Green Tea for Growing Hair?!


Active Member
One of my friends(caucasian) said that she drinks herbal green tea daily. She says she does it because it is supposed to make your hair grow long... (she said it also makes your finger/toe nails grow longer too).
If this is true(I haven't tried it...but if it works for her hair type.. it should work for ours).
Has anyone else on here heard this or even tried this? The negative would be that the tea will stain your teeth.:perplexed
It's a good antioxidant so that's why I drink it. Never noticed any hair/nail changes from it. :nono: It's such a light color I haven't noticed it staining my teeth either.
well atleast it is a healthy beverage.. with antioxidants and all:yep:

I have never heard of it for hair growth either but when my friend said that I was just wondering if anyone else had heard this. Thanks for your response, Sareca with your foxy hair:grin:
I've heard of it before and I'm drinking some right now but mostly cause I like the taste and the anti-oxidants.

Green Tea and Hair Loss:

Using green tea to grow hair probably relates to the evidence for influencing circulating hormones in the body. A high intake of green tea correlates to higher levels of sex hormone-binding protein - or globulin, which carries hormones like testosterone around the body in a bound, unusable form so that tissues cannot use it directly. Testosterone is usually carried around the body by this binding protein, therefore, reducing levels of free testosterone, so that it cannot be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the hair follicle, which is thought to shorten the hair cycle and cause hair loss in men. Green tea is thought to effect the 5a-reductase type I enzyme, which converts testosterone to DHT. There are two forms of 5a-reductase, and type I is the enzyme in higher amounts around the body, but it is the type II enzyme, which is thought to be responsible for most of the DHT formed in the hair follicle. Finasteride/Propecia effects or inhibits the type II form found in hair follicle.

In any case, the 5a-reductase enzymes can be confusing when you try to figure out what type I does and what type II does and what the difference is for hair growth. From a hair growth perspective, both can be important, it is just that Merck makes a big hype about the fact that their product, finasteride/Propecia inhibits type II and this is supposed to be the main enzyme form found in hair follicle, however, research work done in my lab a few years ago, revealed both forms in hair follicle, and also sebaceous glands. If anything, the type I enzyme is found mostly in sebaceous gland, which is just next door to the hair follicle and can also effect the level of male hormones around the hair follicle.

Again, no clinical studies have been done to show efficacy of green tea for hair loss, so it is up to the user to be aware of the cost, side effects, the fact that no proper dose level is known to effect hair growth, etc.

2. Drink Green Tea

As always, experts disagree with the merits of green tea and whether or not it does conclusively help hair health and encourage growth.
Experts who believe in the hair health benefits of green tea point to the fact that certain compounds found in green tea cause the relaxation of blood vessels, helping overall cardiovascular activity through increased circulation. Of course increased circulation will naturally help nourish hair roots and scalp tissues.​
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Interesting! I've never heard of this but I drink Iced green tea almost every day. (Arizona brand) Does that count? :)
I've never heard of that before, but this thread caught my eye as I am drinking a big ol mug of green tea as I'm typing right NOW. I was hoping it would help me with some weight I'm trying to lose.
Interesting! I've never heard of this but I drink Iced green tea almost every day. (Arizona brand) Does that count? :)

well my friend said she only drinks the herbal kind(tea bag). But as far as the green tea drinks.. I don't know how much green tea content is in the bottles. I also never heard of green tea growing hair until my friend said it. If it doesn't contribute to long hair growth atleast the antioxidants alone are full of health benefits!
I've never heard of that before, but this thread caught my eye as I am drinking a big ol mug of green tea as I'm typing right NOW. I was hoping it would help me with some weight I'm trying to lose.

and I am looking at an empty bottle of Diet Lipton Green tea w/ Citrus on my desk. I downed that bottle and it was soooooo good!:lick:
wow thats a lot of cups!! then if its not for fast hair growth, atleast its yummy!!:grin:

Yeah, I really like the taste! I don't understand how some people don't like it :D

I usually have about 3.
6 is for those days when I'm really craving it.
Actually, I think I might be slightly addicted to it. Might be the caffeine... that can't be good :perplexed
Yeah, I really like the taste! I don't understand how some people don't like it :D

Well ... count me in as one of the people who doesn't like it. It just tastes like bark steeped in water to me. Perhaps I'm drinking the wrong kind or not flavoring it properly.

After reading this article, perhaps I should give it another try?
Well ... count me in as one of the people who doesn't like it. It just tastes like bark steeped in water to me. Perhaps I'm drinking the wrong kind or not flavoring it properly.

After reading this article, perhaps I should give it another try?

:lachen:that got me tickled.. u can try adding honey to it for flavor:lick:.. or even a tadbit of sugar.