Had a great salon experience today....


New Member
So I haven't been to a salon for my hair in almost 2 years. I went to 2 groovee' salon in Raleigh and had a great experience. I had some fusions in my hair for two months a while back (self-installed) and when it was time to take them out I gently removed some and yanked the others. Well the yanked hair was really broken off needless to say. When I went to Keke today I got a great consultation on what I should do to my hair ie moisturize, stop yanking things from my head etc. Anyways, she suggested layers to camoflouge the breakage in the top of my head. In her words I had breakage that was progressing from the crown to the apex of my head. As a grad student who is reminded to use clinical language in my reports, I appreciated that she used her professional language when describing the buckweetage going on on the top of my head.

I cringed when she mentioned a cut, but I knew it was something that had to be done. I asked her how much she was going to cut and get this -- she said "you have nice length so I am going to preserve the length and cut in a few layers in the areas of the breakage." Ladies I should have asked her if she was Nikko's cousin at that point lol.

She also suggested that I get a relaxer. I told her that I was kind of reluctant to do relaxers (actually I'm not, I'm just reluctant to get bone straight hair so I figured it was best to say I don't like relaxers) and she asked me why. I told her that stylists use relaxers that are too strong for my scalp and they leave my hair looking bone straight. I told her that I prefer not to have my hair straight and just to have relaxers so that I can come through my hair. Not only did she not look at me like I had grown a third eye in my forehead, but she responded that bone straight hair is overproccessed. She told me that she uses design essentials products and that they had a lo-lye relaxer that was used not to get hair bone straight but to get manageability. Child I almost fell out of my chair. Then she proceeds to hand me some educational materials from DE for me to read (not to take out of the salon, but it was still really nice) as she proceeded to explain the benefits of this particular relaxer to me. Right in the package it states that it will not get your hair bone straight, but can be used to increase manageabliity. I was excited at that point!

What I loved most was that she asked me if I was ok with getting a perm and with everything else that she did today--she didn't force me to tame my nappy roots. After having broken a couple of combs on my hair over that past few weeks, I made a personal choice to de-buckweetify my head. She told me step by step what she was doing to my head: basing, moisturizing, steam treating etc without being condescending. I felt like I was going to hair university, which has always been a dream of mine. When I told her about the stylist using perm that was too strong, she said I don't know why they would keep doing that to you. She said that I had fine hair and that they didn't need to be using super strong relaxers on my hair. We think my problem is that my hair is very dry, giving off the illusion of brillo pads (my words, not hers) She said that we should texturize my hair, but was careful to inform me that we were not using a texturizer but a relaxer with lo-lye that would give the appearance of a texturizer. I was just waiting for her to use the words "tex-lax" then I would know for sure that she was Nikko's cousin lol. I loved the fact that she asked me a lot of questions about the foolishness....I mean chemical processes that had been done to my hair before making a suggestion about getting a perm or the type of perm to get. That was great!

Now get this ladies, I told her I don't like my hair bone straight and I like for it to have texuture in it after the relaxer and that's what happened! She actually texlaxed my hair ya'll! After the relaxer she did an improvised steam reconstructor treatment with the towel and baggies and stuff. So then I sat under the dryer to dry my hair and she gave me an actual trim! I went in with shoulder length hair and left with shoulder length hair. She actually did what she said she as going to do and didn't try to give me a deep cut instead of a trim. I know I haven't posted in this section in a long time, but I had to come and share my experience!
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