I just started and I am loving it. I also have more energy, too. Wednesday is when I will start taking progress pics. I eat 3 eggs scrambled. Microwave eggs are the best because it is less clean up!:lick:
I just started and I am loving it. I also have more energy, too. Wednesday is when I will start taking progress pics. I eat 3 eggs scrambled. Microwave eggs are the best because it is less clean up!:lick:

The energy an extra added benefit:yep:

and this weight loss, I'm just where I want to be now, with no effort , that was a surprise for sure:yep:
Thanks Iris....

I think the faster growth period was between July 17th thru Aug 07, because of the Eggs. I mentioned in an earlier post that it looked like my hair was thickening up.

On my way home from work, I call the kids...put my eggs on :lachen:I eat them EVERYDAY:lick:

As for the other benefits of the eggs, I am slimming too.:grin: They really keep me full til my next meal.

Here is my results thus far, I will post final results in mid-Sept.

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Thanks Iris....

I think the faster growth period was between July 17th thru Aug 07, because of the Eggs. I mentioned in an earlier post that it looked like my hair was thickening up.

On my way home from work, I call the kids...put my eggs on :lachen:I eat them EVERYDAY:lick:

As for the other benefits of the eggs, I am slimming too.:grin: They really keep me full til my next meal.

Here is my results thus far, I will post final results in mid-Sept.

Girl I just dont have words for how happy I am to see your amazing progress :kiss:
Gurl, I was wondering where you been :lachen: Hang in there, its almost update time. I have not gotten my pills yet, but I am eating the eggs.

girl your doing so good! I'm so happy for you for your results with this! I'm gonna get back on it because I DID notice more thickness for sure, so I'm getting back to it and I havent gotten the pills yet either, although I know that would amp it up more, I wish I could have just got a bottle at GNC when I went , because the order I make online is going to be huge and I gotta get the duckets lined up, dont wanna just order that and I gotta go back and order more and pay Shipping again
Hey all! which brand of L-cysteine are you taking? i did a google search and so many different ones came up so I want to make sure that I'm buying a quality grade of it. Also how many mg should i get? Thanks!
Hey ladies, YOU ARE ALL DOING GREAt! I kinda got tired of eggs, but started back up again. I love taking the l-cysteine. HHG!
Before I even opened up this challenge or paid attention to it, I started eating about two eggs a day for about a week with a thomas I know to keep on, I will just eat boiled eggs instead. I also was taking amino acids for about 1 week, and I started taking biotin/ vitamin B complex for 2 weeks also lol.
Thanks so much, I know remain persistent with this, if it is not too late add me also!!!!!
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yep you were doing good things already! keep it up! its not too late at all:yep:
Before I even opened up this challenge or paid attention to it, I started eating about two eggs a day for about a week with a thomas I know to keep on, I will just eat boiled eggs instead. I also was taking amino acids for about 1 week, and I started taking biotin/ vitamin B complex for 2 weeks also lol.
Thanks so much, I know remain persistent with this, if it is not too late add me also!!!!!
Hey ladies, YOU ARE ALL DOING GREAt! I kinda got tired of eggs, but started back up again. I love taking the l-cysteine. HHG!

:wallbash: i need to get mine!
Hey all! which brand of L-cysteine are you taking? i did a google search and so many different ones came up so I want to make sure that I'm buying a quality grade of it. Also how many mg should i get? Thanks!
The Challenge suggests 500mg , I really wouldnt take more, I think some of them come in 600mg form thats fine too, I would start off on a lower dose and work your way up if its your first time taking it-not that it should/would cause problems, thats just how I do anything new:yep:

Brands? I dont know, any well known brand should be fine
Hi Iris!!! Your hair is always beautiful!!! :) I appreciate you and others sharing progress with pictures, etc. How long was it before you started seeing some difference in thickness? I have been eating eggs daily for a while now, however I started the L-cysteine 500mg, B50 a C on 7/30/08. I will do the egg/EVOO deep condition on Thursday (my wash day). Haven't seen quite a difference yet in thickness, which I really need. Any suggestions?
No mama, other than to just stick with it *I'm boiling eggs now* I started July 11th or 12th and then one day the base of my pony tail felt thicker, I cant remember when that happened now tho, but here is the information again about l-cysteine,

