Grow It Long Challenge Keep Growing On...

Thank you @Lucia for posting those curly hair winter regimens. I especially love CourtneyCurls video. I'm definitely going out to purchase the Aunt Jackie's moisturizing flaxseed butter.

Took down my two pigtails today after keeping them in all week and moisturized under a wig. Hair will be worn down today until I come home to wash. I think I will do either a co-wash cleanse or use ayurvedic powders.

I've stopped air drying it's too cold now and my hair takes forever to dry, I only let my hair and product sit for ten minutes first to lock in the moisture. I diffuse now about 80-90% dry.
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Curly Nikki Reviews Miss Jessie's Buttercreme

Hola Chicas,

So y'all know I'm off the wagon, right? In the past couple of weeks I've perused the hair aisles at Target and Ulta looking for the ultimate product to set my Dry Twist-n-Curl. I've spent 60 dollars and wasted time and effort. But I really need something to provide hold, lasting moisture, and lots of shine. Don't get me wrong, I love CURLS Souffle, I just wonder if something can keep my hair softer and moisturized past day three.

The morning after I returned the truck load of diapers to Target, I went back and hit up the 'boutique' hair product aisle. I've read countless (mixed) reviews of Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding, Meringue, and Curly Buttercreme. The consensus is that the Buttercreme is the best product on the line- providing moisture, definition, and hold. Also, their tutorial recommends you use it on dry twist-outs.

Now, for those of you that have been following me from day one, you know how I feel about MJ. I can't knock their hustle. Their marketing is impeccable... genius even, Miko and Titi's hair is stunning, but the ingredients in their products... eh. I've become lenient over the years, dibbling and dabbling in silicones and commercial products, but I've managed to stay away from 'pore clogging' mineral oil and parafin. Ladies, I got caught up... curiosity was killing me and many of my hair idols seem to really like the Buttercream for sets. Plus, I checked out THIS ARTICLE on mineral oil and coconut oil, and finally convinced myself to give it a try. I looked over my shoulder, picked up the 28 dollar (Father Abraham!) jar of MJ, and slyly slipped it into my basket. True story... like I was afraid one of y'all were going to see and judge me!

I've used it twice... both times on dry hair. It's thick, creamy, and smells like Thin Mints. I was light handed the first time, and a little heavier handed the second use. Both times my hair was left frizzy, limp, and ridiculously greasy. I hate 'feeling' the product on my hair. Sadly, it's a no-go. I can see how this product could potentially help protect my fine strands (the way Ultra Sheen did when my mom was doing my bra strap length hair in the '80s), but it's not for me... way too heavy. On a positive note, my hair was very soft and felt moisturized for 4 or 5 days. I'm assuming the emollients in the cream made my hair soft, which is not to be confused with moisture... this product would probably be good for sealing in a water based moisturizer.

I went shopping in my hair closet last night and decided that today, after a wash, and condition, I will give the KeraCare Naturals Butter Cream a try. I'll report back soon!

She says you can air dry you can but the instructions say to dry under a hair dryer, a hand held can be used also. That's how you get max results.
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Pre-poo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & Mission Condition Infused Coconut.
DC'd for an hour under the heat cap with Obia's Babassu.
Shampoo'd with SM Fruit Fusion.
Reconstructed with Kenya Moore Growth Repair.
Rinsed Out Blue Roze Strawberry Vinegar, Koils By Nature ACV Hair Growth & Suave Almond & Shea Butter.
LCOB'd with Curls & Potions Revitalizing Tea, Wonder Curl Butter Than Love Whipped, Curls Blueberry on scalp & Keravada Warm Vanilla on length and Tree Naturals Citrus & Vanilla.
I moisturized my ends tonight with APB Moisturizing Hair Lotion sealed with Rusk Deep Shine Argan Oil. Sprayed and massaged my scalp with Netwurks Xcel 21.
Well since today is the last day of the challenge, I would like to say that while I did not reach my goal length, I am happier that my hair is longer and healthier than it was when I started. Slow and steady wins the race so I'll stay consistent with my routine and get to my length when I can.

