Growth Without Vits?


New Member
I have been thinking about discontinuing vitamins to see if this has any effect on my HORRIBLE ACNE!!! I have once again started breaking out terribly, and the only thing I can attribute it to is vitamins. I started taking GNC Ultranourishair about 2 months ago and since then I have been battling cystic acne. I drink at least 2 liters of water a day, but the zits are unbearable. So...what now? Can I really get growth (reasonable growth) without vits?
Unless you have some kind of scalp or medical problem that prevents growth, you really need the vitamins for hair growth anyway.

You can eat well and exercise, drink you water like you said and you hair would grow just fine.

Have you see some major change in your hair's growth rate since the vitamins anyway? It is my understanding that you have to take so much for it to even make that big of a difference anyway.

Girl, bumps and acne are not worth the trouble, especially when your hair will grow on its own naturally anyway.
you hair will still grow without vitamins. I have not use vitamins in a while as I had delayed ovulation when I first started on this forum ( I was taking about 5 different types at the time). Since I stopped I have not been taking vitamins and still grow a bit over 0.5 in a month.

so dont worry infact my obstetrician advised me to stop taking prenatals when I was pregnant as everything was just in my pee.
You can get vitamins and minerals by eating your five a day of fruit and vegetable try and have different col ours e.g plums- purple, tomatoes -red, lettuce -green, corn- yellow, carrot- orange.
Colour mix are a good way to get varied vitamins, as similar colours tends to have similar vitamins.