Hair Accessories For Your Ends


Well-Known Member
Anyone know of any safe hair accessories, specifically for bunning your ends? I've used hair elastics and bobby pins (alone and together) but they crush/dent my ends and cause splits. I've also used Goody Spin Pins but usually they just get tangled & stuck in my hair. Even satin scrunchies leave my ends slightly frazzled (and they stretch out over time).

I was thinking maybe I'd use
? I know they aren't a go-to here on LHCF, but i would place them about an inch away from my actual ends to keep my bun in place..

ETA: Sorry the photo's so big!
I don't like those clips because a hair or two gets caught in them. It doesn't matter if my hair is straight or curly.

I don't have an answer for you. My ends messed up from elastics so I left them alone. I did puffs or puffs tucked under a loose headband or those good day hair pins from Sallys.

They come in clear or brown.

I know what you mean....I recently purchased hair forks which they say are healthier, but you have to have a decent amount of hair for them to stay in, also I purchased something called "Amish pins", literally they are made by the Amish and they are stainless steel pins that last forever and they are more gentle on the hair yet keep a bun in like nobody's business. There is a thread on hair forks in here somewhere, and the Amish pins can be found on Mennonite if you're interested...HTH. Also both are pretty cheap...a hair fork you can get on Etsy for like $5 , and the pins are sold like $3-$5 dollars for a pack of 12 pins.

I use them all the time. CVS sells the jumbo sized ones that I use to hold up my shorter nape when I wear high buns. Mine come with a plastic/ rubbery thing on the metal part. I find that the rubber piece is supposed to prevent it from slipping out. It doesn't damage my hair but it just makes it harder to pin these close to my scalp because my NG is so thick. I usually remove the rubber or just buy the regular kind without the rubber attached to it.