Growth Serum?


New Member
Has anyone tried BB (bronner bros.) growth serum? the claim is that it stimulates roots to promote growth? has anyone has good results with this product? or should I stick with my wild growth oil? <--- not sure if that's working either.
I LOVE it, I believe the horsetail and rosemary in really simulate growth. I used it for 2 months when I had a weave along w/ the ORS lock and brais lotion. The serum was the only product I used on my scalp and I got a little growth w/ it (not much but enough to see a slight difference n 2 months time) see my pic in siggy 1st is b4 serum 2nd is after..............
I used it for about a week and I hate it! It made my blown out roots curl up something serious...i wrote about it in my blog but I do not like this product. :sad: