Grow It Long Challenge Keep Growing On...

@Lucia I would like to join.

State your challenge goal:

Start Date: 10/31/2015

End Date: 10/31/2016

Hair length goal for this challenge: My current length is about an inch above APL. My goal for this challenge is BSL.

Ultimate hair length goal: My ultimate goal is healthy natural hair. Waist length when straightened. There are no salons that specialize in natural hair near me so I'm on my own in this.

What or who inspired you to go for this goal?
Tiajonay -
Geraldine -


  • Protective style/low manipulation
  • Wash weekly
  • Deep condition weekly
  • Protein once per month
  • Moisturize and seal
  • Inversion challenge
My regimen is still being refined. I am thinking about doing the MHM which will definitely alter my routine.

Extras to help get to goal faster:
  • Take multivitamin daily
  • Perfect my exercise routine and stick with it
  • Drink more water and eat clean
  • Satin head cover and pillowcase
What you will do once you reach goal? Cry
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Check in: still co-washing with, but not doing the LOC/LCO method. I'm just not completely rinsing out the condutioner, combing (no longer finger detangling), use Apogee Keratin & Green Tea Reconstructurizer as a leave-in, apply oil & braid up hair. Still losing less hair :)
@Lucia please add me

State your challenge goal:

Start Date: 10/12/2015

End Date: 7/1/2017

Hair length goal for this challenge: My current length is about an NL. My goal for this challenge is MBL. (Always was a big achiever!)

Ultimate hair length goal: My ultimate goal is MBL healthy natural hair when straightened.

What or who inspired you to go for this goal?



  • Protective style/low manipulation
  • Wash weekly
  • Deep condition weekly
  • Henna monthly
  • Moisturize and seal daily
I am a new client of Reniece and Co in Maryland. I am looking forward to taking this journey with them!

Extras to help get to goal faster:

•multivitamin daily
  • Exercise daily!
  • Drink more water!
What you will do once you reach goal? Cry and then…. Whip my hair!

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I'm still going strong with my all butta regimen
I haven't trimmed and my ends have only a couple if ssks and even less splits literally I can count them on 1 hand. Plus is my hair is thicker and longer the back hangs grazing APL passed my shoulders and front at shoulders curly with shrinkage ;)
I just need to keep this up to get full APL then on to BSL curly which is a major goal.

(I use oils too) and I've only use flaxseed gel once in a while and Eco styler is on the shelf as emergency back up but I don't need it nor do I miss it. Go figure I was a Eco styler junkie. :lol:
I posted in the other thread I tagged you in. Why should I straighten my hair for these progress pics?

I've started back my manager job because their more lenient & flexible whereas with the school district still off because I can't be calling off. Not to mention their not willing to work with my restrictions. Surgery soon
Checking in! Can't believe 2016 is already around the bend!

Hair is doing fine, SSKs here and there but no dusting needed. Regimen is still the same, wash with diluted poo, leave my condish in, style. Nothing else. I did ditch the aloe gel for Ecostyler and S-curl. I love that they're heavier and do a great job at weighing my hair downwards. No matter the style I curl the ends on my finger, to keep them together and all turning in one direction.
@Lucia with your all butta regimen is your hair hard & stiff? That's how I imagine it would be. Shea Butter does that to me.


I whip my Shea butter with oils so it's a little softer so my hairs not stiff.

Also I use Shea butter for PS buns and Camille rose moisture butter which is like a thick cream for out and down styles like braid outs wash n gos etc.
My hairs always moisturized no dry fall hair.
@Lucia sounds like I need to whip my Shea Butter mix. When I make mine I just use a fork. I haven't tried Camille Rose products. Are those all natural/organic?
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You need a small hand held mixer/beater that will make it easier and save your hands. It's not easy to manually mix Shea butter.
Camille rose as far as I know is all Natural that's why I tried them I was looking to decrease my use of synthetic products and now I've done that.
Check them out you can get all her products online and some at target.
So I still need to post my recent length check and hair trim pics, but I wanted to give a review for my now favorite moisturizing conditioner. I just tried the Carol's daughter marula curl therapy softening hair mask for the last two weeks. And it's amazing. I only have it on for like five minutes in the shower, but my hair has come out the softest I've ever felt. I highly recommend trying it. It's a bit pricey, but a little goes a long way. I love, love, love it.
I posted in the other thread I tagged you in. Why should I straighten my hair for these progress pics?

