Grey hair going back to natural color


Well-Known Member
I have a few grey hairs (very, very few, probably about five that I've noticed so far) and I found one grey hair that was still black at the roots. In fact, about three to four inches from the root still had the natural color before going grey. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I googled it but didn't see much information. I thought that basically once the hair went grey, it stayed that way. Just curious.
I've heard of this before. I think it could be diet related. I've heard of ayurvedic powders/oils doing the same thing.
Do you relax or colour?

I've had white hair before that never grew back. When I was relaxing and colouring.

I've been natural since 2006. I colored a red streak in my hair once in 2007 and grew it out because it thinned out my already fine hair.

I've heard of this before. I think it could be diet related. I've heard of ayurvedic powders/oils doing the same thing.

I'm transitioning to vegetarianism and I've used amla powder as a treatment.

I read JBCO can slow and reverse graying.

I use this too. Not on my my roots but on my ends (in a coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil mixture).

I didn't know that so many different factors could stop/reverse graying. That's kinda neat. Thanks, ladies. :)
this happened to me. and it was from the medication i was taking. once i finally got off the medication. hair went back to normal. it was only like 2 strands that did this.

amla actually made my hair darker and have more of a sheen. didn't know that it could do this to some people.
Some say black strap molasses can do this if you ingest it or use it as a DC. I haven't used it long enough to say whether or not it works.
Funny that you said that. Here's a picture of a shedded grey hair (my hair, about 3 days ago). I took a picture of it cause it was so strange. You might not be able to see the white bulb at the root, but it is at the tip of the dark portion of the hair.

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I get random greys like that too with no answer. I don't use growth aids so I assume it's just what my hair does randomly lol

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
There was similar thread not too long ago and the conclusion was a a brief deficity.

Basically for a time your body was internally out of line and used vitamins normally reserved for your hair elsewhere. So for a short period you weren't producing pigment because attention was needed elsewhere
Some say black strap molasses can do this if you ingest it or use it as a DC. I haven't used it long enough to say whether or not it works.

Yeah. The theory behind it is copper deficiency causes premature greying.

I may try this as the first grey hair I got is on my hoohaa :sad::lol:
This happened to my dd. I found two grays in her sideburn area a few years ago. Then I noticed a while ago that one was brown at the roots. Now they are both gone. Weird. But happy for her. She's only 10. Actually, I had the same happen to me as a child.