Gucci Bag for a 17 week relaxer stretch!!!


New Member
So, My husband has been extremely supportive of my new hair growth pursuit (new product purchases, bunning, baggying, being on the forum 24/7,etc) and he's really been interested in what I'm doing and he keeps me in line as far as all of the Challenges I'm in. (my husband :orders: and this is me :eek: ). OK - it's not that bad.

But this really got me...we were sitting in bed dialoging about the hair forum and how difficult I think it'll be for me to stretch my relaxer (I was telling him about how someone ~ I forget who ~ stretched for 17 weeks!). He proceeded to tell me that I can do it and it won't be as hard as I think (yeah right!) :perplexed , just do some more research on the forum and get some more tips and if I hadn't thought of that.

He ended the discussion with you should reward yourself for making that goal...and I said with what, you know the only think I'm really into (right now) are purses? He said well your reward for being so discipline should be a Gucci purse!!! :D I was floored thinking he must not remember how much the last one was ~ Christmas in April!!! So I'll be sure to keep yall posted on my stretch.:grin:

Just had to share this...who know's my next thread might be "My husband relaxed my hair!!!" ~ highly unlikely...:lachen:
tijay said:
So, My husband has been extremely supportive of my new hair growth pursuit (new product purchases, bunning, baggying, being on the forum 24/7,etc) and he's really been interested in what I'm doing and he keeps me in line as far as all of the Challenges I'm in. (my husband :orders: and this is me :eek: ). OK - it's not that bad.

But this really got me...we were sitting in bed dialoging about the hair forum and how difficult I think it'll be for me to stretch my relaxer (I was telling him about how someone ~ I forget who ~ stretched for 17 weeks!). He proceeded to tell me that I can do it and it won't be as hard as I think (yeah right!) :perplexed , just do some more research on the forum and get some more tips and if I hadn't thought of that.

He ended the discussion with you should reward yourself for making that goal...and I said with what, you know the only think I'm really into (right now) are purses? He said well your reward for being so discipline should be a Gucci purse!!! :D I was floored thinking he must not remember how much the last one was ~ Christmas in April!!! So I'll be sure to keep yall posted on my stretch.:grin:

Just had to share this...who know's my next thread might be "My husband relaxed my hair!!!" ~ highly unlikely...:lachen:

What!?! Now you know you are just going to have to tought it out now. I wish I could find someone to give me that deal
*off to find a sugar daddy*
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a gucci bag sooo bad. That is my next outragous, overly expensive bag that I want. I say that you do it. Not only will you be sporting a beautiful bag on arm, your hair will be healthier, thicker, and best of all LONGER!!!!
Aw, that's really sweet :p !

It must be so nice to have someone helping you on your hair journey. I'll have to add that to qualities I look for in a mate :grin: ,
Dang! I usually just reward myself with a trip to DQ and get an Oreo Blizzard :confused:

You go, girl.
tijay said:
So, My husband has been extremely supportive of my new hair growth pursuit (new product purchases, bunning, baggying, being on the forum 24/7,etc) and he's really been interested in what I'm doing and he keeps me in line as far as all of the Challenges I'm in. (my husband :orders: and this is me :eek: ). OK - it's not that bad.

But this really got me...we were sitting in bed dialoging about the hair forum and how difficult I think it'll be for me to stretch my relaxer (I was telling him about how someone ~ I forget who ~ stretched for 17 weeks!). He proceeded to tell me that I can do it and it won't be as hard as I think (yeah right!) :perplexed , just do some more research on the forum and get some more tips and if I hadn't thought of that.

He ended the discussion with you should reward yourself for making that goal...and I said with what, you know the only think I'm really into (right now) are purses? He said well your reward for being so discipline should be a Gucci purse!!! :D I was floored thinking he must not remember how much the last one was ~ Christmas in April!!! So I'll be sure to keep yall posted on my stretch.:grin:

Just had to share this...who know's my next thread might be "My husband relaxed my hair!!!" ~ highly unlikely...:lachen:
This was actually a thread before that Breezy started. So dont speak too soon, Missy!!:lol: Who knows what the future holds?:lol:
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Lusa said:
Dang! I usually just reward myself with a trip to DQ and get an Oreo Blizzard :confused:

You go, girl.

lol OK! Or for me it the dream NEW hair product I have just been dying to Get.:lol:
gymfreak336 said:
What!?! Now you know you are just going to have to tought it out now. I wish I could find someone to give me that deal
*off to find a sugar daddy*

OKKK!!!!!!!!!!! Im witcha when ya right!
Mommy's girls said:
That is so sweet. My husband would probably buy me a bag just to get me off the forum- i'm on it so much.:D

LOL! We're not that far behind yall. After I reach my goals, he'll probably try to con me into staying off the forum :lol:
gymfreak336 said:
What!?! Now you know you are just going to have to tought it out now. I wish I could find someone to give me that deal
*off to find a sugar daddy*

You are too funny...
WORK IT GIRL!!! I got your back!

My husband just bet me $500 that I couldn't get to BSL by Dec, and I will definitely be using that for an LV or Gucci. So I'm with you in spirit lady! Just make sure you show pics of the new bag!
I love that kind of support! Healthy hair and a new bag to match! You can definitely stretch that long! See you in April ;)
That is so sweet! You got a blessing for a husband! :yep:
We'll look forward to seeing some pics of your new hair and new Gucci bag! :D
msbrown76 said:
WORK IT GIRL!!! I got your back!

My husband just bet me $500 that I couldn't get to BSL by Dec, and I will definitely be using that for an LV or Gucci. So I'm with you in spirit lady! Just make sure you show pics of the new bag!

You can do it...get that $$$ and keep me posted!
Sounds like a good deal to me;) ..every girl needs a gucci :p !

I didn't think that I could stretch my relaxer to 12 weeks... but I did, so I know u can do it for longer.. The key for me in my stretching relaxers is keepin' the hair moisturized and also washing 2x a week.. when I do this my new growth stays soft:)
Just stay focus and you can do it, By stretching your relaxer so long you save money and can get that bag. It's always good to treat yourself...
Divine Inspiration said:
That's funny & sweet. Girl you can TOTALLY do it...I'm almost 14 MONTHS post it can be done.

Get that hair and that bag!! :clap:

14 months post...maybe i'll get thee eventually