Gummy Hair from ION Reconstructor...


Well-Known Member
I used this today and my hair is so gummy. The front of my hair seemed to get rinsed properly and was fully of bounce.

the rest of my hair is a disaster. Has this happened to others?

I bought an indiv. pack. I want to try this product again though cause the front looked so nice. I just have to be sure that the cond. is rinsed. Since I am getting a touch up in a few days I don't want to rewash. I'll just put it back until my appt... Oh bother.........
This reconstructor seems to have a 'different' type of texture. When I used it, I remember having to REALLY rinse it out well. The first time I used it, I had to get back in the shower and rinse it again, because I could tell I didn't get it all out.
What temperature water did you use? I know that a lot of women use cool water when rinsing conditioner out of hair. Maybe using warm water would help...I don't know...just a thought...

Yes, you both are right. I did use warm water but just didn't rinse enough. I caved and rewashed my hair today..But because I use only LCHF recced products my hair wasn't tangled and I set my hair lickety split...

I like the conditioner, the parts that were rinsed properly looked soooo good! I'm buying it ---