GVP Flat Iron: Is it REALLY comparable to Chi or Fhi?


New Member
Sally's is having a door buster of $49.95. Is this a good deal or is better to just go with a Fhi or a Chi?

I rarely flat iron, but when I do I want a quality iron that will compress my thick hair to silky shiny goodness. :lick:


I'm tempted because they have some really funky, girly designs, like hot pink and purple snakeskin print. :look:
I bought one and returned it Wednesday for $60, it was pretty...black with red roses. But now, i don't know if i gave it a fair chance. I used it on my daughter's natural hair ~ she's waistlength 3c-ish, and it was okay. I had it pretty low, but it wasn't like mind-blowing. I didn't try it on my hair bcs it didn't feel "powerful". I've been wash-n-go bunnin' it, so I may re-purchase and try it on my hair. But then the original chi is now $80, so i was thinkin' may as well get the real deal....
I own the GVP version and it's good. Now as for actually being comparable? I'm not sure. I say that because my stylist uses the original CHI with better results, but it could be all in the technique. I say for that price though it's worth a shot, especially since you don't flat iron often.
I use one. I'm not sure if it's comparable to a Chi or Fhi as i don't have either but it works for me. I use it on like 350-370 degrees (i think) and it gets really straight. Can you try it out and return it if you don't like it?
I use one. I'm not sure if it's comparable to a Chi or Fhi as i don't have either but it works for me. I use it on like 350-370 degrees (i think) and it gets really straight. Can you try it out and return it if you don't like it?

Oh gosh, I love your bun!

Back OT, I could, but I used to be the queen of buying and returning if I didn't like, so I'm trying to be more cautious and research first. My hd uses a Chi and the results are :lick:, but I've been reading some reviews that they break quickly. So I had kinda settled on a Fhi, until my Sally's catalog came with these darn GVP's. :ohwell:
I think it is all the in the technique. I Dc my hair really well. I let my hair dry in braids. I take small sections(like a half an inch) and I run through it with a regular comb then the GVP. I have great results.
Bumping for more replies...someone asked me about this too............:look:

I went ahead and got the FHI, the one without temp control. It works awesome on my dd's very coarse hair. It works well on mine but I have to just do one pass because it gets really hot. :burning: