Growing deep to grow wide


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
By Mary Welchel
January 23, 2012

While visiting a wonderful church in Nairobi, Kenya this past summer, I was impressed with their motto: Growing Deep to Reach Wide. Those five words really capture what the Christian life is all about: From the moment we become a new creation in Christ through faith and by his grace, we begin a process of growing-becoming more and more like Jesus. And as that process continues, the inevitable result will be that our lives will reach wider and wider, touching others with the love of Jesus.

So, for our Weekend Getaway this year, March 23-25, I've chosen that for our theme: Growing Deep to Reach Wide

In order to grow deep in our faith, we have to become very intentional about it. It won't just happen! Sadly, many true Christians remain in a baby-stage of growth even though they've been Christians for many years, and that's because they aren't making getting to know God a high enough priority in their lives.

Here's a passage that describes a Christian who is growing deep:

Jeremiah 17:7-8: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

A Christian who grows deep is like that evergreen tree, whose roots are so firmly entrenched in the Lord, that nothing turns its leaves brown or keeps it from bearing fruit. A Christian with deep roots is learning to trust God so completely that whatever heat comes her way, she will have absolutely no fear! This person has come to the place where no amount of heat could turn her leaves dry, because her faith in God is deeply rooted.

Of course, a tree like this doesn't grow overnight. It takes time and discipline to get our roots firmly entrenched in God's water supply. So, as we talk about growing deep at our Weekend Getaway, we'll have messages and workshops that are designed to inspire us to be like an evergreen tree. And I promise that you will leave with wisdom that you can easily apply to your own life-wisdom and help for growing deep.

This is our 24th annual Weekend Getaway, March 23-25, here in the Chicago area, at the Westin Hotel in Itasca. The brochure with all the details is online and you can register online as well. Or call us-we'll be glad to answer your questions, register you by phone, send you a brochure, etc. Our number is 800-292-1218. Take advantage of our early bird rates and register by February 14th to save $25.00.

Thank you Laela, you always find the right message to share, and it's timely for me! If I grow deeper, it will spread wider. Message noted! Thanks!
Written by Mary Whelchel
January 24, 2012

Growing deep to reach wide: that is our theme for The Christian Working Woman's 24th annual Weekend Getaway, March 23-25 here in the Chicago area. I've chosen that theme because it really is at the heart of our faith journey, isn't it? As we grow deeper and deeper into the knowledge of God and the love of Jesus, we will naturally reach out in wider circles with the good news of the gospel.

So, at our Weekend Getaway, we're going to talk about what it means to grow deep. Another question we will address is how do you know if you have deep roots or not? Here are a few ways to determine how deep your roots are growing:

First, you'll have fruit. The fruit of a Christian with deep roots is found in Galatians 5:22-23, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. If those are increasingly more evident in your life, it's because you are growing deep in God.

Second, you'll survive the storms of life. When you're facing difficulty of any kind, your faith will not be uprooted or destroyed. The storms of life reveal just how deep our roots have grown.

Third, you won't let bitter roots grow in your heart. In Hebrews 12:15 we are told to "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Roots that have gone deep into that living stream of water are not bitter roots.

Fourth, your love for Jesus will grow.

As I look back over the almost 28 years of this ministry, what I love most is that many have told us that we have helped you to grow deep. One friend just wrote: "Your words of encouragement have stirred and challenged me in my Christian walk" and she went on to say how she shared a certain talk with her senior career's class in a public high school, and they really enjoyed it. That's an example of growing deeper and reaching wider.

I hope you'll join us for our Weekend Getaway, March 23-25, at the Westin Hotel in Itasca, IL-which is a suburb of Chicago. Women come from all over for these retreats, and I promise that you won't regret it. Please click here for all of the details about this event.
Written by Mary Whelchel
January 25, 2012

Are you growing deeper in your faith?