It was fun spending these past 18 months with you ladies. I'll post a pic later on today or tomorrow.
Okay I sort of figured out what I will be doing to my hair this weekend. I will be:

Prepooing with avj, Banyan Botanicals oil, and coconut oil mix
Hendigoing my hair

Cowash with Matrix Fiber Strong Conditioner or Redken Color extend Conditioner
Hot Oil Rinsing with Safflower Oil

Deep Protein Conditioning with Affirm 5 in 1 Reconstructor
Deep Moisturizing Treating with APB Moisturizing Conditioner

Leave-in - NG Sweet Plantain Leave-in
Sealing with Bask & Bloom Silky Aloe Hair Pudding or Sarenzo Creamy Oil
Style - my hair plait down with a wig to go.
Over the weekend, I did the following:

Prepoo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & Kyra's Shea Nutrition & Conditioner Butter Cream on the ends.
DC'd under the heat cap for an hour with Alikay's Avocado Cream.
Scalp Scrubbed with a mix of CC's Natural Lavender & Chamomile & Honey's Handmade Green Apple.
CW'd with Verbena.
Reconstructed with Kenya Moore's Growth Repair.
Rinsed Out Koils By Nature ACV Growth and Paul Mitchell's The Detangler & SSI Avocado.
LCOB'd with Curls & Potions Revitalizing Tea, Wonder Curl Butter Than Love Whipped, Curls Blueberry on scalp & Keravada Warm Vanilla Sugar on length, and Tree Naturals Citrus & Vanilla on ends.
This challenge allowed me to stay away from the scissors & heat. I may have not reached my dry curly hair goal which is MBL, but I did reach TBL but not full/thick. 2017 I will continue the no cut challenge & work on overall health of my hair. Hopefully it'll thicken up.
Thank you @Lucia
Day 7 of my inversions is complete, no oil, no massage, inverted for 4 minutes. Plus I moisturized my ends with APB Ayurvedic Hair Cream.
Thank you. :afro:It took me 3 years of being natural to get to this point,especially considering where my hair was before.


That's alright. Many black women never get there, over an entire life time. Now, all you have to do is coast to the next length gain. You have an excellent base that you can tinker with and adjust as you move to bra-strap, mid back, waist length and tail bone. I'm excited for you! :clapping:
Happy New Year !
I'm thinking of either starting a new post for 2017 or just a extend this thread right here since we have tons of good info here and some old threads get lost when they're inactive.
I'm definitely signing you up the challenge is still on!
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Ok Ladies the grow it long challenge will continue in this thread.
The rules are relaxed, so it's on you to stick to the minimal amounts of haircuts or trims per year, but you can do what you want. Although constant and frequent cuts and trims will defeat the purpose of this "self challenge" we're here for support and accountability.

You can check in daily weekly monthly or every couple months.
If you're still aiming for super long lengths by retaining most if not all that grows from your scalp re-sign up, for newbies just sign up. I will still post info and inspos :lol:

Just tag me @ Lucia no spaces and you're IN!
For those of you who want to keep documenting your prizes from page 1.

D for diamond =1 year complete
T for trophies = 3 months completed, every three months add a T.
Ex: you've completed 9m so in your siggy 3T
check out my siggy and first page. Or you can document time in challenge 1y3m whichever is easier for you.
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State your challenge goal Bronze, Gold, Platinum, Diamond (you can change this status at anytime)
Diamond Plus

Start Date: January 14th, 2017

End Date: December 14th, 2017

Hair Length Goal for this Challenge: Tail bone length/Hanging on/over my behind

Ultimate Hair Length Goal: (same as above)

What or who inspired you to go for this goal: Women with 4a/b/c Tail bone length hair on Youtube and a Fotki friend with 3b/c tail bone length hair

Regimen: Shampoo and Deep Condition 1x week, moisturize and seal daily

Extras to help get to goal faster: Hiding my hair with wigs, head wraps and keeping my hair covered at night.

What you will do once you reach goal: Straighten, trim, take 478 photographs and act like I think I'm too cute.
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State your challenge goal Bronze, Gold, Platinum, Diamond (you can change this status at anytime)
Going for Diamond status prob Diamond plus status.

Start Date: Nov 1 2014 (from don't cut it challenge)

End Date: Nov 2015 maybe I'll extend to 2016

Hair Length Goal for this Challenge: W'Hip/TBL stretched

Ultimate Hair Length Goal: Tailbone booty length, crakin stretched BSL -MBL curly ?

What or who inspired you to go for this goal ex: a picture of celeb, YT, someone on hairboards, blogger etc (post links):
from OP Natural Neiicey, 1Ballerina and others that I will post as inspirations here


DC 2x week oil scalp massages 3 x week PS no heat baby the ends

Extras to help get to goal faster:
working out more cardio vitamins juicing

What you will do once you reach goal:
I will maintain maybe let it grow longer but no set goals or limits. I will stick to my regimen but wear it down and out more.

