New Member
Hey Gym, I really like your new siggy pic there honey.
Thanks Aggie
Hey Gym, I really like your new siggy pic there honey.
Ckn in ladies..... I DC'd Sunday with keracare... this is what i did.... my pre-poo with my indian oils and rinsed with the indian powders(rinsed out w/suave) then DC'd w/humect.. Then MC'd with keracare....rinsed then put in a leave-in condish and sealed w/coconut oil. Doing the same on Thursday.
Today I'll be DC'ing with Pantene Relaxed and Natural mixed with Coconut oil and Castor oil (no more buttas for me until i find out what was making my hair so darn greasy)
Hi Everyone,
Check'n in, haven't posted in a a case of the shyness but trying to come out of it. I have been keeping up with my DC's and I am using Elasta QP DPR-11 as my deep conditioner. I am now 7 months post relaxer and my new growth is steady and soft as ever. I am liking the results of this challenge. Will try to check in more often!
No need to be shy. We're all sisters up in here
Thanks I swear my hair texture has COMPLETELY changed. I think its due to Deep conditioning and silica and flaxseed.
Hi Everyone,
Check'n in, haven't posted in a a case of the shyness but trying to come out of it. I have been keeping up with my DC's and I am using Elasta QP DPR-11 as my deep conditioner. I am now 7 months post relaxer and my new growth is steady and soft as ever. I am liking the results of this challenge. Will try to check in more often!
I'm gathering this is a good thing?
myronnie, I only use butters now to control my flyaway hairs. They are just soooo thick to put on my hair on a regular.
So true aggie..
It just sucks because i have a load of butters.. *sigh*
Girl, melt some of those down and make you some foot creme!
Girl, melt some of those down and make you some foot creme!
That is a good idea..but i have already done it erplexed
I used Ilipe, Cocoa, and Mango butter to make a body creme and i think i have like 14ounces of it left lol
Hmm..lets see i think i have (9X4)..36ounces of butters in least they'll last me awhile
Okay, this is what you do next.........
get you a baking pan, spray it with cooking spray and cover it with plastic wrap
Put a layer of shredded loofa or adzuki beans in the pan
Slowly pour your melted butters on top like you are making a cake.
Let sit until set and cut into bars with a knike. Pop them out of the pan and you have exfoilating body bars that you can use before going into the shower. They will remove dead skin and the butter on your skin will keep you moisturized even after you shower
Gym! You're a genius!!!
Okay, this is what you do next.........
get you a baking pan, spray it with cooking spray and cover it with plastic wrap
Put a layer of shredded loofa or adzuki beans in the pan
Slowly pour your melted butters on top like you are making a cake.
Let sit until set and cut into bars with a knike. Pop them out of the pan and you have exfoilating body bars that you can use before going into the shower. They will remove dead skin and the butter on your skin will keep you moisturized even after you shower