
Well-Known Member
TMI WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I've hennaed three times in a total of four weeks. I've never hennaed before these three times and something really strange has been happening each time I've used it.... Each time I have left my henna on for a total of 8 hours... I put it in and wash it out. No big deal. Well when I have to go to the bathroom after I wash the henna out, my pee is OLIVE GREEN!!!! The first two times I thought it was just a concidence. My mom LOVES putting in those little air freshener things on the side of the toilet that changes the color of the water in the toilet so that's what I was thinking it was. This third time around, I realized that after I wiped, the toilet paper had a hint of green on it. I proceed to lift the toilet seat up to see if one of the air fresheners are on the side of the toilet... and there isn't one :nono: Should I be scared as h3ll right now or what??????? WTF?!

Please tell me I'm not the only one this has happened too. I don't feel strange. I feel completely normal after using henna. It's just my pee..... :blush:
What brand of Henna your using? Just to make sure I wont buy that in the future!:look:

No I just recently used Henna on my hair not even a week ago, the first use my urine didnt turn green.
...yup its happened to me before as well...this happens when you leave henna into a long time and it becomes absorbed into your body...its really no use to our body it has no nutritional value or benefit so our bodies just does away with and what better way than in pee :)
That's alarming. How is that possible, that would mean it's soaking into your body.... are you sure you didn't somehow drip some into the toilet or something lol? Can someone good in science get in here and explain how this could be possible??
What brand of Henna your using? Just to make sure I wont buy that in the future!:look:

No I just recently used Henna on my hair not even a week ago, the first use my urine didnt turn green.

It doesn't matter the brand leave any henna in too long and it'll happen to you too...its harmless
What brand of Henna your using? Just to make sure I wont buy that in the future!:look:

No I just recently used Henna on my hair not even a week ago, the first use my urine didnt turn green.

I've used three different brands (so each time is was a different one). I don't know the names by heart (but I know what the box looks like) because I throw the boxes away after I use them. I'm sorry.
...yup its happened to me before as well...this happens when you leave henna into a long time and it becomes absorbed into your body...its really no use to our body it has no nutritional value or benefit so our bodies just does away with and what better way than in pee :)

Thank God!
I just read through the message board. Someone found out from a website that "henna is toxic to the body" and ""the substance constitutes a health hazard." :blush:

Nawww of you click the link into the so called "study" its some weird yellow mustard powder (not any kind or body art quality henna i know about) they were testing on subjects that were actually injesting it...
Never had any green urine myself ... and I've slept in it. There are people on the internet who find health hazards in anything especially when their agenda is to get you to buy their product instead. But honestly for anyone not comfortable with henna don't use it. There are 1001 other conditioners both commercial or homemade that can be substituted instead.
Never had any green urine myself ... and I've slept in it. There are people on the internet who find health hazards in anything especially when their agenda is to get you to buy their product instead. But honestly for anyone not comfortable with henna don't use it. There are 1001 other conditioners both commercial or homemade that can be substituted instead.

For myself, I use henna for the conditioning AND color. So I would definitely be missing out.

But I'm glad to know that I should not be alarmed by it. :yep:
Next Scheduled Henna Date: June 25 :grin:
I would probably go to the doctor to be safe. None of us are really experts to tell you that there is nothing wrong. If my urine was green, I would be in the doctor's office right away.
Never had any green urine myself ... and I've slept in it. There are people on the internet who find health hazards in anything especially when their agenda is to get you to buy their product instead. But honestly for anyone not comfortable with henna don't use it. There are 1001 other conditioners both commercial or homemade that can be substituted instead.

Me too and I have never experienced that!
This happened to me years ago as well. I can't recall the brand, but I think it came in a green box with pics of leaves on it. worries. I henna WITHOUT FAIL monthly. I use NUPUR henna exclusively. Its my favorite brand and I absolutely LOVE :love: what NUPUR does for my hair. I sleep with henna each time I apply, so its sitting on my head, under plastic for 12-13hours. I know that my first urine of the morning will be brownish-greenish. :lachen: I'm used to it by now. Its nothing to worry about, and I think even Katherine's site talks about it too.

