Growing into God's Favor (T.D Jakes)


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Have you ever gone through a situation so bad that you thought no one in the world could possibly be in a more terrible fix than you? The experience was beyond comprehension and it seemed impossible that you’d ever get out of it…but somehow you did? I know people who lost their jobs, and as a result, lost their homes, cars or went bankrupt. Now they’re in a better job, making better money and experiencing success in other areas of life only to be challenged by scandalous criticism from so-called "friends" and even family.

Isn’t it amazing how a person can go through extreme difficulties in life, but as soon as God delivers them out of that situation into His blessing, the people around them begin questioning their progress? They begin to prejudge the miracle God has performed by saying things like: "I don’t know how she got that job; she was just a secretary before." "How can he live in a house like that; he must be selling drugs." "What are they grinning about; last year they were talking about getting a divorce." Can you relate to what I’m saying?

You may be surprised, but your best moment often provokes envy and jealousy in others. God’s favor on your life becomes the source of their frustration. In fact, many believe your favor was at their expense. Unfortunately they never muster up the courage to celebrate the big break you’ve been waiting for all your life.

I am reminded of the story in the Bible where a man had been blind since birth. When Jesus and His disciples came up on the man, the disciples questioned Jesus saying, "…Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him" (John 9:2-3).

After Jesus healed the man, you would think that the people who knew him would have celebrated and been happy for him. Instead great controversy broke out and they began to question his healing. They questioned his parents to the point that they doubted that the man was who he said he was. Worse than that, they questioned the work of Jesus.

You may be wondering why things are as they are in your life right now, or why you had to go through what you went through to arrive at the place you are today. Quite honestly, some things have no explanation. And unfortunately bad things do happen to good people. But God has purpose in everything; and only He can bring you out. God wants to reveal His work in your life.

Whatever you’re waiting for right now, consciously or subconsciously, hold on. Your help is on the way! As you wait, begin preparing yourself for the backlash of God’s favor. Determine that you will walk in your miracle despite what anyone says or thinks. People may prejudge you, question God’s blessing on your life and hate you for being chosen. Don’t worry. Grow into His favor and enjoy the benefits of your miracle.

This article was taken from the series entitled The Favor Factor.