Grow It Long Challenge Keep Growing On...

So, it turns out I'm part way to my goal already. The longest portion of my hair is BSL in its wng state, without any stretching on my part. And the change happened because of a change in products. Now I just need to get the rest of my hair to catch up. And I'm confident that I can get that in the time of this challenge. Ya!
I wanna join, I wanna join! Gold for me :drunk:

Start Date: Yesterday, Fri 19th June 2015

End Date: Saturday 19th December 2015

Hair Length Goal for this Challenge: MBL

Ultimate Hair Length Goal: WL

What or who inspired you to go for this goal ex: a picture of celeb, YT, someone on hairboards, blogger etc (post links): Curly Proverbz. I was looking up henna on YT because I want to cover my rapidly increasing greys and I found her channel yesterday.

Regimen: Moisturise daily (at bedtime) using LCO method. Co-wash weekly, shampoo or clarify monthly. Deep condition with each wash (need to find a deep conditioner, this is what I've neglected and where I may be going wrong)

Extras to help get to goal faster: Continue to improve diet for overall health and this will help my hair

What you will do once you reach goal: Post a pic and CELEBRATE!!! :afro:
Checking in:

Figured out that using a standing dryer on cool to dry my hair before setting in twists or braids on wash day is my perfect compromise between tension blow drying and air drying. My ends like this much better than air drying for hours.

I'm a full BSB and a nice MBL now. I'm tempted to straighten it but am going to hold off until the fall/winter. If things go well I should be just barely ( truly just barely ) WL in December.

Full update here:
Every wash day when I'm combing out my hair and apply my products I ALWAYS snip at hairs that bother me whether it be split ends or to make it neat and pretty. BUT I didn't do that Sunday which was difficult not to do. What kept me from picking up the scissors and using them was I remembered I was in this challenge. lol


Oh yeah
:orders: HIDE YOUR SCISSORS! :lol:
I'm weaning myself off unnatural hair gel mostly Eco styler
I'm trying to experiment and see if I can restain more length and keep more moisture in my hair. I'll post something in a month we'll see how it goes I have to find some alternatives now.
Is it too lTe to join this challenge. I cut about 3-4" three weeks ago, I do regret it. I was being very irrational and forgot that Aphogee 2 step could have easily fixed my horrible breakage issue. I have snipped here and there since the cut but nothing major.

So is it too late to start? I could easily complete the rest of this year without a trim or cut.
@Leo24Rule taking your post as a call to action! :) right now my hair appears healthy but also appears to be in a rut. I don't know if it's stalled at MBL, or resting and thickening up....but it's a little annoying. I did a protein treatment last week just in case I've got something going on and don't know it. Other than that my ends look good and I don't get much breakage. o_O
@caliscurls we have the same hair goals :)

So you feel as if your hair is at a plateau...a standstill if you will?
Are you taking any growth aid pills?

So your natural now...and I have all my life, but in my household even though my mom is a beautician we never had protein treatments. Is it really necessary?
Is it too lTe to join this challenge. I cut about 3-4" three weeks ago, I do regret it. I was being very irrational and forgot that Aphogee 2 step could have easily fixed my horrible breakage issue. I have snipped here and there since the cut but nothing major.

So is it too late to start? I could easily complete the rest of this year without a trim or cut.

@Lucia, Can I join even though I'm neck-length? :look: Y'all all flowing and ish in here. :lol:


@Honey Bee

Yes you can join anytime just pick how long you want to sign up for also add your regimen to your starting post tag me and I'll add you to the list.
You can change that at anytime. Just keep checking in so we can hold each other accountable.

No this thread is not dead :lol:
@Leo24Rule taking your post as a call to action! :) right now my hair appears healthy but also appears to be in a rut. I don't know if it's stalled at MBL, or resting and thickening up....but it's a little annoying. I did a protein treatment last week just in case I've got something going on and don't know it. Other than that my ends look good and I don't get much breakage. o_O


So some questions:
Where you live have there been frequent and/or extreme weather changes?

Do you live in the desert Texas, Sahara, Arizona type weather?

Have you changed anything in your regimen or diet lately? Products techniques styles tools etc

Do you have lead hairs?

