Hair Advice for a Friend :)


New Member
A friend of mine who is a 3b with VERY fine hair has decided to get into hair. She says her hair has become thin from too many Dominican blow-outs and would like to thicken it up and make it overall more healthy. But Im not sure what kind of products and techniques to recommend for her because her texture is much different than mine. The products and techniques I use on my hair might weigh hers down. I was wondering if you guys (3b or not) had any suggestions….

I was gonna recommend GPB for protein since its pretty light but Im lost after that.

Also, she wants to rollerset. I have relaxed hair that is bone strait so rollersetting will get my hair pretty straight. But if she has naturally curly hair, should I still recommend magnetic rollers? Will they get her hair straight without having to use a blow dryer or flat iron afterwards?
By thinning, i think she meant its becoming weaker and is breaking off. She also had extensions in which also added stress to her hair
Is she taking vitamins? If not i would suggest biotin, msm, vitamin c and vitamin e. Also, she may wanna stock up on castor oil- using it weekly as a pre-poo treatment- should definitely help her out. For the breakage- i would suggest adding Jherri Redding' 100
% natural protein conditioner(sally's) to cholesterol(i use queen helene's) and using that as a deep conditioner every 4-6 weeks.

That's pretty much my hair texture as well. My hair is fine, so I opt to not put too many products in my hair, especially when I use to wear it out after a wrap.

I do know that a good moisture shampoo ( I luv Elucence for my hair type) and moisture conditioner. She can use a leave-in conditioner (I use Giovanni leave-in or NTM leave-in. Either one is good because it doesn't weigh the hair down, which can happen easily with 3b/3c hair. Of course deep conditioning is wonderful...I do mine your way and it is great!

She can rollerset it with the magnetic rollers (that's what I use) and her hair will come out fairly straight, but afterwards, she can wrap her hair and then tie it down with a scarf and that should work out just fine, and also give her hair time to rest so that her hair can begin the healing process.

I take vitamins, etc....she should too. Our hair need it for strength from the inside out.

I hope everything turns out fine for her and keep us informed of her results, ok?

Blessings to you....:p
I agree that she needs protein. I'm not 3b/3c but I believe that Nexxus Emergencee can be used on that hair type too.