Hair Advice Needed Please!!!!


New Member
Ladies, I'm taking out my two stand twist extensions and I've noticed a good amount of hair locking at the base. Although I took measures to prevent this fron happening, I can see lots of dirt and debree at the base of my natural hair ewwwwwwwww. What's the best way to soften and detangle the hair without wrecking my hair tonight? BTW, my hair is natural. That's actually working against me right now. :lol:
Girl I just looked at your album and your hair is beautiful, I mean gorgeous! Someone better help you out because we can't let anything bad happen to your hair. I'm newly natural so I'm still learning... :look:
Ain't that the truth!

hopeful said:
Girl I just looked at your album and your hair is beautiful, I mean gorgeous! Someone better help you out because we can't let anything bad happen to your hair. I'm newly natural so I'm still learning... :look:
Nothing better happen to my hair!!! Oops sorry...I was dreaming again. :)

Never had extensions so I am totally clueless. Would filling an applicator bottle with Jojoba oil and squirting a bit on each strand give you some slippage to allow the extensions to come out and a comb to go through the tangled area easier?

DONT DO A THING...until you get clear advice from the "extension Queens"...if you break my hair off...I mean your hair off...I might catch a case! :grin:

Best wishes.
I'd run and get some better braids unbraid (or some olive oil). Gently work out the knots with your fingers by first stretching the knot to see if it will break up. If it's too hard, then I hold the knot and gently (!) pull the hairs, sometimes one at a time out of it.
So I can't just take my denman and some hardcore conditioner to it? I wish had the time to untangle them one by one Kristina.

Thanks Hopeful and Natalied for the compliments.

PookeyLou I'm pm-ing you. I got a question for ya.
softening with conditioner or braid spray i would think woudl work like takin down locs...since u said it was locing gentle and patient
Gather up your KCutter comb, a spray bottle of water and your favorite conditioner. Take small sections of hair and spray with water and rub in some conditioner. Then use one (1) tooth of the KCutter to pick thru knots and locked hair. This takes time, but you won't lose any hair this way.
Use Better Braid Unbraid Spray (I think that's what it's called). That stuff is amazing and helped me to lose very little hair when removing braids, both when I was natural and when I've worn braids with my relaxed hair.