Now I have to say it MBL is the HARDEST length to pass now it's difficult but obviously it can be done. It will take some extra a TLC and babying your hair to get through it. Maybe you're using protein DC too often maybe not moisturizing enough. When hair gets thicker or longer it needs more product and more moisture and needs hat moisture more often.
Sometimes products hat worked before don't work anymore you'll have to watch your hairs reaction closely. See how your hair feels is more important than the look you can layer a styler to get your desired look but tske care of what your hair needs first. Section hair into 4 or 6 and use a product on each section then wait before layering your sealing oil butter or styler, see how your hair feels then decide keep or not then on to the next product.
I used to get away with moisturizing 1 time per week now it's every 2-3 days and if it's really dry arctic cold or hot and dry outside 2times a day morning and night I lightly moisturize with mist leave in and seal.
@Leo24Rule you know that's a good question on the protein. The first time I went natural (before joining this board) I never used protein and reached APL with a simple wash n go routine and super moist twist outs. The one thing I did have though was splits all the time and lots of ssks. Honesty I had no idea what I was doing! The protein treatment last week (SheScentIt Okra) was the first in about 2 months. Earlier this year I was doing it every other week and it was waaaaay too much. So, I don't know if it's necessary or not...maybe I should forgo it you think??

For a little over a year now I've been taking the Natures Bounty Hair Skin and Nails supplement. On occasional I'll use a sulphur oil for about a week..but then fall off, lol! It's just too much extra work for me...I need simplicity :)

@Lucia I'm in Northern California and we are in a major drought. Maybe the air is drier than normal and I hadn't noticed?? Diet and excercise are on point -very healthy meals and exercise on average 5x a week for several years now. Things are pretty consistent there except I did recently up my water intake.

No product changes except in the last week I added castor oil to seal. My weekly routine has changed from air drying completely to drying on cool under a dryer. This has resulted in smoother ends and softer hair. I've been doing this for about a month now. Oh and in the last month I've added a new leave-in (trader joes tea tree tingle conditioner). It's attributed to softer and more moisturizer hair as well. Q1 my hair was dryyyyy so I knew I had to do something...maybe I need even more moisture though???

Lead hairs - yes! My hair grows in a dramatic V and the lead hairs are RIGHT THERE. I used to cut it but last year just decided to let it do its thing.

It's good to know that MBL is notorious for being a challenge. It helps me to put things into perspective BUT based on both of your questions maybe I need even more moisture?? It IS growing, it just seems MUCH slower than normal :bangdesk:
In regards to protein treatments, I asked my mother, a former beautician, about protein. She says Virgin hair doesn't really need it, but it wouldn't hurt. Just don't do it everyday, instead every 2 weeks or once a month.

I asked her could I use mayo or do I need aphrogee, ors, etc & she said Mayo is creamy & has eggs; everything I need. Or use flat beer as a final rinse & style as usual
I think I'm gonna have to wait to join this challenge. I bc'd months ago but I'm still finding random straight strands which I then have to snip off immediately cuz they stick out and look weird. :cry3:
Thanks @Lucia. I'll be relaxing in a few hours even though a video was posted on the sangers of relaxers. I'm really not in the frame of mind to start over right now so I'll be stretching relaxers as long as I can hold out.

Will be posting my stas later. @Lucia should a starting pic be posted?

ETA I won't be relaxing until next Monday.
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I'll be aiming for Diamond status! :yep:

Start Date: July 14, 2015

End Date: July 14, 2016

Hair Length Goal for this Challenge:

Ultimate Hair Length Goal:

What or who inspired you to go for this goal ex: a picture of celeb, YT, someone on hairboards, blogger etc (post links):
Several relaxed heads on Twitter & Instagram. I've been at BSL but it was short lived.

I wash once every week and maybe cowash in between if I feel like it/depending on how my hair feels.
Hard protein 1X/month using Aphogee 2 step protein treatment.
Apply growth aid oils to scalp 2-3X/wk
Protective style after 5 weeks post in weaves
Baby my ends and hides scissors.

Extras to help get to goal faster:
Be very consistent with my vitamin/supplement regimen.

What you will do once you reach goal:
May decide to fully transition