I'll get some links posts to back it up...
Taken from the forum: THE HENNA

Site Admin
Posts: 4236
Re: New Drug Interaction Warning
Posted on: 12/26/2008 10:28 PM
Green Wee turns up from time to time with henna and hair and it may not be connected to your meds. Grey or bloddy wee should be examined for hemolyzed blood cells.
People turn up about once a month with green wee over on the hair forum ...... go there and use the search function. We've logged many green wees. Startling but probably harmless.
1) there doesn't seem to be any health threat to green wee whatsoever, unless you tend to faint at the color of your wee.
2) green wee seems to be a normal metabolite of napthaquinone ... and you can get green wee from asparagus, rhubarb and a few other things. None of these are harmful. Just startling.
3) most people get green wee from really high dye content henna, especially with prolonged exposure to henna. More lawsone on your head means more lawsone circulating in your bod.
4) some lawsone is going to hit your bloodstream, and it seems to be harmless ...... UNLESS you have G6PD deficiency (inherited blood enzyme type in about 10% worldwide (high dye content henna with large prolonged exposure is going to tip the scales ...... and if you're not homozygous (far smaller percentage) .... much less likely to present a problem) If you get bloody wee, faint, or ...... die ...... its time to RUN, not walk to your doctor and talk about G6PD deficiency. If you get green wee ...... seems to not be any problem.
5) some people have it one time and not the next ....... which persuades me that a combination of more than one factor may be necessary to make you wee green ....... like other foods, medications, amount of liquids coursing through your kidneys ..........
6) Green wee tends to be ONE void after prolonged application. No recurrence until the next henna. That tends to position it as a metabolite and not something to be particularly concerned about.
Question 1: have you ever been diagnosed as having G6Pd deficiency? If so, are you homozygous?
if your answer is yes .......... have your physician advise you about henna use. Now ........ impaired liver function and G6PD deficiency ......... talk to your physician ...... and let me know. This is interesting.
Actually, I'm kind of relieved that it doesn't do the whole asparagus metabolite drill .... I'd have to quit henna.
i've never had green wee myself, and only have reports from others. One woman posted on the hair forum recently that after hennaing her hair, her nursing child had henna breath and henna diaper poo ......... she was very startled ..........

Site Admin
Posts: 1594
Re: is it safe
Posted on: 01/17/2009 09:54 AM
"Completely safe for health" doesn't exist. Living is dangerous to one's health, because the processes of life lead to our death.
However, henna and indigo are about as safe as you can get. There are no credible published medical papers showing any health problems from henna, except for the problem with G6PD deficiency in juveniles. (The one paper showing problems with henna was subsequently refuted by studies with better research designs)
Allergic reaction to henna and indigo are so rare as to be negligible.
Some people don't like the smell of indigo. Some people have some irritations from the byproducts of the fermentation from indigo necessary to get the dye relrease.
Some people don't like the smell of henna. A few people void green urine after prolonged applications of henna, but that seems to be a harmless metabolite. Some people get a headache with henna, but that seems to be from pressure on the neck with the weight of the henna.
That's about it .....

Not all that unusual....even here on THIS site...

hope this helps....for me its been a harmless once-a-month/3-second experience.
Taken from the forum: THE HENNA

Site Admin
Posts: 4236
Re: New Drug Interaction Warning
Posted on: 12/26/2008 10:28 PM
Green Wee turns up from time to time with henna and hair and it may not be connected to your meds. Grey or bloddy wee should be examined for hemolyzed blood cells.
People turn up about once a month with green wee over on the hair forum ...... go there and use the search function. We've logged many green wees. Startling but probably harmless.
1) there doesn't seem to be any health threat to green wee whatsoever, unless you tend to faint at the color of your wee.
2) green wee seems to be a normal metabolite of napthaquinone ... and you can get green wee from asparagus, rhubarb and a few other things. None of these are harmful. Just startling.
3) most people get green wee from really high dye content henna, especially with prolonged exposure to henna. More lawsone on your head means more lawsone circulating in your bod.
4) some lawsone is going to hit your bloodstream, and it seems to be harmless ...... UNLESS you have G6PD deficiency (inherited blood enzyme type in about 10% worldwide (high dye content henna with large prolonged exposure is going to tip the scales ...... and if you're not homozygous (far smaller percentage) .... much less likely to present a problem) If you get bloody wee, faint, or ...... die ...... its time to RUN, not walk to your doctor and talk about G6PD deficiency. If you get green wee ...... seems to not be any problem.
5) some people have it one time and not the next ....... which persuades me that a combination of more than one factor may be necessary to make you wee green ....... like other foods, medications, amount of liquids coursing through your kidneys ..........
6) Green wee tends to be ONE void after prolonged application. No recurrence until the next henna. That tends to position it as a metabolite and not something to be particularly concerned about.
Question 1: have you ever been diagnosed as having G6Pd deficiency? If so, are you homozygous?
if your answer is yes .......... have your physician advise you about henna use. Now ........ impaired liver function and G6PD deficiency ......... talk to your physician ...... and let me know. This is interesting.
Actually, I'm kind of relieved that it doesn't do the whole asparagus metabolite drill .... I'd have to quit henna.
i've never had green wee myself, and only have reports from others. One woman posted on the hair forum recently that after hennaing her hair, her nursing child had henna breath and henna diaper poo ......... she was very startled ..........

Site Admin
Posts: 1594
Re: is it safe
Posted on: 01/17/2009 09:54 AM
"Completely safe for health" doesn't exist. Living is dangerous to one's health, because the processes of life lead to our death.
However, henna and indigo are about as safe as you can get. There are no credible published medical papers showing any health problems from henna, except for the problem with G6PD deficiency in juveniles. (The one paper showing problems with henna was subsequently refuted by studies with better research designs)
Allergic reaction to henna and indigo are so rare as to be negligible.
Some people don't like the smell of indigo. Some people have some irritations from the byproducts of the fermentation from indigo necessary to get the dye relrease.
Some people don't like the smell of henna. A few people void green urine after prolonged applications of henna, but that seems to be a harmless metabolite. Some people get a headache with henna, but that seems to be from pressure on the neck with the weight of the henna.
That's about it .....

Not all that unusual....even here on THIS site...

hope this helps....for me its been a harmless once-a-month/3-second experience.

Wow thanks a LOT!