gym workouts


New Member
Hi everyone, im new the LHCF site, ive been reading all your helpful postings and recommendations, however i have a question on going to the gym. I have relaxed hair about neck lenght, and i sweat in my head terribly. can someone recommend what i can do with my hair when i workout. its not quite long enough to put in a high pony, maybe a low pony. im presently wrapping my hair at night when i go to bed.

i notice some of you wash or rinse your hair EVERYDAY, WOW!!! thats a lot of maintenance for someone with my lenght of hair. its ok if your hair is longer, you have the option of a pony tail. but i would have to either rollerset, blowdry or flat iron my hair everyday to every other day, and thats a lot of heat. so im looking forward to your suggestions. i asked my stylist and he said i should wrap my hair with my satin scarf before going to the gym, but i forgot to tell him i sweat in my head and it would be soak and wet afterwards.

my present hair regimen is : i wash sunday with Creme of Nature Shampoo
DC with ORS replenishing packet, Leave in NTM, moisturize with ORS carrot oil and seal with JOJOBA oil. im having a lot of breakage (long strands) EVERYTIME I WASH my hair. been going on since OCT 08.

so anyone out there with any suggestions for hair maintenance during workouts please reply, thanks so much. Van
We sound like hair twins. The ORS replenishing pack is great, as a matter of fact Lorraine just posted a review of it in her blog. ORS is a protein conditioner, so you might want to switch up with a moisturizing conditioner instead. Something like KeraCare Humecto, for example. Too much of anything, especially protein can cause breakage.

I SO know what you mean with styling. I don't have many options as far as styles. I'm going to start practicing Braid Outs and Bantu Knot Sets. Both links will take you to a YouTube tutorial of each.

Also, when you workout, loosely tie a hair net on your head. This allows your scalp to breathe while you workout. It works better for me than a regular head scarf.

HTH :)
the longer hairs that are coming out - do they have that bulb on the end or are they broken off pieces? if they have the bulbs then your hair is shedding , otherwise its breaking off. Knowing whats going on may help you figure out what to do to help :scratchch
When I had short relaxed hair, I would put a couple scarves around it and go to the gym in the evening. I kept the scarves on when I went to bed and in the morning my hair was dry and flat. When I was natural and going to the gym, it was a big hassle because there was so much detangling and it took forever to dry. Now, I'm texturized and I have to wash my hair every 2 work outs or my scalp will start to each terribly.
Vcwsharp my hair is longer than neck length, but I workout M-F and I sweat in my head so bad my hair is wet when I'm done too.

I used blow it out, but that sweat AND heat was very very drying and damaging to my hair.

I walk around with a wet head M-F because I rinse that salt out of my hair and put conditioner in it. I wash it every other day.

How about a slicked back with a scarf look? or just a slicked back look? Maybe slick back and wet with a phony pony?

with the way I sweat and my fine hair, my stylist broke it down.... I had to decide between a cute hairstyle or working out. Working out won and in the process I learned about protective styling and different products here on LHCF and my hair is BSL.

Good luck!
thanks so much for your reply, like i mentioned my hair is not long enough for a high pony, but im going to try wrapping it, with a hair net, come home shower and sit under the hair dryer if its still wrapped.. and let it dry or air dry, tie it down and go to bed. i will try it on a friday night, when i dont have to worry about going to work the next day.

if that doesnt work, i will go to plan 2. ( what ever that may be) LOL
thanks again for replying. van
When I had short relaxed hair, I would put a couple scarves around it and go to the gym in the evening. I kept the scarves on when I went to bed and in the morning my hair was dry and flat. When I was natural and going to the gym, it was a big hassle because there was so much detangling and it took forever to dry. Now, I'm texturized and I have to wash my hair every 2 work outs or my scalp will start to each terribly.

When I was growing out my pixie cut in 2007, I did the same thing.

Before, I was working out in the morning and blowing it out AND then curling with disastrous results. So, I had to decide how to make it work. Changed my workout schedule to evenings...

For the longest time, I use to wear my neck length hair just slicked back behind the ears until it grew can make it work. Just wash it frequently to get out the sweat.

Good luck!