Hair Appointment at 'white' salon


Active Member
I just got a gift certificate for my birthday for a hair appointment which comprises of designer cut style and blowdry and washing and conditioning and a scalp massage. Here's my dilemma: 1) my hair tangles like crazy and everyone who handles my hair including myself have difficulty detangling it. 2) I have quite a bit of new growth but i'm not due for a relaxer touch up soon and the appointment is for this tuesday Apr 25th.
3) I dont want a cut and i dont and am not very willing to to blowdry my hair. Ever.

I'm okay with the scalp massage for instance but i'm a bit weary of the other processes and cannot risk loosing too much hair because my hair is already SUPER thin as it is. Also the main concern is that this is a WHITE salon with white employees and clients (i've been there previously for a facial) and even the hair products i saw there were not familiar. There was also quite a bit of cut hair on the floor i noticed. SO i dont know how much experience they have with very tangle-prone relaxed thin black hair and do not want to be a scape goat. But the one who gave me the certificate (white) keeps asking me about it so i have to go.

So guys, please help me out here. How do i go about this? Especially since time is of the essence.
If ur worried I dont think u should go. Or perhaps reschedule after you've had a touchup. To me this smells a bit "hint hint go to the salon" unless ur friend is actually naive enough to think there is no difference in your hairtype (not being rude) If thats the case you should carefully explain to her that it wont work out. Let her know your hairs a bit sensitive and you have to be careful about how its handled and with what products. When I was younger my bestfriend was a white girl and she never understood my hair for the longest while and it wasn't even overly representaive of a typical black head, some people honestly dont understand. I think she'd be grateful for the lesson. But I dont think you should risk something you might regret later, I mean a scalp massage is alot of manipulation and what happens if it's while washing???
angelica2u said:
I just got a gift certificate for my birthday for a hair appointment which comprises of designer cut style and blowdry and washing and conditioning and a scalp massage. Here's my dilemma: 1) my hair tangles like crazy and everyone who handles my hair including myself have difficulty detangling it. 2) I have quite a bit of new growth but i'm not due for a relaxer touch up soon and the appointment is for this tuesday Apr 25th.
3) I dont want a cut and i dont and am not very willing to to blowdry my hair. Ever.

I'm okay with the scalp massage for instance but i'm a bit weary of the other processes and cannot risk loosing too much hair because my hair is already SUPER thin as it is. Also the main concern is that this is a WHITE salon with white employees and clients (i've been there previously for a facial) and even the hair products i saw there were not familiar. There was also quite a bit of cut hair on the floor i noticed. SO i dont know how much experience they have with very tangle-prone relaxed thin black hair and do not want to be a scape goat. But the one who gave me the certificate (white) keeps asking me about it so i have to go.

So guys, please help me out here. How do i go about this? Especially since time is of the essence.

All I have to say good luck. My roommate went to one of those Salons, I specifically made her ask for a stylist who has experience working with African american's hair. Well this stylist talked a good talk about how many AA clients she has and how she like doing AA's hair because they were more versitile. Needless to say, it's a good thing I share haircare tips with my roommate. This stylist pulled a fine tooth comb to detangle my roommate's almost bra strap hair. She tried to gel up the roller set. then she wanted to spritz it. My roommate was in horror and kept telling the lady don't do this don't do that. At the end she let the lady used some hair spray but the stylist used so much she had to stand in the rain to let it fall a little.

The point of my story is do ask for a stylist familiar with AA.Also, ask her for some recommenations if you dont mind checking her out.

Good luck.
I wouldn't go. If I were you I would just be honest with her and tell her that you cannot put your precious strands in the hands of just any stylist. I'd tell her that I really appreciated her gift but that it may do more harm than good. Simply tell her that your hair is different from her hair and that you prefer to do your hair yourself or go to a particular hair stylist that you are familiar with. She does not need to know about how thin it is etc. but she needs to understand that she can't be involved in your haircare. Of all the gifts for her to give you, I don't get it. You could also see if it would be possible to use the certificate for something else like a mani pedi, etc. if they offer those services. Otherwise, your friend could just use the certificate herself. Honestly, if she didn't understand, I could care less, a real friend would just ask you what would be a better gift and keep it moving.
Can you sell it to someone else? I don't have a problem with dealing with other races for haircare and skincare. They just need experience dealing with black hair.
hopeful said:
I wouldn't go. If I were you I would just be honest with her and tell her that you cannot put your precious strands in the hands of just any stylist. I'd tell her that I really appreciated her gift but that it may do more harm than good. Simply tell her that your hair is different from her hair and that you prefer to do your hair yourself or go to a particular hair stylist that you are familiar with. She does not need to know about how thin it is etc. but she needs to understand that she can't be involved in your haircare. Of all the gifts for her to give you, I don't get it. You could also see if it would be possible to use the certificate for something else like a mani pedi, etc. if they offer those services. Otherwise, your friend could just use the certificate herself. Honestly, if she didn't understand, I could care less, a real friend would just ask you what would be a better gift and keep it moving.

I wouldn't risk it; too many variables....You don't want to risk your hard work on your hair that you know so well to someone that knows flip about it and would be experimenting with it.

I would, however, call the salon and ask if the value of the certificate could be exchanged for other services in the salon - i.e., facial, manicure, pedicure, etc.
Does the salon have other services you could use the certificate for? Maybe a massage or a facial? What about a mani or pedi? Maybe they sell some good products.

I don't let white people near my hair. They don't know what the heck they are doing and if I have to talk you through it...hell...I can do it myself.
hopeful said:
I wouldn't go. If I were you I would just be honest with her and tell her that you cannot put your precious strands in the hands of just any stylist. I'd tell her that I really appreciated her gift but that it may do more harm than good. Simply tell her that your hair is different from her hair and that you prefer to do your hair yourself or go to a particular hair stylist that you are familiar with. She does not need to know about how thin it is etc. but she needs to understand that she can't be involved in your haircare. Of all the gifts for her to give you, I don't get it. You could also see if it would be possible to use the certificate for something else like a mani pedi, etc. if they offer those services. Otherwise, your friend could just use the certificate herself. Honestly, if she didn't understand, I could care less, a real friend would just ask you what would be a better gift and keep it moving.

I agree. What a strange gift, but I think you should try to use it for some other services if possible. If not, tell her thanks but no.
thanks a lot for the swift responses guys. To answer your question first of all dimpalz, the certificate expires Apr 30th and i wouldnt have a touch up by then.

And i did contemplate not going but she's actually my brothers girlfriend and i see her pretty often and she asks oh when r u getting your hair done and so on so i just felt a bit guilty. But u're right, I have quite a bit to loose here by going through with it. Also, i would not be able to swap it for any other service - it is as is. I also had a facial and i did that one already lol. I was actually quite surprised about the hair one but i guess she doesnt know just how very different our hair types are.

You all raise really good points.