Growing your hair long


New Member
I'm new to this forum and I need the basics. How exactely do you grow your hair long? My hair grows to a certain length then the ends start breaking off. I've never been able to get my hair past the base of my neck. Unless I get it braided and leave them in a while. I wash and condition every week too. Help!
There is no one way to grow your hair long. If you look through the posts here, there are hundreds of women and hundreds of ways of growing your hair long. There are also hundreds of definitions for long hair but that's something else.

Anyway, one of the basic issues is stopping your hair from breaking. What products do you use on your hair? What do you do to your hair besides shampooing and conditioning? Once you can stop your hair from breaking, you will see some results. Is your hair natural or relaxed? How often do you braid your hair and how long do you keep the braids in your hair? Do you deep condition your hair? Do you do your own hair or do you go to a salon or does someone else do it for you?

Before anyone can offer help, we need a little more information about your hair and routine.
Welcome, TeeRoc!

You had a clue when you said [ QUOTE ]
I've never been able to get my hair past the base of my neck. Unless I get it braided and leave them in a while.

[/ QUOTE ]. Protective styles like braids and buns have helped many on this board to grow their hair long when it wouldn't before. Like Jrw said, more info is needed from you about your current hair regime so we can help.
a clean healthy scalp, moisture, protein, gentle care for fraglie strands, protection from friction. hair care books & mags, knowing the ingredients of your products, no overstyling.
I think the most important thing is finding what works for you. For some people, growing hair is easy, for others it's difficult. The best way that I grow my hair is with protective styles and moisture. I do deep conditioners every week and I condition wash every 3 days when my hair isn't braided. I would suggest you take a look at this web site for some great advise. It's working for me.
Right now I'm wearing a weave, and that's the only way I can wear my hair where it grows. I have a no lye relaxer that I do myself ( I'm sure I've overlapped some ) I use Elasta QP Mango Butter and Organic Root Stimulator's Olive oil. Wash every week with Motions conditioning shampoo and conditioner. I hope additional info helps! Thanks
Welcome TeeRoc
...on this board you will find countless methods and products that will help you grow your hair long. The answer to your question will become more evident as you continue to read. Happy Hair Growing! can start by protecting and constantly moisturizing those ends. HTH
Cleo said:
Welcome TeeRoc
...on this board you will find countless methods and products that will help you grow your hair long. The answer to your question will become more evident as you continue to read. Happy Hair Growing! can start by protecting and constantly moisturizing those ends. HTH

[/ QUOTE ]


Our hair is always growing, that's why we need relaxer touchups, color touchups. Achieving length requires *retaining* the length you already have in addition to the new growth you're getting. Protecting your ends and keeping them moisturized is a fantastic way to do this!

TeeRoc, I also suggest you check out the Entrance section of this Board where the "Feature of the Month" is. You can go through all of last year as well as this year - all the women have fantastic hair, all past the base of their necks, and they generously share what they did to get it that way.

You've come to the right place, there's so much wisdom here! Good luck!
Welcome TeeRoc!!!

How often are you using heat? Heat was my hair's enemy for many, many years...

Here are 3 things that have been working for me...
1.) No heat.
2.) Protective styling
3.) Lots and lots of moisture!

Good luck!
Good advice, JenJen.
As for growing your hair, hair grows. That's what it does. What you want to do is KEEP as much hair as possible, and there are basic ways to do that, which have already been listed.
1. Practice protective styling (keep your ends protected--wear styles that keep ends from rubbing on your clothes and being exposed to harsh weather, and avoid rough handling)
2. Use a moisturizing conditioner (and water!) regularly
3. Don't clog your scalp with petrolatum and mineral-oil based products
4. Use as little direct heat as possible
5. Practice good health (exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, don't smoke)
6. Get regular trims (I trim every 4 months, about a half inch)
7. Sleep on a satin pillowcase
Thanks for all the advice everybody!
I think I have been using too much heat on my hair, the first thing I'm going to stop doing is using a curling iron. I'm also going to go back to wrapping my hair and drying it under a hooded drier. By this summer I want to be able to say goodbye to the weave! Wish me luck ladies!
TeeRoc, the other thing you may want to consider is that some ladies find the no-lye relaxer to be very drying and have had better luck growing their hair once they switch to the lye relaxer.
I had the same problem with my hair, I wore just about every "protective style" there is and it wouldn't grow past shoulder length. Then I learned the importance of moisturizing, washing twice a week and cutting down drastically on heat. Now that I am not damaging my ends and they aren't breaking, I actually see the length. My hair is mid-back and growing, it's the longest that it's ever been.
I had the same problem with my hair, I wore just about every "protective style" there is and it wouldn't grow past shoulder length. Then I learned the importance of moisturizing, washing twice a week and cutting down drastically on heat. Now that I am not damaging my ends and they aren't breaking, I actually see the length. My hair is mid-back and growing, it's the longest that it's ever been.
Dutchess said:
I had the same problem with my hair, I wore just about every "protective style" there is and it wouldn't grow past shoulder length. Then I learned the importance of moisturizing, washing twice a week and cutting down drastically on heat. Now that I am not damaging my ends and they aren't breaking, I actually see the length. My hair is mid-back and growing, it's the longest that it's ever been.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here!!!!!
Welcome TeeRoc! Along with all the things my fellow members just posted remember to do your research too. If you scroll through the boards you will find that there are many products, vitamins, etc that work differently for each person. Read up on as much of this info as possible and experiment a little to see what works for you. The best advice a member of this forum has given me is to treat my hair like a fine piece of silk. My advice: remember to moisturize, condition, cleanse and protect!
JenJen2721 said:
Welcome TeeRoc!!!

How often are you using heat? Heat was my hair's enemy for many, many years...

Here are 3 things that have been working for me...
1.) No heat.
2.) Protective styling
3.) Lots and lots of moisture!

Good luck!

[/ QUOTE ]
jenjen is absolutely right... this is also my story!!

once i let go of the heat, i started making progress. before my hair was long enough for a ponytail, i wore braids. if you do go the braid route, make sure you wash them to keep your scalp clean and MOISTURIZE often so that you don't end up having to get a big trim because of dryness after taking them down...

good luck on your journey!!