guys listen to this


New Member
so my friend and i ... decided to try a chelating shampoo when we relax cause we have a no lye relaxer because of what we heard about the calcium build up... and my friend went to get her hair relaxed today and gave her stylist the shampoo and the lady told her that she would not recommend to use the shampoo the day u get a relaxer cause the neutralizing shampoo would be fully stripped our her hair and thats not good.. she said like some traces of the neutralizing shampoo should stay in the hair ... and she said she would use the chelating shampoo on her hair the next time she comes to get it washed....

what do you guys thinks about this..
Sorry but what is chelating shampoo, just curious?:perplexed

shampoo that really cleanses ur hair really deep.. like if u go swimming its good to use a chelating shampoo and like every so often its good to use to get all the products and build up out your hair.. its not for regular use... just occasional.
well i guess that makes sense since they always say not to wash ur hair the day u get a perm or else it'll burn ur scalp.. but idk..:ohwell:
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chelating poos git rid of the minerals and stuff, not really clarify. if you've got the money, get that mizani butter blends chelating AND neutralizing poo.
Most neutralizing shampoos have the same ingredients as the chelating shampoos. But, if she says not to use it the week of a relaxer, then just don't.
i wouldnt listen to a stylist anyway... thats just me... they think Everything makes your hair break.
Most neutralizing shampoos have the same ingredients as the chelating shampoos. But, if she says not to use it the week of a relaxer, then just don't.

I agree they are about the same and most neutralizing shampoos have achemical agent that show if the relaxer is completly out of the hair.
I texlax w/a lye relaxer and always chelate after neutralizing and have had no problems. If it weren't okay, why would Mizani or any other company make a Neutralizing and Chelating poo? I don't think it's because of lye vs no-lye either. I don't know about that one...
When I relax my hair(Elasta QP mild lye) I used Kenra clarifying/chelating shampoo after I neutralize and I never had any proplems.

The difference being you doing you'r own hair and the beautician that Krissynick went to, she never tried it (in my opinoin) so she didn't want to try it on a customer.
I texlax w/a lye relaxer and always chelate after neutralizing and have had no problems. If it weren't okay, why would Mizani or any other company make a Neutralizing and Chelating poo? I don't think it's because of lye vs no-lye either. I don't know about that one...

Good point...I don't think it would be a problem either.
I used to use Vitale Sensitive Scalp relaxer kit. The shampoo they provided in the kit was a chelating poo. If it's so bad, why would Vitale put it in their kit?