Growing As I Grow Into A Woman


New Member
Hey Everyone.....

Im new to the site and have been trying to figure out what is the best way to grow my hair. I have been growing it back for 2 years now and it has grown a good length... but Im ready to grow it some more. Im trying to natural :wallbash: (we'll see how that goes). I want to grow my hair to the BSL first and go from there. I will say by Valentines.... just want to see my hubbys face when its completely great.

Taking Biotin 25 mg daily and Iron 2 pills daily :spinning:but i havent seen a dramatic change yet.

What should I do to help my hair growth?

This is my last pics back from Jan '10:


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I'm a believer in staying healthy to maintain good growth and treating your hair well to retain it. If you think you need a supplement to improve your health I say go for a good multi-vitamin but don't go overboard because your body will only "waste" any excess.
WOW. 25mg of Biotin? I think the most I have seen a person take is 10mg on this board. Be careful.

How many of the biotin pills are you taking during the day? How many mg's are in each pill?

I don't know of the effects of Biotin when taken over suggested dosage.

However, you don't want to pee your money down the toilet LOL.
Awwww. Didn't see the picture. I'm sure your husband is pleased with your hair now and will be when you get to BSL God willing.
Hi ClassyDiva and welcome!

This is definitely the best place to come when looking to grow long, healthy hair! You may need to learn some basics first, such and protein and moisture balance, sealing ends, and proper detangling methods to retain the most growth. Try using the advanced search function at the top of the page to start because the board can be quite overwhelming at first.

Also, I can't see the back of your hair, but it looks like you are grazing shoulder length. On average, hair grow 1/2 an inch per month, so shooting for BSL in 6 months might be unrealistic unless you're really short. I think that APL (armpit length) would be a more realistic goal. Then shoot for BSL six months after that.

Good luck with everything! We are here to support you! :yep:
About the biotin: It is the first time I see such a dosage. Please make sure that your water intake is on point. One of the side effects I had when I took biotin with not enough water is big pimples on the face.

About the iron: I am a bit anemic. Enough not to be able to donate blood.
I was prescribed iron pills bit it would get me constipated something fierce.
Instead, I take a multi-vitamin, green vegetables, red meat and in the summer, I make smoothies of milk, fruits and a few teaspoons of a baby's powder that has 100% iron intake (per 9 teaspoon, I take less of that).

I'm just sharing my experience to tell you what might happen. In no way I'm telling you what to do.

We don't know what your regimen is...and your hair type, maybe that could help us help you.

and of course, exercise helps.
I tried biotin and I broke out soooo bad and I don't need that since I already have problems with acne. But for me personally I have seen the best hair growth by just deep conditioning my hair and leaving it alone. Also bunning has help and I am starting to see my bun get bigger. Just be patient with your hair and don't stress about getting to a certain length.
OP, welcome to the board. I agree with all the others, if your body isn't getting all the nutrients it needs FIRST (that means all the other cells that support your staying alive (eg vital organs)), then you can forget about seeing your hair progress. Either you have to ensure your diet is wholesome and very well-varied to supply all your needs, or you have to take a total health multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement. If you want to then add the hair essentials, you can but just be careful that you don't overdose on any coz you can have the negative effect.

A lot of vitamins work better as part of a team. Like the B vitamins (including biotin) are better taken in a complex made up of B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), biotin and choline.

Also just because one vitamin worked for one person doesn't mean it will work for you, coz maybe that person was deficient in that particular one so that adding it to their system actually made a difference. If your body already has enough iron and biotin from your diet (and you don't eat raw eggs that could deplete you of biotin), then you're basically flogging a dead horse taking that.

That's why taking a multi-is best. It covers all bases and ensures you're not missing out on anything. A hair multi is better than individual supps, but I say a regular multi is even better since some hair multis do not include all the other required nutrients. Kmn1980 recently enlightened me with the info that the Vitamin Shoppe's Hair, Skin and Nails multi is actually a regular multi with just added herbs that benefit hair. If I were to recommend a hair multi I'd suggest you start with that.
OP, welcome to the board. I agree with all the others, if your body isn't getting all the nutrients it needs FIRST (that means all the other cells that support your staying alive (eg vital organs)), then you can forget about seeing your hair progress. Either you have to ensure your diet is wholesome and very well-varied to supply all your needs, or you have to take a total health multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement. If you want to then add the hair essentials, you can but just be careful that you don't overdose on any coz you can have the negative effect.

A lot of vitamins work better as part of a team. Like the B vitamins (including biotin) are better taken in a complex made up of B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), biotin and choline.

Also just because one vitamin worked for one person doesn't mean it will work for you, coz maybe that person was deficient in that particular one so that adding it to their system actually made a difference. If your body already has enough iron and biotin from your diet (and you don't eat raw eggs that could deplete you of biotin), then you're basically flogging a dead horse taking that.

That's why taking a multi-is best. It covers all bases and ensures you're not missing out on anything. A hair multi is better than individual supps, but I say a regular multi is even better since some hair multis do not include all the other required nutrients. Kmn1980 recently enlightened me with the info that the Vitamin Shoppe's Hair, Skin and Nails multi is actually a regular multi with just added herbs that benefit hair. If I were to recommend a hair multi I'd suggest you start with that.

Exactly. And I hear biotin deficiency is rare. Plus, there are other vitamins and minerals needed to healthy hair growth; not just biotin.
I'm sorry that biotin broke some of you ladies out.. : ( But for me, biotin is my baby daddy. My hair has never grown this my life..and my skin hasn't suffered one bit. I was scared to try i started off slow..
Well its says a recommendation of 5 pills a day. I thik they are 5 mg a pill. I was just prescribed iron pills for being really anemic, but they havent been affecting my such as constipation like everyone has told me. Im the same way with "CANT DONATE BLOOD". I eat lots of veges... love my broccoli and spinach but I dont eat red meats at all. I havent eaten red meat consistantly in almost three years now. I may eat a steak or hamburger once every 6 months. I only eat chicken and seafood.

Since Ive been taking the biotin, I have seen a dramatic lengthening in my nails. They have been growing and Im just noticing. Ive also noticed my face has cleared alot of the darkspots I had before. I havent had any breakouts at all from either pill so I must be doing something right. I have been very careful with taking pills because I HATE TAKING PILLS. lol But It has helped alot.