Here's the neat thing: The deeper you grow in your faith, the more joy and contentment it brings to you. I want to share this brief testimony from one of my dear friends, Charlene, who has been digging deeper and deeper into God's Word:

Once I received Christ as my Savior, my thirst to grow in my faith became insatiable. Reprogramming of my mind and many of my habits was needed. As the Holy Spirit taught, layer after layer of my former self was re-imaged. Trust is a good example: Abuse, betrayal, abandonment and divorce diminished my ability to trust, so trusting Jesus is a challenge. Studying scripture has given me an inside look at God's character. As my heart, soul and mind grasp Jesus' character, I am learning to trust. Once I was ashamed of my history; now I gratefully acknowledge Christ's faithfulness and mercy instead of seeing only my victimization. Once my pain was overwhelming, now His love is victorious. Scripture is so rich, full of guidance, wisdom, God's promises, and most of all it is true.

Charlene is growing deep and that depth is resulting in reaching wide-touching family, friends and co-workers with the love of Jesus.

Growing deep is definitely a no-lose deal! God is glorified as you grow deeper, your life is a more effective witness for the Lord, and you are personally more fulfilled and satisfied with who you are and where you are. Proverbs 21:21 tells us that "He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor." Growing deep is the pursuit of righteousness and love, and the incredible side benefits are life, prosperity and honor. This is a really good bargain.
Written by Mary Whelchel
January 26, 2012

I've learned in my own life and in dealing with people through this ministry and my position at my church, that healing and joy are side benefits that come when I/we are focused on others. Lately this passage from Isaiah 58 has become much more meaningful to me:

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer."

Isaiah is telling the people of God that their light will break forth and their healing will quickly appear as a result of reaching wide to help others. It's what I call one of God's upside-down principles, as so often God's way seems contrary to our human reasoning.

We think: First, I have to focus on my problems and get my issues resolved so that I can reach out to help others. But God says that if we will be concerned with helping those in need, then we will find satisfaction and contentment and healing.

We're going to focus on reaching wide at this year's weekend getaway, March 23 - 25. One of our speakers, Becky McDonald, is founder of Women at Risk, and they are reaching wide to women here and abroad-women who are trapped in sexual trafficking, prostitution and abuse of all kinds. She will challenge us to reach wide. You'll want to hear her.

This is our 24th annual retreat, and it's held at the Westin Hotel in Itasca, a suburb of Chicago.
Written by Mary Whelchel
January 27, 2012

I love the images of the passage from Isaiah 58: "he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land." Isaiah is explaining that regardless of the circumstances, you will find your needs met, your body strengthened, your energy renewed as you spend yourself in behalf of others. Right in the midst of that desert where it seems that others should be helping you, we are challenged to satisfy the needs of others and trust God to meet our needs.

This will be a major focus for our weekend getaway this year, March 23-25 here in the Chicago area. One of our speakers will help us to understand needs of women here in our own country and in faraway places. Becky McDonald is founder and president of Women at Risk, an amazing organization that has undertaken gigantic projects to help women caught in sex trafficking, sexual slavery, persecution, and discrimination-here and abroad.

We can no longer choose to be ignorant, and I believe Christian women should be on the forefront of fighting for our sisters caught in these horrific, oppressive situations. So, at this weekend getaway you will be able to learn more about how you can be involved in caring for, praying for and reaching out wide to women who are oppressed.

Let me assure you that this weekend getaway will be a very well-balanced program, with lots of joyful times, plenty of laughter, good food in a nice hotel, and amazing fellowship with a very diverse group of women. Damaris Carbaugh will be with us again and her music always stirs us and inspires us. She will also conduct one of our workshops.

Another featured speaker is Carolyn McCulley. Her message will challenge us to think outside our boxes and be more intentional about being the women God has designed us to be. You can learn more about her at

How do you register for our 24th annual Weekend Getaway March 23-25? It's easy. Go online or call us at 800-292-1218 and we can register you over the phone.

The deadline for the early bird special is February 14, so you still have time to register and get those savings.