growing hair with: matthew gardson's technique


Well-Known Member
Ok ya'll, so I heard about this from a different forum.

I haven't ever heard of this before. Below you will find the link to the site:

So I am trying to find more info on this, as I don't just want to drop $27 for an e-book, if it has stuff in there that I am already doing.

The only info that I could find on what's in the book is here:

"mmitchell : i’ve heard that this technique for stimulating dormant follicles."
"Kelvinlad : I bought it ages ago and the basic idea – homemade recipes and exercises"

So, if you have purchased the book and are currently using the techniques:
how is it working for you?
how many months did it take for you to see results?
do you have pics showing your progress (before/during/after)
do you feel it was worth the $27 to buy the book for the results you achieved?
Looking forward to finding out what you learn.

I have female pattern baldness which I noticed 2 years ago. I have been working on it ever since with natural remedies. I definitely would love to hear what he says. I want to make sure I have stopped the process and am regrowing my hair as quickly as I can.
Looking forward to finding out what you learn.

I have female pattern baldness which I noticed 2 years ago. I have been working on it ever since with natural remedies. I definitely would love to hear what he says. I want to make sure I have stopped the process and am regrowing my hair as quickly as I can.

WOw, I hope this gets better for you! If I can find someone that has purchased the book and has a review I will post the info that I find, if they don't directly post here.

I just don't want to drop the $27 if I don't have to.
I've never heard of him and would not buy his book because everything I need to know about growing my hair is out here for free.