At diamond plus status. Same goal as above, still growing for TBL stretched.
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Hey @Lucia , I'll sign up for another round of Diamond. One interesting thing: the other day, I pulled a a couple strands and realized they were classic length. OMG. I got a deva cut so they didn't really take much off the bottom and the cut is not even for straight hair, so what a surprise. That's definitely confirmation that if I wanted CL, it could happen with patience.

Start Date: 1/1/17

End Date: 1/1/18

Hair Length Goal for this Challenge: I would like to grow my layers out to MBL

Ultimate Hair Length Goal: Thick TBL with long layers on the sides

What or who inspired you to go for this goal ex: a picture of celeb, YT, someone on hairboards, blogger etc (post links): One, looking at an old picture of my hair from last year, I can see what I liked and what I would have liked, also, Curly Proverbz, though I could only ever dream to have her hair thickness.

Regimen: Weekly wng w/ deep conditioning (I think this is where I went wrong this last year)

Extras to help get to goal faster: Water and MV, I have one section that I will be trimming as need which is the crown. That is the area most prone to breakage, so I want to keep those ends healthy.

What you will do once you reach goal: Keep up my regimen, the same as I do now.
Hey @Lucia , I'll sign up for another round of Diamond. One interesting thing: the other day, I pulled a a couple strands and realized they were classic length. OMG. I got a deva cut so they didn't really take much off the bottom and the cut is not even for straight hair, so what a surprise. That's definitely confirmation that if I wanted CL, it could happen with patience.

Start Date: 1/1/17

End Date: 1/1/18

Hair Length Goal for this Challenge: I would like to grow my layers out to MBL

Ultimate Hair Length Goal: Thick TBL with long layers on the sides

What or who inspired you to go for this goal ex: a picture of celeb, YT, someone on hairboards, blogger etc (post links): One, looking at an old picture of my hair from last year, I can see what I liked and what I would have liked, also, Curly Proverbz, though I could only ever dream to have her hair thickness.

Regimen: Weekly wng w/ deep conditioning (I think this is where I went wrong this last year)

Extras to help get to goal faster: Water and MV, I have one section that I will be trimming as need which is the crown. That is the area most prone to breakage, so I want to keep those ends healthy.

What you will do once you reach goal: Keep up my regimen, the same as I do now.

:clap: that's good news. Keep that regimen going, it's working.
Not much has changed in my regimen just some small adjustments, my hair needs more product and more moisture especially in the winter. I'm also trying to phase out gels completely from my regimen.

Updated Regimen 2017

Nightly: spray mist AVJ, vegetable glycerin and water, moisture milk and/or seal with oil or whipped butter. Pineapple or loose braids, silk/satin pillowcase or bonnet.

Weekly: cowash, DC, LOCB (for seasonal dry hair), or usual light moisture seal routine.

Monthly or when needed: acv diluted with water to clarify or if Ive used heavy silicones (which I usually never use, I'll use a sulfate shampoo) I will usually use a sulfate free shampoo if I need extra clarifying for a fresh start.

I follow any shampooing with a co wash, and rinse conditioner or moisturizing DC. Always follow Aphogee 2-step protein treatment with the aphogee balancing conditioner then moisturizing DC with heat cap or steamer. Then I finish everything with my usual light moisture seal routine.

Rarely straighten, use bonnet dryer or diffuser to dry my hair for winter, air dry mostly in summer months.
Styles: Protective styles, wng, braidouts, twistouts.

Favorite products some on current rotation:

CRN moisture milk, moisture butter, DC. Homemade whipped butter, SM JBCO leave in, SM Raw Shea DC, curls blueberry paste for edges, eco styler gel for edges (phasing out eco styler gel because it's drying to my hair), homemade mist (AVJ,vegetable glycerin and water), ACV diluted with water (to clarify), Infusium 23 original. Homemade oil blends, henna tea spray (alternate with aphogee protein spray)

Oils: evco, evoo, castor, jojoba, grape seed, argan, avocado, macadamia and monoi oils.

ApHogee: Keratin and Green Tea Restructurizer (spray), Keratin 2-Minute Reconstructor, 2-Step Protein Treatment. I alternate my misters/sprays as needed.

Ayurvedic powders: shikaikai, amla, henna, brhingaraj, brhami

Updated: 2/23/2017
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