Hair and Swimming


Well-Known Member
I am taking swimming lessons right now and it requires that I be in a pool of an hour a day everyday. I am natural and my hair is dyed and highlighted. I am currently washing my hair everyday after the lessons with a swimmers shampoo and conditioner. I normally do mostly condition washes. What can I do to protect my hair better? All of the washing and chlorine is taking a toll!!!
Hi SHG!!!!
Do you wear a swimming cap? Also you can wet your hair and put conditioner on it and after your swimming lesson you can rinse it out. This helps protect your hair against the chlorine.
yea it would be better to wear a swim cap ( i used to take swimming lessons when i was oing the natural thing too lol ) but wear a swim cap. and wash AND conditon it. it'll do better. , wait i skipped a part abotu swimmer shampoo. i used baby shappoo and my hair came out good. hope that helped
iono.. when i go swimming, swimming caps dont stay on my head and irritate me so i jus dont bother with them.. Interesting though, one day me and Mikeysgurl810 went for a swim..and she brought up an interesting point.. what she did to her hair was condition it really well and applyed vasline and she said " i figured if vaseline can seal stuff in then it should be able to keep stuff out right" .. and i realized that she had a good point.. think about when u put vasline on ya legs (if udo) and u put water on ya legs.. water doesn't go thru it jus sits there on ya leg right?? I could be wrong... iono i'ma ask her 2nite or maybe she'll respond on how well it protected her natural hair *shrugs*
Wet your hair with regular shower water before you get in the pool. If your hair is already wet, it will limit the amount of chlorine that will be absorbed. Wet and add some oil or conditioner, and afterwards shampoo and condition with a deep conditioner.