Grrrrr.... I'm about to have it out with the mail man! rant


Active Member
Ok so here's the deal. I ordered my bkt and the delivery conformation states that it was delivered yesterday at 11. Now I was home at that time ans checked my mail at noon. There was nothing in the box at all! So I waited and checked again before I went to work, still nothing. I called this am to see what happened. The man tells me it was delivered around 2! So I asked why does it say 11 on the com? On top of that we got no mail at all yesterday! He then gets snooty with me and say "well I don't know what to tell you because I dropped it off yesterday!" If I wasn't walking into class (which I'm sitting in npw) I would have flipped! If it was anything else I prob wouldn't be so pissed but I have a carreer fair to go to on wed and my hair looks jacked!
Ok I guess I'm done with my rant! Thanks for reading!

Ok so I just got back home and what do you know.... The mail that he claims to have delivered yesterday is now magically in the BOX! I pissy because he lied but Im happy I got my package!
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I order a lot, so I been through it all. Here is what I'd do

A) Call company say your never received your package. If they are a nice company they will either ship another one, or refund you (this has been the case for me 3 times)

B) Call the packaging company and make a complaint... Your package is some where.. you paid for a service that you didn't receive. I have had a mail man claim 3 days in a row that I wasn't there to receive my package when i was. Then I called USPS and complained. The next day magically the mail man could find my door bell.
Wow. What a jerk!
Maybe he sincerely thought he delivered it and felt bad when he discovered that he really hadn't. He should be ashamed of himself.
But yaaay to getting your package!