patient and wait another year...
your lucky your hair grows fast mine is as slow as I do not even know. girl don't worry about it I maybe just at the stage that you don't know what o do with it.just keep up the healthy hair habits and in no time you will be posting pictures about you hair growing past your bra strap.godluck girl
I totally understand what you're going through, except for me, it's about 8 more inches to bra strap. I live in a very hot and humid climate, too, so my hair really does kinda just sit there unless I've just had it roller set at the salon. It's a little too short to do any sort of cute updos (it's also layered, so there are piece everywhere), so I alternate between tucked-under ponytails and buns. Boring, yes. I'm thinking of getting a weave or braids just to break up the monotony a tad.

At any rate, I know that the closer you are to your goal, the harder it seems to acheive. It's like that with losing weight, too. You'll get there, though! And all the angst will have been worth it!

Girl, I feel you. You'll get there sooner than you think especially since your hair grows fast and it is healthy. Just treat it right so you can maintain the length, stay away from those scissor happy stylists and before the year is over you'll be there.
i know EXACTLY what u mean because my hair is at that point right now. i thought it was only me. its so frusturating! luckily for u, your hair grows fast...unlike me, mine grows S L O W!
I feel you too. My hair is 4 inches from bra strap and even though it grows fast I still feel like I'll never get there. Don't do the chop. You've worked to hard to get where you are and yes take some biotin girl. It'll speed things up.
I know how you feel. I think I'm making great progress and then I see pics posted by others and I don't feel so great about my progress. One thing I have to realize is my pics are always rollersets...I learned in the past that my length is more noticible when I blowdry and flatiron....
One thing that does help is to look at a previous pic..then you can see how much progress you've made.
I know how you feel. My hair is 18.5 inches long. It's about 2 inches past my shoulders and just hit shoulderlength on the sides. Which I grew out from a halle berry haircut from April 2002.

My hair grows super fast, which I am thankful for. So I am being patient and just playing the waiting game. I can't wait until my hair grows about 5 more inches. It will be shoulderlength nappy/curly and close to brastrap length when straightened. Just try to focus on other things besides your hair which helps a lot. When I stopped obsessing about my hair, that's when I appreciated the hair growth.
I'm there with you, so I understand. We just have to hang in there and concentrate on our hair so much!

Hang in there gurl, you can do it!!
I feel your frustration!!!
I've been allowing my hair to grow out from a mouth-length Cleopatra Bob since November! So far so good! My hair is now past my shoulders (2-3 inches) I have several inches to go in order to achieve the Bra-strap goal that I have set for myself. All I know is, I'm happy with my hair, I'm happy with my regimen, and I must remain consistent in order to achieve the optimum results I desire!

You have had a Toni Braxton cut and now your hair is past your shoulders~You go girl!
Before you know it, your hair will be at the Bra-strap!

Please remember: Patience is a virtue!
I know how you feel. I'm about 1.5 inches from bra strap and its driving me crazy. Hopefully when I get my next touchup I will finally be there
"Just try to focus on other things besides your hair which helps a lot. When I stopped obsessing about my hair, that's when I appreciated the hair growth."
I agree w/this. Once u stop thinking about it, that's when you'll be like "Wow, my hair REALLY grew!!!"