I've started back my manager job because their more lenient & flexible whereas with the school district still off because I can't be calling off. Not to mention their not willing to work with my restrictions. Surgery soon

No not necessary, you don't need to straighten just for updates
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Checking in: I took out my mini twists. I had to keep them in a week longer than I wanted. I fell during my long run and ripped up the palms of my hands. I know now that I need to keep my headlamp with my other running supplies if I insist on running in the dark.

But anyway, I found that sealing with loc butter did help my ends while I had my twists in. Today, I'll finger detangle again, prepoo, wash, apply a light protein treatment, and deep condition. I'm not sure if I'll blow out my hair or just put in two cornrows while wet. Next weekend I'll do another light protein treatment before installing crochet braids.
Well, I am a bit bummed right now. I finally took time to look at my pictures from the last time I straightened and trimmed, which was about 2 months ago. And when I compare the pics to my hair a year and two years ago, it doesn't look great. I keep needing to cut my hair almost to the same place. To be honest my hair did get an inch below TBL, however, the bulk of my hair doesn't seem to be getting longer. In fact, it might have gotten shorter. I really want my hair to thicken up, not just part of my hair to get longer.

I'm not sure if I should just be expecting my hair to thin out at the ends. I see in some pictures of other people their hair makes a V at the bottom. Does anyone have thoughts about that? If my hair would do a V that would be one thing, but my hair makes a W (haha), not cute. I'm also not very good at flatironing. I think I've got my technique down, I just need to bump up the heat a little bit because I've been using 360 - 375 and it's not enough so my photos aren't very accurate.

Plan Moving forward: I'm going to start oiling my ends throughout the week, and I'm going to go back to using henna every three months. I always felt like my hair was the strongest when I was using it consistently and thicker (because my hair is really fine) and I really liked the subtle color. Also, I'm going to start taking better pictures. I looked online for a length check t-shirt, but I don't see anyone who has one that goes past MBL. So I'll have to figure something else out.
Well, I am a bit bummed right now. I finally took time to look at my pictures from the last time I straightened and trimmed, which was about 2 months ago. And when I compare the pics to my hair a year and two years ago, it doesn't look great. I keep needing to cut my hair almost to the same place. To be honest my hair did get an inch below TBL, however, the bulk of my hair doesn't seem to be getting longer. In fact, it might have gotten shorter. I really want my hair to thicken up, not just part of my hair to get longer.

I'm not sure if I should just be expecting my hair to thin out at the ends. I see in some pictures of other people their hair makes a V at the bottom. Does anyone have thoughts about that? If my hair would do a V that would be one thing, but my hair makes a W (haha), not cute. I'm also not very good at flatironing. I think I've got my technique down, I just need to bump up the heat a little bit because I've been using 360 - 375 and it's not enough so my photos aren't very accurate.

Plan Moving forward: I'm going to start oiling my ends throughout the week, and I'm going to go back to using henna every three months. I always felt like my hair was the strongest when I was using it consistently and thicker (because my hair is really fine) and I really liked the subtle color. Also, I'm going to start taking better pictures. I looked online for a length check t-shirt, but I don't see anyone who has one that goes past MBL. So I'll have to figure something else out.

@Dee Raven
Don't keep cutting you're cutting your lead hairs thanks theory by @Chicoro
If you want to pass that goal you might have to hide your hair some or when straight wear a wavy or loose curl style to hide the uneven ends.
I have a natural V shape and I used to cut and trim and lost a lot of length that way. I wanted blunter u shape but I'm fine with it now. I will do a U or blunt when I reach my final goal. Hth