*Technical Information*
L-CYSTEINE - Amino acid peptide bond constructing up to 18% of your hair that provides strength, shine and structure. Cysteine increases hair shaft diameter and hair growth density. Foods high in Cysteine include eggs, muscle protein, garlic, onions, Brussells sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, beans and milk. At least 500 mg. of this keratin-forming amino acid must be taken each day to even have an effect on hair. Cysteine is a powerful cell defender that acts as an antioxidant and also contains sulfur, known as nature's beauty mineral. A deficiency in sulfur is characterized by atrophied sebaceous glands which lubricate the scalp from the Essential Fatty Acids. Vitamin C in two and one-half times the amount of Cysteine, Vitamin B-6, and co-action of all 22 amino acids provide optimum use of L-Cysteine. In order for Cysteine to be effective it must synergistically work with ALL other aminos. A missing amino acid is like a missing building block that collapses the entire structure.

so sweetie, I say stick with it and give it time and maybe take an amino acid supplement with your l-cysteine :yep:

Hi Iris!!! Your hair is always beautiful!!! :) I appreciate you and others sharing progress with pictures, etc. How long was it before you started seeing some difference in thickness? I have been eating eggs daily for a while now, however I started the L-cysteine 500mg, B50 a C on 7/30/08. I will do the egg/EVOO deep condition on Thursday (my wash day). Haven't seen quite a difference yet in thickness, which I really need. Any suggestions?
Hi Iris!!! Your hair is always beautiful!!! :)
I appreciate you and others sharing progress with pictures, etc. How long was it before you started seeing some difference in thickness? I have been eating eggs daily for a while now, however I started the L-cysteine 500mg, B50 a C on 7/30/08. I will do the egg/EVOO deep condition on Thursday (my wash day). Haven't seen quite a difference yet in thickness, which I really need. Any suggestions?
oh and I missed that and went straight to the answer, thank you so much mama! :kiss:
Shame on me, I have never gotten my L-cysteine, have not been taking any vitamins, nor have I been eating eggs.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:.

I will start back with the vitamins and eggs to today. I still have to order the L-cysteine.:rolleyes:
:lachen:girl just start now for reals! I still need to get mine too, dont feel bad, but just start with the eggs and go from there adding the rest
Shame on me, I have never gotten my L-cysteine, have not been taking any vitamins, nor have I been eating eggs.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:.

I will start back with the vitamins and eggs to today. I still have to order the L-cysteine.:rolleyes:
i've been eating 2-3 boiled eggs for almost everyday since i started the challenge. i only missed a few days here and there. i still need to get the supplement though :perplexed.
yay! your doing so good! I missed about a week but I'm back full force again and like you still need the l-cysteine, If I QUIT ordering other stuff, then I would be able to get to that. dang it. NEXT WEEK FOR SURE! If GNC would have had it, or I didnt live out the boonies with the cows and horses I would have had it by now, but I'm placing my order soon!
i've been eating 2-3 boiled eggs for almost everyday since i started the challenge. i only missed a few days here and there. i still need to get the supplement though :perplexed.
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I'm ashamed of myself! :nono:

I joined, but fell off after a while. Haven't been taking my vits except vitamin C for some reason.

I'm definitely going to start again!

*goes to eat some eggs*
get back on board girl :poke:

i ate 3 eggs today, I'm back full force with that and wont be stopping again
I'm ashamed of myself! :nono:

I joined, but fell off after a while. Haven't been taking my vits except vitamin C for some reason.

I'm definitely going to start again!

*goes to eat some eggs*
for the ladies that haven't got their l-cysteine yet, puritan's pride is having a buy 1 get 2 free sale just to let you know
Thank you, I have wondered what they had over there, is their brand a tablet , or capsule form? I will probably just go ahead and order from them then cause this is getting ridiculous at this point waiting to place a big order
for the ladies that haven't got their l-cysteine yet, puritan's pride is having a buy 1 get 2 free sale just to let you know
Starting this weekend
I already have one boiled in the morning everyday. I will just add the 2nd to my lunch time salad and pick up the l-cysteine this weekend
I boiled my two eggs, so today i will eat that for lunch in addition to a banana, the vitamin B complex, biotin and water with diluted amino acids.