Growing Natural Hair


New Member
Question...When does natural hair start growing downwards? My 4a spirals are still growing up! lol...It's only been 2 and a half months since my bc...but I was just asking...Because my spirals are all different sizes and widths...You won't be able to see all that until they grow down?:spinning:
I'm real confused lol
Its been three months for me. My back is beginning to grown downwards but my front and sides aren't. I have to try to pick the back out so I won't look like I have a mullet.
My hair in the back goes down and the sides go out. The very front goes down and the middle goes up. It's all over the place. :lol:
I think I am a 4a/b and the back of my hair hangs down like it has a relaxer, the sides go down but with a little flare out, while the front and crown grow upward. I find this so frustrating because it makes for a jacked up fro :lachen:

eta: I'm beginning to doubt that the back is really 4a, maybe a 3f or something, lol.
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Hmm, I just started really growing down. The longer it gets, the more it goes in a downward direction. This is shortly after the BC


And I think this 2 months later(?)


Both of those are without product, just damp. Really, it still goes more out than down, unless it's weighed down with product, but it doesn't go up anymore :)
The ends of my hair have a coarser feel so they did grow out but then the middle of my hair grows down so much so that I've given up attempting a decent puff. The roots of my hair have recently been growing out and feels alot like my ends though. I gave up trying to understand.
Like a lot of the other girls, I have a mullet. My hair in the back is the longest (about 2 inches from APL), and it hangs. The middle hangs sometimes, sticks up sometimes. The front always sticks up unless I twist it. The hair in the front is the shortest at nose length (4 inches). It will be awhile before all my hair hangs down. My front has a looooong way to go.
I think for my tight 4a coils--it started to lean more in the downward motion after hitting shoulder length.
It's been over two years for me, and I'm still wondering. My hair grows in an outward fashion all around. I'm still waiting patiently. :drunk:
Almost 2 yrs into the game & my hair for the most part continues to grow up & out more than's all good; like the rest of me it's just tryin' to get to GOD :) makes for an awesome fro!
Generally, mine grows up and out :grin:. At the back of my head, my hair is fine, and that section hangs more.
I have been doing this for years and if I am just beginning to see some sag!

Not sure it is going downward but it is always going outward.