Hair Analyzers Anonymous


New Member
:spinning:Ok know you do it! When you run a comb through your hair or just run your hands through your hair and a hair comes out you check to see if it has a white bulb on one end (which indicates the hair was shed from the roots and didn't break off) or you run your hand down the shaft to see if the cuticle is smooth...or you analyze the ends to make sure they're not split or thinning.

Yes, you're a bulb checker. Yes, you're a hair analyzer. Well today you have a place you can call home.

Post up if you're a proud member of the Hair Analyzer Anonymous Club. :drunk:

President DR checking in. You can't beat me holding hair up to the light from MULTIPLE angles until I make darn sure it's a shed. :lachen:
Not only do I always check the end to see if it's a shed hair, I almost always do a strand test by pulling it apart to see how strong it is. (this is a daily/weekly ritual with shed hairs):look:
Card carrying member checking in!!! :wave:

Amarech here and I am a Hair Analyzer!:lachen:

Not only do I always check the end to see if it's a shed hair, I almost always do a strand test by pulling it apart to see how strong it is. (this is a daily/weekly ritual with shed hairs
And I had the nerve to think I was the only one on LHCF who did this!:grin:

a little off topic

I was definately in panic mode last week with my elasticity concern. Ive been doing strand tests for a week now and everthing is all good. I think its My New Regimen :yep:
Wow this is getting bad! I actually put mine under a microscope (didn't see anything though:grin:) I was hoping to see some cuticle layers or some thing but I think you need a scanning electron microscope that cost like a billion dollars to see anything exciting. The one I used was a plain ol light microscpe.:drunk: I'm so glad we can all open up about this!:lachen:
Yesssss. I am a hair analyzer:grin: Each time I run a comb through my hair I look at the comb. My family laughs at me but...anywayyyyysssss:rolleyes:
You say it like something is wrong with it. :rolleyes: I mean so what if I run my hand thru my hair and check for open cuticle, who hasn't! And yes there was that time when my white co-worker left a strain of hair on my desk and I thoroughly examined it. I mean I don't see any issues with that :rolleyes:. And just b/c I think of my hair ALL DAY LONG I really see no need of the name calling...:spinning:

OK, ok I can't fight it any longer. I am a proud member of the Hair Analyzers Anonymous club. Where I'm not only a member but I know the founder! :lachen:
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OMG, I was at work checking my ends for splits and the boss saw me. He had that, "alrightythen" look in his face. I bet he was thinking..."women" Luckily for me he's a cool boss.
My name is Royal Glory...

and I'm a ...

hair analyzer.

I consider the state of every fallen hair, feel the smoothness of the cuticle, feel the newgrowth, etc. You name it. I check it.
:spinning:Ok know you do it! When you run a comb through your hair or just run your hands through your hair and a hair comes out you check to see if it has a white bulb on one end (which indicates the hair was shed from the roots and didn't break off) or you run your hand down the shaft to see if the cuticle is smooth...or you analyze the ends to make sure they're not split or thinning.

Yes, you're a bulb checker. Yes, you're a hair analyzer. Well today you have a place you can call home.

Post up if you're a proud member of the Hair Analyzer Anonymous Club. :drunk:


OMG! I'm guilty:lachen: I do the bulb check, and the ends check. I've never check to see if the shaft is smooth though... now you gave me something else to obsess over LOL Does smooth shaft = soft hair? How do you notice a smooth shaft?? *running my fingers over my ponytail hair trying to see if my shafts are smooth*
I am a analyzer & counter! Dbf's friends' girlfriend asked me if I was OCD:grin:!! (No ****- I just love hair)
I check every strand of hair that comes out for that little white bulb. Also I do a test to see how strong the strand is. That way I know if I need to up my moisture or do a protein treatment.
I'm guilty! I test elasticity of shed hairs, i stretch them, i snap them to see how strong they are. And at work I even measured a shed hair! :spinning: Yes I did! And once I'm done analyzing my own hair I secretly analyze others. NEXT....