New Member
For all the ladies on the stretching relaxer challenge, what is the biggest obstacle you face as the time passes and how are you dealing with it? Right now my I'm 13 weks post relaxer and my biggest challenge is getting my new growth to stay slick when I do a ponytail. I find that If I set my hair by sitting under the dryer so the base is somewhat dry, It's easier to handle in the next few days. However, if I wash and air dry overnight in the ponytail, the newgrowth seems to puff up more. What I do to combat is is use a serum, a smoothing balm and a leave in to get the newgrowth to lay as much as possible. I'm not experiencing any breakage or extra shedding. I actually think I could go longer than 16 weeks IF my new growth would behave. So what are your challenges?